Jeff Interview Feb 27, 2019 - "Mercy is fine"

… M is you. R is me.

I think Torb’s rework is great, one of the best reworks they made, and he’s my second most played hero. So we’re going to have to agree to disagree on that. But you are entitled to your opinion.

i’m pretty sure that the data of the site has no effect on what category Symmetra is placed in. The data I have on my heroes is pretty accurate to Overbuffs report. I think the information per user is both useful and accurate. YMMV.

Apologies, did I say you have? I don’t believe I did.

Not true at all sadly… You have made quite a bit of “Factually” statements on things that are not really facts… Just opinions. Such as…

You have no proof of this, meaning… You were giving an opinion.

Which is Objectively false, as shown in the example above.

Or in other cases, when you mix both “Factually” with an opinion.

There’s more examples, but of course, those are but a few with regards to the “Factuallies” we all constantly tend to see. I dunno, in my opinion. If I’m going to be Factual about something, I would have evidence to back it up, instead of constantly dismissing or deflecting when people ask for proof. Just saying. :blush:

But… You still have no proof of what you said though, just deflected the question. So objectively no… you didn’t.

Once again, you are giving an opinion. You think you have a proper answer, when you actually have not. You are free to continue to believe you are answering questions truthfully and providing evidence, but the facts are there, and anyone can re-read this entire conversation and see that you still haven’t once answered my “Yes” or “No” question directly, of which I’ve asked 6 times, but have rather, given platitudes and changed the subject, just about every time it was asked. And the record shows that you still have given absolutely no evidence that backs up anything that you were saying, especially with regards to the following quote:

So that being said, with the amount of times my question has been deflected when I asked for proof of these claims, and the constant change of subject. I am led to believe that you had no proof to give and was just pushing an agenda. To make me assume that your opinion was ahem “Factual” when in reality, it wasn’t. And that’s quite a shame really, because I actually was looking forward to see if you would actually be able to deliver on backing up your claims, but unfortunately from what I’m seeing here, it looks like it was all made up.

Tell you what though. Since you always love to reply to just about every post I make. I’m going to make a promise with you. If you can provide a legitimate documented source or link that backs up what you said in that quote, specifically the following:

OW has a large customer base (some are blushing, some are not) which is happy (or at least not unhappy) with the current state of Mercy, and as such are continued customers

With record revenue, to boot…

Then I will continue to answer your questions and responses in turn. Otherwise, it seems like, as others have stated, that you are just arguing just to argue. Which borders on trolling at this point. So, I hope you understand that I’m going to go ahead and not waste any more of my time with this, and put a pin on this conversation until your proof can be given (proof that I currently doubt exists) and I’m going to just ignore your future posts, as you have done with my questions asked 6 times in a row (I think that’s fair after all). But otherwise, you are entitled to your opinion, and I hold it with as much respect as I would any other player, dev, or pro player, even though I completely disagree with all of it / your stance on Mercy. Which is completely fine.

I bid you adieu in your endeavors. Have a good one! Our conversation has, once again, been most riveting. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.

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