It amazes me that some people call Hanzo skill-less. First, he has the smallest projectiles in the game. Don’t believe me?
Second, he is one of only 3 characters in the game that has to deal with arc on their primary fire. Torbjorn and Junkrat are the others. Neither is known for their accuracy. Edited because I forgot about Junkrat, thanks for the corrections in the comments.
Third, he gets only one fully charged shot per second which means that missing a shot when you are in a duel often means death. In fact if you don’t have Storm Arrows and get surprised by a DPS, a headshot is often your only hope. Two body shots can save you, but only if the enemy is missing too. If you miss one entirely, you’re often screwed.
If you think of him as Spamzo, you clearly don’t play a lot of Hanzo. Yes he can spam at chokes if people are loitering there unshielded for some reason (just like any other character), but you aren’t going to get good value against a decent team that way. Also if someone with a little bit of aim confronts a no-aim Spamzo, then Spamzo is going to die.
And if you think “his projectiles are so fast he might as well be hitscan”, you clearly don’t play a ton of Hanzo or really know much about this game at all. In this game, heroes don’t have inertia when on the ground. Heroes can reverse their momentum instantaneously making leading more like RNG than skill. Not only that but the way the target’s body leans, and therefore their head position can also change instantly on many characters. This means success in leading targets with projectiles is often more dependent on the dodging skill of the target than on the the leading skill of the shooter. Yes, at close to medium range, against targets that move predictably, or against large targets like Hammond and Roadhog he does quite well. But at medium-long to long range, against smaller hit boxes like healers, or against skilled and aware targets he is far less effective.
You may think Hanzo is too strong right now. I can understand that position. He’s undoubtedly in a strong position and is undoubtedly favored by the current meta. With his new nerfs I think he is in a pretty good place, but he may end up needing another tweak or two. Regardless of his strength though, there is zero justification for the idea that he doesn’t require skill to play effectively.
People who say Hanzo takes 0 skill have no idea what they’re talking about, he’s still one of the most skill intensive heroes in OW, a spamming Hanzo isn’t going to be performing as well as a skilled Hanzo.
He’s not even favored. He’s literally the reason the current meta exists. Main reason Hanzo is considered easy to play currently is because you can’t contest him unless you have a better Hanzo or Widow yourself to take care of him. Otherwise it’s just pray and hope he gets caught out of position to pick him off quickly.
Yeah nah like hell I’m gonna believe anything that comes out of geoffs mouth.
Also, notice how he doesn’t mention hitboxes, he specifically mentions the projectile itself, not the hitbox or hurtbox.
Geoff can say whatever prepared lie/walk around the problem like always but 2 years and half of gameplay don’t reflect that, either the hitbox is huge or there’s something extremely wrong with latency in this game.
People say he is skill-less because lately all you see is people Spamming Important Corners and Chokes at Head level with Storm arrow when they think someone is comming, Spamming a Area where a widow needs to peak for her shot as well for example. That’s Really why, And most lower Tier Hanzos do just That, Spam arrows instead of actually trying to aim, because the speed and spam potentional of Storm arrow is just sooo much easier. Like for example im gold, and i was in a match playing widow facing a hanzo, who was just Spamming Arrows at the corner i was peeking untill i walked into one, Watched the kill cam too just to see, and lone be hold, he just kept Charging and Firing until i was finally Unlucky enough to walk into one at the wrong time (took him like 5 or more shots), Thats the Part of Hanzo that gets Called Skill Less, a Skilled Hanzo would do that in 1 shot.
In Terms of Hitbox btw yeah its smaller then mercy’s D.Va pistol projectiles, people think his Arrows have Freakin huge Hitboxes when in reality its the Player Hitbox that is bigger then you think
He in effect has a clip size of 1 and reloads every time he shoots, as the pull time is around 1 second which is identical to reload times on heroes like Tracer and Reaper.
His proj speed was lower before the rework and it meant he was at the mercy of the lack of movement acceleration in OW. Doesn’t matter how good your aim is if enemies can just sidestep your shots.
Ok but Junkrat tho
Anyway, Hanzo has no weakness and insane damage. Headshots are hard but they’re not THAT hard with Hanzo, not when McCree has to at least get two to get an elim. Not that Hanzo is braindead or something, but his being OP effects his skill floor.
Afraid not. Brigitte doomed dive, not Hanzo. And despite what some people say about Hanzo being good against dive, he’s really only decent. Other DPS are actually better. If Brigitte wasn’t in the game, Dive would be dominant again and Hanzo would be second tier at best.
No not really while he can spam and get a kill you’ll get better results by aiming with it, it’s much more OP when you use it to kill a tank that dived you by getting all crit shots on them instead of just spamming it into a random choke.