Why do you hate mercy and the player base

Thread imitation didn’t work yesterday. I don’t expect different results today.

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This is so much better than the Moira popcorn one.


[Insert Michael Scott “Thank you” gif because I apparently can’t do that]

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Stop saying they “hate” Mercy or the playerbase. Saying things like that is only going to get you upset about something that isn’t true. This character is going to get looked at regardless because of how her perception is right now in the community and I’m sure Blizzard know that. However, the devs need to free up time to do that because Mercy really is a character they have to sit down and think long hours about what to do and right now other charcters need help so it’s better they shift their attention to them before going back to her.


This is the more likely case, Occam’s Razor and all that. They changed Mercy because there was bandwagon outcry against Resurrect (not entirely undeserved, but it went a bit too far), and by heeding that outcry they’ve dug themselves into a trench with a flame war waiting on either side of it.
Saying anything at all about her right now is going to land them in trouble.

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I feel like the other reason for the most recent mercy nerf was due to all the complaints from console players having trouble dealing with Pharmercy as well.

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I am willing to bet they are putting long hours on OWL. They gotta make that money since the player base is leaving for games like fortnite.

Post hoc fallacy

Except nobody wants Mercy as the top priority. People just want a word on how they think she’s doing because 1.5% pickrate in GM for a supposedly popular hero isn’t exactly plausible, meanwhile Ana is 14% which means she’s in 84% of matches there and apparently that’s fine and balanced that she’s overshadowing everybody else.


Many were not happy with the rework overall, even in her op state. It’s been a long time since then and nothing really changed to make the hero fun again for those people.

That’s why many are so frustrated right now, which i can understand.


I feel as though there is a relatively simple middle ground of admitting she is not quite where they want her to be; however, they want to be careful to make sure she does not become overly dominant. I am a 60 HPS or bust person; however, a compromise is obviously 55 HPS and I find it hard to believe ANYONE is going to give them “trouble” for that.


well cuz they like the pro player who bring them money XD
so far all the nerfs we witnessed were after pro player or GM players complained and whined to OW.
i know they say that they listen to the community but they listen to the minority of players while kinda ignoring the majority cuz of the rank


they dont hate mercy.

they hate hearing about whining about mercy.

then after they switched whining fro mthe ppl who didntu se her to the ppl hwo usedh er they sighed and then just tossed em all in the trashpile megathread to not have to see em.

TBH I am a mercy main. She needed QoL changes not a rework. They wasted somuch time on her for the mess of a result she is and all this needless “for/against” posts are a result of bad original choice.

do i want her changed some? yes. Should they make it #1 priority? no. there are others who ae in need of work done before that happens.(same goes for sym as shes had too much tiem to get to where she is)


[Insert yet another Michael Scott “Thank you!” gif. Because I still am not at the necessary trust level.]
I agree, the rework shouldn’t have happened in the first place. Even then, Blizzard can’t be 100% to blame for this. I’d put most of that on the ones who were bandwagoning against Rez, since they made a racket back then that could put the current outcry to shame. It’s no wonder why Blizzard felt pressured to change her.

Not heaven, but definitely places.

Even said 1.5% GM pickrate is higher than almost half the entire cast.

Is Mercy doing relatively poorly? Yes. Is she doing so poorly that she merits immediate attention and for Blizzard to open a dialogue specifically about her?

No. Get in line.


Is reading that difficult for you or?


Context matters here. Mercy is one of three main healers out of six healers overall. Most heroes with low pick rates are DPS which we have 15 of so their pick rates will naturally be lower.

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If anything they adore you hence why they haven’t suspended most of you for breaking forum rules repeatedly

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