Why do people speak foreign languages in vc

Yeah… Im not russian, but I someone is saying someting like that all the time xd

Literally everyday at work i deal with this. I work at a casino and all we get is people coming up to me speaking Cantonese then yelling at me for not understanding them. Sorry had to vent

Oh yeah I forgot everyone in America only speaks one lauange…

I think the game is just weirdly popular in France, I’m from the north of England and every other game I’m placed with French players, and when I look in LFG most groups state they’re French.

Jesus, read the damn post! I’m saying if you don’t speak English don’t join voice chat on an English server

Europe got 50 countries.
N and S America make up 15 countries

Australia got one countries.

Where does it even say that you’re playing on English server?

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It’s Australia. In case you didn’t know, Australia is an English speaking country. If you can’t speak English, don’t join voice chat in Australia

And who are you exactly to tell others what they can do or cannot?
Also, if you don’t like foreign languages in your matches, you can always mute them. Problem solved.

It’s not an australian server tho.It’s the american server,no?

cant we just all learn all the languages with cybernetic implants already

i want to know what those russian kids are screaming about



Okay Im in the Europe server and theres 24 languages.

You seriously expect everyone to cater to YOUR needs and speak English??

I dont know the the Americas servers work, but theres 350 languages that are psoken there.

I mean.Who in europe doesn’t learn english in school?And who doesn’t go to english websites.I know it might seem arrogant to excpect everyone to be able to speak english.But it’s become the "universal"language for people all over the world to be able to communicate with eachother.And it’s not that hard of a language to learn,and even broken english is fine.


It depends on their internet speed and location. I tried the American server and I had 400-600 ms there.

Not so often, but it still happens.
Actually, I expect more people to speak in the NA servers, since many more speak English (I have friends on EU who don’t speak at all cause they only speak French)

English-speaking? Weird, I thought EU server is about equally split between french and russian.

It’s not really an issue so long as they aren’t being toxic, such as using their ability to talk and create way too much background noise for the team. Not everyone speaks English and that’s okay. Some beautiful languages have blossomed over our short time on this planet. I get how it can be annoying though, not knowing what’s being said.

I used to play on EU but have escaped to US because of people who can’t speak English. (Also US is alot better)

Millions of people all across the globe.