Why do some people call Hanzo skill-less?

Even if Brigitte didn’t exist this meta would still be happening. If you try to solo dive a Hanzo he can practically just hits E and overpowers you, or even better if you do end up having multiple people dive you, you have 5 other teammates willing to help (Hopefully). Mobility creep in Overwatch with the added absurd damage of Storm Arrows is pretty much the result of current Hanzo.


Even if the tip of the arrow missed you, it’s tail can still count as a headshot as it passes your head. Very unrealistic.

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He shoots as fast as a hitscan character except he does 125 per shot and has an even faster way to shoot with storm arrows though with less damage and also he may have a small projectile size but it’s still bigger than hitscan


Totally agree with you you, more than 350 hours on him, since season 5, when he was considered a super troll pick. People shaming on him, when they didn’t play with him though the worst times, know nothing.


Lmao where did you even get that picture? Because it’s definitely false info.


Your comparing projectile to hitscan though and only in one regard. Yes projectiles are larger, they are also slower. If you compare Hanzo to Zen, you’ll find that Zen’s charge shot can enough damage to headshot kill, in about the same period of time. His charge shot projectiles move a little slower, but they are also a little larger and don’t arc and he’s a healer.

Mei can kill with one headshot and one body shot at any distance now. She also has larger but slower projectiles that don’t arc and with about the same rate of fire.

In other words, he’s not that different from other projectile heroes.

P.S. Even if the green dots are accurate in your image, you biased the zones a little by including the whole green dot in the zone in Hanzo’s pic but only going through the middle of them in McCree’s. You also used the left side of Soldier’s head to draw Hanzo’s circle and the right side to draw McCree’s when Soldier’s head is leaning left and the fact that there’s more space to the left of the head shows the difference that makes. In other words, on purpose or not this is a very misleading image.

He doesn’t shoot as fast as hitscan. Nowhere near actually since you can’t actually be close to infinity. Seriously, this brand of nonsense was addressed in the OP.


Brigitte is the reason meta exists.


Hanzo does pretty well if a dive tank comes for him solo, but dive meta isn’t 1V1; it’s 6v6. Hanzo doesn’t have the abilities necessary to get much value before he or his team dies when they get dove by Winston, D.Va, Tracer, and Mercy plus a Zen and Widow in the back. Someone is going to be damage boosted and have harmony orb on the enemy team and someone is going to be discorded on Hanzo’s. The Winston shield and D. Va DM will protect them long enough to get the killing started before Hanzo can do much and after it will be too late.

Brigitte is what stops dive by stunning a diver to prevent damage, blocking damage with her shield and armor pack, healing it with her aura, damaging through DM and Shield with her melee attack, and knocking divers out of their shield or DM with whip shot for the rest of her team. Hanzo can’t do any of that for his team.

Brigitte killed dive which opened a spot for Hanzo. Hanzo is the result of the Brigitte meta, he didn’t create it.


Anyways OP. You’ll never see anyone admit he takes skill. They’ll call you a spamming no skill player, but in the end they won’t see you lining up shots. They won’t see you aiming.

Any kill they see, they’ll brush off as spam and luck.

and those same people preaching about no skill go around playing Mercy or Brigitte :sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:


He’s not skill less, but his skill floor has been lowered significantly with the addition of leap, storm arrows, and the projectile speed increase. Before it required seriously skilled hands to be effective with him, now not so much. He can be effectively played as a spam hero now which is not okay. Literally just spam arrows into the enemy team at chest height, and one of them is bound to hit someone’s crit box and give your team a huge advantage.

Hell he’s one of the only DPS I actually feel comfortable pulling out just because his kit is so damn forgiving and rewarding at the same time - the others are Junkrat and Pharah, for reference.

McCree is probably closest of any other hero to Hanzo’s style and requires significantly more skill, but unfortunately is much less rewarding.


I personally dont mind the projectile speed buff he got. It makes it so that atleast people need to aim in the general direction of the enemy, which differs from before were he would shoot anywhere and someone would walk into it, which was annoying for the target and also inconsistent for the hanzo, no matter what the hanzo did, he had to rely on luck because the projectile was too slow and no matter how much prediction you could get it would still depend ultimately on the direction the enemy ended up walking towards to.

What I do dislike is how they can just farm ult charge off roadhogs belly or reinhardts big chest, wait for grav, and wipe the whole team, so i think the nerfs to dragon-grav that Blizzards going to implement are the right direction to take.

He’s definitely not skill-less but he’s definitely got way too much kit right now. An average Hanzo already feels dangerous to play against but a serious Hanzo main with the Mercy pocket and all forces your team to play around him the same way Widows sometimes dictate your team comp, which is never a good thing.

For the amount of damage he can dish out from any distance, he should have poor mobility; or conversely they should have given him leap but given him another utility arrow instead of storm arrows. Giving him both high damage at any range + a soft disengage / mobility tool is insanity.


Why do Hanzos suddenly appear
Every map, every tier?
Just like me, they long to be

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I never played Hanzo at all until I started playing mystery heroes (at like level 400+)… I have to say he takes a lot of skill. Which I figured before (and why I never played him), but playing him confirmed it.

Probably only Ana and Widow am I worse at, and Widow at least manages to be fun to play even when missing and getting killed (Hanzo is fun for about 5 seconds on that rare occasion I live long enough to get an ult off. Ana is just never fun)

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Because its extremely easy to headshot people and insta pawn players. Its very spammy. Everyone can get easy kills with him. Just spam the choke.
Like when I switch from mccree to hanzo, my killcount and damage uprises like hell. But the problem is I don’t like playing hanzo, even though I’m a good hanzo.

Geoff said the “arrows” are small, not the hitboxes. Somebody posted a side by side image a couple months ago of Hanzo’s hitboxes compared to a hitscan, they’re still ridiculous.


Hanzo simply deals too much damage for his fire rate and projectile speed. Up the damage of some other DPS and they will instantly take Hanzo’s place.

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Widow charges her shots, just like Hanzo, but she has an ammo clip.


I’ve only talked to a couple of people on the forums who said Hanzo was skill-less. I think that’s silly, too.

To me, he’s OP. But you have to not suck with him to get that value out of him lol.

Just that he’s capable of way too much. But again…if you can’t aim, you can’t do anything with him!


Lol at the individuals who still believes everything said by Geoff… when it comes to balance. People are not calling Hanzo skill-less, people are saying his kit is practically less skillful. He was made easier… None can deny that.

The devs removed two of his known weakness… which was CQB and Mobility.