Why do you hate mercy and the player base

Should the real question be:

OP, why are you so obsessed with a video game character?

They don’t.

Any more questions?

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That child’s logic.

~Truely Yours xoxo,
A Defender, And Backbone Of The Team.
Tank Mains Unite! :shield:


because they act like entitled babies and you can tell alot arent used to being in a FPS gaming community so they think the world revolves around them.

oh, wait…

your sarcastically asking jeff…

well kinda proves my point.

Because of threads like this. There’s your answer. You’ve only yourself to blame.


Two of them are tanks.

And for the rest of them? There are 2.5x as many DPS as healers. Adjusting for that we shave off… 2 DPS? So instead of being ahead of 10 heroes she’s ahead of 8? Whoa nelly, the devs obviously hate mercy for her to be doing so average!

hence why I put his name in, this is meant to get there attention and if it does get removed or I get banned off the forums all they do is confirm what we already think. I want mercy to be fun to play again ,more for the player base then myself.


I don’t.

No, it’s probably more likely to get removed because this thread serves no real purpose.

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personally you have point there are people that are pains like that I’ve had my share of them, but that still doesn’t excuse all the nerfs disrespect and outright harassment the players who ARE good mercy players get. And hate the player who plays her not the character herself.

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it’s pretty evident that they hate mercy, coz she was unfun to play against now she is unfun to play as, with, and against. just to preserve the res ability. it’s the core issue pointed out by mercy players and non-mercy players alike

I don’t think they hate her. They just don’t know how to balance her.


I dont want her to be number one priority or OPAF but I gotta say all the heroes like Sombra, Bastion, Reaper and so on and so forth were already in a crappy situation before Mercys rework.
So maybe instead of giving Mercy a massive unwanted rework they should have paid some attention to those other heroes as well.