Why do you think Mercy needs to be changed?

I find the statements above to be factually incorrect

I use the term factually in statements that are factual to delineate them from statements of opinion

It’s so funny to me how prior to the -10hps it was all “Mercy will be a mustpick so long as she has E Rez!” and now people act like E rez is worthless and barely ever mention it or straight up dismiss it when it comes to discussing Mercy’s utility. Crazy stuff.

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Is that a fact? I’m sure I’ve seen you state you opinions as facts cos you believe them…

Out of curiosity, is this how you speak IRL?


Regardless of their opinion, assumed to be self-proclaimed as fact. I should assure you that, looking in a quick search of the word “Factually”, it is indeed, pretty Factual. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Having the lowest of 3 main healers doesn’t mean she is bad.

It’s unreasonable to ask for all 3 main healers to have an equal pickrate. This is simply impossible due to their different kits.

Has Mercy a pickrate around 1%? No!
In fact, she has the 6th highest pickrate in the game.

And yes, her pickrate is lower in GM, but I don’t find this weird. Mercy isn’t meta on the rank that is more focused on metas.

Mercy’s winrate is around 50%.
That’s average.


She still has the second highest healing.

  • Unbalanced =/= Unfun, unrewarding and unimpactful.
  • Balanced == Average winrate, healthy pickrate and good stats.

Balancing solely on fun is impossible, because fun is subjective.

  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want mercy 1.0.
  • There are players who dislike Mercy 2.0 and want Mercy 3.0.
  • There are players who like Mercy 2.0 and don’t want mercy 1.0 or Mercy 3.0.

You can’t satisfy all of them.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, Fun and Realistic Balancing.
Bloggerman :green_heart:


I think that the change of putting most of her power into a clunky ability with a super long cooldown was what annoyed people. Also changing her ult to the support version of tac visor.

At least that’s a couple of gripes I had with.

It’s probably worth considering that different people have different opinions…

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Revert her healing to 60/hps and maybe in Valk make it 70/hps and 55/hps for the chained allies :woman_shrugging:

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People keep mentioning this tank meta. I’ve played bronze, silver, gold and plat and have yet to encounter this tank meta. In fact I encounter a full on dps meta and yet the pickrate of the only dps enabling healer in game, in elos where there is no tank meta is lower than the tank enabling healer. Something doesn’t make sense here, or did Silver players start running GOATs once I moved on to higher elos.

I am putting her against other main healers so zen doesn’t really concern me, as for the rest, they also gain stuff from those limitations. Ana needs aim unlike mercy? Well in return she has infinite range and doesn’t have to dive in with her team like mercy does. Moira has a resource meter? In return she has more survavbility, an invincibility/invisibility movement and aoe heals. I mean we could keep spinning these arguments over and over but it wont change a thing. Numbers wise her healing is middle ground and her damage output even with damage boost is 1/10 of Anas with weaker utility. in the end she either has to have her 60 hps back or you could give her a defensive ult and remake her as a damage dealing off healer with zens healing numbers. Personally, I only care that she cannot compete with these two because the category of main healer is where all 3 are competing.

I am unaware of any instance where this has occurred

Hm? Her power increased once she got the “clunky ability with a super long cooldown” through GA bunnyhop tech. It wasn’t until the -10hps that her base kit was impacted negatively.

A search of this sort will return results that include statements of fact made by me

Is said:

Mercy having a slightly lower pickrate than Ana in silver, gold and plat is something I don’t consider alarming.

I think it also depends on the team comp.

A Mercy in a dive oriented comp would perform better than a Ana in a dive oriented comp.

Thank you for not blushing again

Much appreciated

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They do go on about how “personal experience” is the only reliable data. Regardless that overbuff’s data isn’t as egregious outdated as some like to think.

They also like to constantly state one thing, like how “the devs didn’t approve how Mercy players would hold out healing just to use their ult”.

While ignoring that the devs have openly stated that another point in changing her ult was because “it felt unfun to play again” -proving that fun was indeed a contributing factor. But fun’s subjective right?

They tend to not understand hyperbolic statements-taking things quite literally at face value instead of understanding the context behind it (it’s hilarious how they constantly repeat themselves on the whole jarring feeling of the movement reduction).

Well I do since I keep getting told she is an entry level hero and doesn’t get to be viable in high tiers and I keep getting told that the meta is bad for her. If she is below her in elos where meta is played and below her in elos where meta isn’t played and below her in elos that are considered ground zero of the ladder where an entry level hero should be you know strong then I consider that alarming.

I recommend that you take a look at BigMainLittleChains

I don’t. Brigitte was easy af and SUPER broken for a while and during that time her pick rate didn’t blow up all over the lower tiers. There’s a lot of reasons people will pick things out of the meta tiers.

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The base speed was dropped to 20% and it’s amplification of the base speed boost from 70 to 50%

LOL Brig is trash outside of GOATS, and if you run her in a 2-2-2 you WILL lose. So you want teams to run a Lucio AND a Brig to protect an Ana? Too much work, and triple support isn’t worth it unless you’re running GOATS, which is going to die after this update.


Give me an exact quote where they call Bap the main healer in that combo? Where they specifically call him the main healer in a Mercy combo. You can’t, because that’s not what they said. They said they can be played together, they never said he will be the main healer in that situation.

Then I guess we both just have different point of views.

Thanks :blush:

Oh no!

You had to go ruin a perfectly good thread again, eh Bloggerman? :wink:

As a penance, you must go watch the boycott overwatch video made by the current leader of the toxic and entitled alleged revert/rework/whatever mercy deal ten times in a row. :slight_smile: