Why do people speak foreign languages in vc

“If I do it, the entire world should also do it. And they should do it by an arbitrary deadline that I set.”

What’s next your majesty? Do I need to eat a specific food as well? Maybe you will tell us what jobs we should all quit doing because it’s 2018?:roll_eyes:

If you want to exclude a particular ethnic group from voice chat unless they specifically cater to your language, thus setting your own language up as the superior one, then you are discriminating. And it’s a form of discrimination that will have a larger impact on some ethnic groups than others. But it’s a language based discrimination. They have just as much right to voice chat as anyone else.

There is nothing logical about expecting everyone in the world that plays this game to speak a specific language, and there are no language based servers. People are going to pick the one with the best ping, and sometimes they will make callouts in case anyone else understands.

If you don’t want to hear it, then mute them rather than expecting random people from all across the globe to cater you.

What’s wrong with speaking another language than English? Especially if there are more people speaking said language.

In Europe we get French, German, Italian, Irish and so many more. While most people speak English, it’s not uncommon for someone to speak a foreign language. I can understand if you’re on the American Servers, but it’s normal here in Europe.

I think it shows how ignorant English speaking countries are though. So many countries teach English, as a required lesson. So they learn to speak our language, but we don’t even think twice about learning German or French etc?

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you can speak whatever language you want in voice chat

its there to communicate, if they don’t wanna communicate with you just leave voice chat

OP, I totally get your point, I really do…

…but when you consider that China has a larger population of people that speak english than the USA, it really become a moot point.

Even more so when you realize many chinese people, with the right traning, speak english better than many of their american counter parts haha.

And I’m not here to @#*& on the USA, I grew up there, just saying.

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I watch a lot of european streamers and they generally all speak english or they all speak the same language.

rarely do you have someone speaking a different language.

TBT it’s kinda rude if you’re going to do that. You obviously know the person, so either join group chat or use a discord server.

Clogging team coms with information nobody can use is selfish.

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If they knew each other they’d probably be grouped up. You’re making a pretty big assumption that nobody would be able to understand them. It clearly works for them sometimes or they wouldn’t be doing it.

What’s rude is telling people that they can’t use a feature that they paid to use.

English should be used as a lingua franca at best. If said players can understand themselves better in another language they should use it.

I recently been in a match in CS:GO were all my teammates were turkish(i suppose). I could still pick up the coms and when they had info specifically for me they were trying to use English.

Most countries are bilingual, United States included. There’s no shame in learning the common languages spoken in your region.

Lordt forbid people lapse into their mother tongue lmao

LFG has partially solved this but this is very “we speak American in America” (i know you’re Australian)
Like, I do think there should be a standardized language for ease of communication but

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Oddly enough, LFG is the place I find least of them but I assume because I did play a lot of QP last season than competitive, while most of the French groups were looking for French people only for competitive mode.

Wait… why is france in there… seems off
Also makes sense Cause I do remember getting put in a game with someone from france once. Only that’s ever happened though

European server?
I could put a Russian gamer meme here, but I heard the French is also doing that.

I know right? They’re, like, 30 years too early for that.

Isto ja me aconteceu demasiadas vezes! No I didn’t write in english on purpose :).
The point is that yes nowadays it is expected that everyone can speak a bit of english but there are factors that you have to consider like:
Their background. Not everyone has the same acess to school or education and some school don’t teach foreign languages;
They might not feel confortable talking in english because they might think it’s not good enough. Ofc a bit is better than anything.

Québec. 10 characters.

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America isn’t only the USA, but there’s also the south america which the main languages are spanish and portuguese.

USA isn’t the centre of the world. Get over it.

Basic geography. Hard to understand, I know.


I wouldn’t expect somebody from Quebec to speak English any more than they’d expect me, an American, to speak French. We’re close together, so we share servers sometimes. /shrug