Why do you think Mercy needs to be changed?

Anything but that. I’m sorry. I will never blush again. I promise.

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I agree with you regards to equal pickrate. That’s not my issue with it.

My issue, is that Mercy has a lower avg pickrate than the other main healers from Silver to GM. Her pickrate used to be higher in the past. I think it’s fair to say that it’s falling. Personally I don’t see that as “healthy”, as this has been going on even before GOATS. For the past 6 months, she is most picked in bronze, 2nd most picked in silver, and then is behind the other main healers (and off healers the more you climb). I wouldn’t have a problem with it if she was the go to pick in the ranks she is to be good in (bronze - gold/plat-ish). My concern is that it looks to be that she is being traded out for other heroes who offer much more to the table. But I suppose we can of course go back and see if this changes once Baptiste is introduced.

49.75% is below average. She is about 0.30% successful in her matches as Bastion, despite being picked a lot more. Moira holds a closer 50% winrate.

She is still picked less than the other main supports who heal less than she does. Her healing is not the issue, it’s the impact she has in the game. Apparently despite her healing numbers, people are not picking her in favor of other main supports, and have been for the past 6 months.

  • Balanced =/= Fun, rewarding, and impactful to play. Heroes can be balanced and still seen as boring, lacking agency, or having no utility. The issue isn’t that Mercy isn’t balanced. The issue lots of people have with her is that she needs more and isn’t fun, engaging, or rewarding to play as a hero pick, compared to what other supports offer. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I don’t think she’s in a horrible, F-tier state - but she could be better. It’s hard to deny that E rez has caused major problems. If a sole ability is cause for multiple nerfs in order to balance said ability, it’s better off scrapped.

I’d rather, at this point, they rework Valk into something shorter but more potent (it drags on for too long, IMHO.) and give her something new on E (Dunno what, I’m too uncreative :stuck_out_tongue: )

EDIT: ALSO, please fix her on fire rate!


Um I think she directly affects heroes like Winston and dva viability.

They’ve substantially buffed the healing output of deathball comps, and with stronger utility, I think the 60hps nerf needs to be reverted, especially with DM nerf, armor nerf, reaper buff, etc. I think if they do dismantle goats as the go-to comp, we’ll see that dive still isn’t as strong as it once was and mercy’s nerfs aren’t entirely to blame, but a lot of buffs/nerfs that affect the viability of deathball versus dive


factually, at this point i’m shipping megadodo and revertmercy.

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I would rather not, if you don’t mind. I find the latter, completely mundane, cowardly, and off-putting. It would never work out.

I can agree to this. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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Current Mercy is fine. If anything,she needs bug fixes and whatnot. I really don’t want her to be OP again due to buffs or a rework.

And even if she got a rework,what’s to stop the Rework Mercy group from complaining about it cause it may not be what they wanted?

What if she doesn’t get Mass Rez? People would be angry. Also,that ultimate with Baptiste and his Immortality Field around would be broken…again. Which then would lead to literally everyone else in the playerbase wanting it nerfed for obvious reasons.

If she were to get more healing per second on her main beam,her beams would need to be like Moira’s alt fire. No lock on,constant LoS required. Which then would make her less accessible for new players. Any other way of buffing her healing would just make her overpowered.

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don’t be a tsundere, baka

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Good news – despite the fact that the one doesnt equal the other…she is all those things to a very large number of Mercy players, and most who don’t find this to be so personally have found 1 or more other characters they enjoy playing from the more than 2 dozen other characters available in the game

Sadly, there are a few tho that haven’t been able to find a way to move on from MR Mercy going on 2 years now

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Glad we can agree :smiley: I think that, if Valk must stay, it needs to be looked at and changed in order to feel more impactful - if it becomes stronger, there could be a tradeoff. Maybe some burst heal, whilst keeping her base heals the same?

I dunno, I’m not sure how well or bad that would work out :sweat_smile:

I think we’ll get a sign if it’s gonna be scrapped. Like making her invulnerable during res…

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Really? So RevertMercy is down for having Rez removed from the game?

Didn’t expect that.

WDYM? Like devs giving E rez invuln, or are you referring to the Q rez ‘buff’? Sorry, I’m missing a few braincells.

Hmm, where’s that j Jonah Jameson gif when you need it…

I’d opt for rezzes being exclusive only in her ultimate. Freeing up space for an ability on E. Rez charges if you will.

In the mean time, I wouldn’t mind a burst heal of sorts. Someone suggesting an ability that focuses her beam, but makes it more like Zarya, Sym, or Moira’s soft lock. I’d be interested to try something like that in the game. Personally, I’d prefer a bump of 55hp on the base heal, just to hit a middle ground. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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How about an optional (rather than replacement) use of the power on a living target, as suggested in the dodo compromise rework?

That sounds pretty good! I feel that if we shortened her ult, it could give it more “mass heal or rez people” type thing? I think I mentioned this a while back. It’s not a bad idea, though.

A burst heal would be good, especially if her base heals are going to stay the same. :slight_smile:

I’m afraid I haven’t heard of this!

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I can’t easily post links from a this phone, but a search should locate it easily

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I’ll have a looksee :slight_smile:

In my opinion, the statement you quoted said plenty, revealing why the decision was made to rework Mercy

I didn’t forget fun, but good news – there are a huge number of people who have fun with Mercy in her current state, and those who don’t have over 2 dozen other characters to choose from, including a new support in the next couple if weeks or so