Why do you think Mercy needs to be changed?

Thats usually not the case for me in the Diamond bracket. I rarely see an Ana miss their shots up there, but I can 100% understand in lower brackets how a Mercy would be the better choice, at the expense of tanks more than likely getting obliterated im team fights

I fail to see how that is relevant to the point I was making.

Mercy’s pickrate is lower than Ana’s in silver/gold and higher. How is that “healthy” ?

I’m honestly confused.

Mercy 2.0 was the most powerful hero since the game’s release.
Mercy 1.0 maybe had its drawbacks, but not to the point of Mercy 2.0

I understand, but it is possible to reach diamond tier without great aim skills, and if a player on your team selects Mercy, aim skills may be the reason for said selection

If your DPS players went sniper or Pharah, thus might be another reason or an additional reason as well. A good support player will be thinking about the team as a whole, not just the tanks

Question: would you prefer the Mercy player swap to yet another DPS, or remain as Mercy, assuming the player is equally capable of playing either

i have a great deal of fun winning while doing nothing for 15 seconds XD
I have a personal love of lazy heroes >.<

That’s a lot of words to say next to nothing.
All this is true, but you conveniently forgot that the reasons given not only mentioned but focused on the fun aspect, which is subjective.

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Factually, Mercy isnt required to stop moving when rezzing. I have seen many forum posts state otherwise. I stand by my statements of what factually occurs during rez

Pacifist is allowed to write up a rework suggestion even if he prefers (same as me) that she remain as she is. I too have written up a compromise rework suggestion, with the intent of keeping Mercy play almost exactly the same as it is now for those like me who like her as she is, while perhaps making a few of the unhappy folks less unhappy

which you should obviously understand that they are talking about the 75% movement speed reduction i’m not saying that you’re wrong i’m saying that you’re playing dumb! you’re smart so act like it!

that’s reasonable and i’m okay with that!


I have already stated that I stand behind what I have stated in regard to Mercy’s movement abilities during rez.

I do not consider the see e statements to reflect upon my level of intellect in any manner, but rather on my understanding of this game

Because there’s nothing wrong with her not having the top pickrate.

Also, Mercy is not meta, but she is viable. She’s also not F-tier or even D-tier.

So she has in my opinion an healthy pickrate.

Let’s take a look at the balance triangle, shall we?
Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Now let’s see how Mercy 1.0 (with mass rez) fits in this balance triangle.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t liked by many players.
    We all have seen the threads back then. The majority seemed to dislike it. Mercy’s ult had no counterplay other than dealing with Mercy before she ulted. (This could’ve been easily fixed with LOS checks though.)
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play, which it did. The hide and rez part of it. This is not how they wanted to see her played, even though that tactic wasn’t used that often.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then. Especially not after Ana’s release. She was even F-tier.

And how does Mercy 2.0 (the current Mercy) fits in the balance triangle?

  1. Players are divided about this. Some Mercy mains like her current kit and some don’t. One thing is for certain and that is that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t complain about Mercy’s ultimate anymore.
  2. The devs have stated that they are not going to revert and rework Mercy anymore. The amount of changes she has received proves that they are trying to make the current Mercy work. (But they could’ve done a better job at balancing her.) In interviews during the Blizzcon did multiple developers even stated that they are satisfied with the state of all support heroes.
  3. Her average healing is on par with other main healers and her pickrate is still healthy. It seems it’s better in low and mid ranks than in high ranks, but this could be blamed on the fact that Mercy isn’t meta.

In other words, outside of “not being fun to play” (for some), is the current Mercy balanced and viable. She is not in need of any changes.

I see some don’t get the message I’m trying to tell.

The current Mercy is balanced, viable and statistically not in need of changes. Mercy was not reworked because she was just “unfun”. There were other factors as well. And balancing solely on fun is as good as impossible because fun is subjective.


you complaining about people opening the same thread over and over is so poetic.


It really is poetic irony. I was going to make this comment but you already did it for me :slight_smile:


Now that we have Baptiste coming out, its going to be hard to say what is going to happen to Mercy at this time. We need to see how the game shifts to make room for this addition, we need to see what happens with Mercy vs Baptiste in terms of Pick Rate, Win Rate, Healing Percentage, etc to really find out if Mercy needs to be buffed, nerfed, or reworked. So I dont want to say if whether or not she needs something or if she doesn’t.


also basically only replying in two ways

  1. to people she disagrees: “i disagree so let’s end this here, also, let me digress on semantics so i can distract you from me not answering your points :blush:
  2. to people she agrees: "preach it fam you’re totally right :blush: "

the :blush: is an inevitability like death and mercy mains salt every time mass rez isn’t brought back.


Just accept the dang friend request! This is a love story waiting to happen!!


Oh I see that you are attempting to include me in a quote. I’m dreadfully sorry. I’m going to have to cut it short and inform you that unless you are providing an answer to a previous question I’ve asked you, that you are still ignoring, you are once again breaking our previous agreement. Factually, in case you have forgot, you still haven’t answered my previous question regarding Mercy. As such, I would ask that you would please not quote me in your replies until you do, as we have discussed previously. Many thanks for your cooperation! Your opinions that you believe are “fact” are still, well-noted. :blush:

Mercy 1.0 wasn’t OP and a must pick for 5 months straight, creating her own Moth meta. I’m genuinely confused at the point you are trying to make here.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

I’m sorry, am I to be concerned with what you believe to be poetic? Or are you attempting some more Ad hominem? :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

Sure you can play Mercy in goats even now if you want, probably get gold heals too, it wont make her good in the comp, and far from the best pick in the comp.

Why would you not just play batiste instead of mercy in bunker comps? Has 2 sets of aoe heals, has an no one can die button on a 20s cd to stop dive, while being able to buff both dmg and healing with his ult.

Ana-Lucio were played in Dive, before they both got nerfed. I dont really see why it wouldnt continue to work just fine, with Lucio or Brig babysitting the Ana against getting deleted by dive? Baptiste also has a very nice kit to deal with getting dived with his self and team aoe heal, his nope drone, his personal super jump with no cd etc. Pair him with a lucio or brig and he wont give a single damn about dive.

Also, didnt the devs say something among the lines of: “We consider baptiste to be a main healer and we can’t wait for you to use him alongside other heroes like Mercy.” during the baptiste commentary? Basically making her an off healer by official views?

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Do me a solid favor and read the comment I posted above.

Yes Mercy 2.0 was grossly OP, but the current Mercy isn’t. Statistically is she balanced and viable. That’s my point.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, Fun and Realistic Balancing.
Bloggerman :green_heart:


i did what you did to Pacifist.
You attacked them for opening the same thread over and over.
Someone that raided the forums and opened like… uh… i lost count how many “mercy is not fun rework/revert her” topics.

You reap what you seed :blush:


IDk how to convince you when you say she is statistically balanced but ignore the only stats available to us which is overbuff that disagree with you. Idk how to convince you when you say our subjective opinions do not matter but try to state your subjective opinion as a fact. Idk how to convince you when we show you the healing output and damage output numbers that show mercy being completely bottom tear in one and middling in the other. How about this, you tell me what can convince you and I’ll try to find a way to get it.