Why do people speak foreign languages in vc

There is no formally defined language for any server.

I don’t see what the problem is with someone trying to initiate in their native language.
If no-one can understand them then usually they will either stop talking or if they speak another language try that one out.

If you can’t understand what someone is saying in voice and they continue to speak then you can mute them.

This seems like mostly a non-issue, the solutions are available for players who don’t understand a language to mute the player to avoid it taking away your attention from the game.

For the first time on VC, I literally had someone speaking from what I think, was Spanish but it sounded a bit different so I’m not too sure. All I heard was him screaming, talking fast, making annoying noises and saying “Pu ta” over and over again.

Nobody else was talking but him so I just muted my mic because it gave me a headache.

da deutsch meine muttersprach ist :slight_smile:

1/5th of the American servers are in Brazil.
2/5ths of the American servers aren’t even in the Western hemisphere.

Get over yourself lol.

Wow I never said it was.I meant more likely that more people will know english there.Because all of North America speaks english.I don’t give a damn about the USA

So what do they do if they don’t speak good English but live in an area where they use an English speaking server

Was willst? Vielleicht solltest du ein paar Sprachen lernen. Wie wäre es mit Spanisch oder Portugiesisch?

Blizzard should give players the same voice program they gave Hammond.


Excited Japanese Player into Mic: Ryuuga waga teki wo kurau

Mechanical Voice in Teammates headphones: Dragon…Consume…My…Enemies

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All of North America speaks English? How about Mexico and Quebec?

They speak English. Just other languages as well

That could be said for any country, then. Sure, there are some English-speaking people in Mexico, but that’s true for everywhere.

Don’t gatekeep people for not speaking english

Well let them speak freaking spanish I don’t care.Fact is in europe there are more different languages than on both american continents.What is your problem people with cherry picking a paragraph.Like you’re just looking at something to respond to with something freaking obvious to make yourself feel smarter.“Akschuely there are more languages in america other than english duh.”

Never in my life had I heard someone say “Zarya” like 96 times in 1/2 a second until I had a Chinese? 5 stack pair up with me in soloq.

…What? Maybe read my posts again.

I’m not the sharpest tool in the shed :yum:

English is foreign to them.

No, it’s an Australian server

It’s a part of the American servers that you need to be in Australia to access

Im not talking about Europe, I’m talking about Australia