Why do you think Mercy needs to be changed?

Keep “feelings” and the fun aspect to yourself. We’re talking about game balance here.
Anything off-topic will be ignored.

As a GM Mercy player, who absolutely adores Mercy, I’d like to know why so many players think she’s in a bad state balance-wise.

Convince me!


Um… Question…

Was making another “Mercy needs / doesn’t need changes” thread neccesary? I believe you made a thread regarding your thoughts on Mercy not needing changes not too long ago, as well as one that does ask for a change.

One that doesn’t want changes

One that asks for a change

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Not really. She’s fine in my eyes, slight buffs would be welcome but that’s it.


I don’t need you derailing another post of mine.
Learn to keep the discussion related to the topic of the thread.
Until then, see you.

PS: still waiting for you to accept my friend request <3


If we kept feelings and the fun aspect to ourselves to focus only about balance, we wouldn’t be here since Mercy wouldn’t have gotten a rework.


Respectfully, this is most definately on topic.

You have made a thread that pretty much already gives your thoughts regarding #MercyIsFine, and one where you are asking for a change. I don’t think asking for the purpose of a third thread that is similar to the other two is “derailing the thread.” Quite the opposite actually.

In most cases, would this not be considered as spamming the forums with Mercy threads, that we see happen so often otherwise? This is technically the 3rd thread made within the span of 24 hours. :blush:

Regarding the friend request, I haven’t been playing Overwatch as of late, due to some stuff going on, but will sometime next week.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


I wouldnt mind her healing going to 55 on the PTR, besides that i think shes fine.


It’s just a forum, who cares? ._. Just ignore it and keep going, it’s not like it harms anyone.

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On fire isn’t a specific change to Mercy.
Its a problem ALL HEROES have who don’t really do any killing/damage, Mercy just so happens to be designed around doing very little of either.
It requires a change of the on fire system ITSELF not Mercy.
The OP is not contradicting themselves.


Oh, so to clarify… Posting multiple mercy threads in one day is okay to do now? It’s no longer seen as “spam” or “flooding the forums”?

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Mercy is fine, people are actin a fool right now


As if giving Mercy players the attention they want if they really want their hero changed is a bad thing.

You constantly derailing threads could also be considered spam.

Now back to the topic

PS: accept my friend request <3

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As long as it’s kept civil and respectful, I don’t mind. Altough this forum could really use a block option sometimes :smiley:

It could do with sub-forums for each hero.
Anyone who doesn’t use them and clutters general discussion is punished accordingly.

Not buffs, but a mini-rework.

  • Single beam on Valk, weaker chain beams. To bring back beam prioritization in ult. Skill floor stays, Skill ceiling no longer reduced while ulting.

  • Res linked to Valk.
    Can be balanced to be a little less clunky because it’s restricted to the ult.

  • Res on a resource meter.
    Mini-games within games. And playing well actually really mattering.

Other things I’d like:
Beams not breaking when Valk starts.
Make superjump an official feature and not a bug.


She don’t need major changes, but
A) So she could compete with now 3 main healers
B) To make her more fun to play

Like i’d change her like that:
Now heals the same amount as normal beam
Main target is healed with extra 30 hp per second, whatever the beam she uses

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I want Mercy to be changed, because I think she should be useless hero, who can not do anything at all

Great! I was just wondering, I’ll be sure to keep this in mind the next time a Mercy player posts a thread that asks for a rework or a revert. Thanks for the clarification guys. :blush:

P.S. Technically this request for friendship is also offtopic, but since you asked, I’ll certainly think about the offer. Thanks anyway though! :smiley:

Back on topic, I think Mercy needs changes, specifically to help her become more engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play. As having the lowest winrate percentage among the supports, I think that there’s certainly more to be done. And I don’t think that adding some QOL changes to her kit in the very least, would be a problem. Mercy can do with some more utility and agency in my opinion.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


Im pretty sure I remember you from previous many threads, and im pretty sure that ‘‘convince me’’ is as honest as the forum silver widow that will swap if she doesnt get a pick and then leaves voice.

So, come back and talk to us again, about a month after Baptiste joins the roster.

Mercy being relegated to off support to pocket a handful of heros doesnt make her in a good spot. Saying Ashe is somehow a buff to Mercy because Ashe benefits from having a Mercy pocket is hilarious and showcases Mercys spot very well.

Streamers in top 500 and GM losing their minds on stream for the ‘‘throwing Mercy main’’ playing Mercy in their games.

90% of my games if I do pick Mercy and the second supp gets an off healer we will be pestured to swap to Moira or Ana.

I personally dont believe its healthy for a main healer to not be able to do their job as well as other main healers in the game, nor do I consider it healthy balance to reduce a hero to a mobile health pack/Zen discord for certain dps players.


Hi, I’m also a GM Mercy main, with about 800 hours on her, and I’ve played her since launch.

Personally, I only want 55 HPS and a better on fire meter. Also, some cosmetic changes to her healing/damage boost beam graphics to look more polished and pretty.

But I realize that many people within the Mercy community want her to be more fun and impactful, so I’m not opposed to her receiving any changes which do that. I think it’s good to be open minded to change, but I also hold my ground on saying she is fine currently.