?!?!? Why do people complain that Blizz doesn’t listen ?!?!?

How long did the sym rework take and even then she isn’t any better they didn’t fix her issues that everyone wanted fixed they weren’t listening to the megathread for over a year

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What I remember is all the mercy mains saying she will be trash tier ect ect. Wasn’t until about april that she became an OP monster again (even though nothing was changed)

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The vast majority of people on these forums were against Sombra and were also complaining. That’s the problem. Blizzard did listen. They listened to the vast majority.

If you mean listening to very specific feedback then there is seldom anything to listen to barring situations in which their stubbornness takes over ala Mercy. There is very very very little good feedback on these forums because these forums are feels over reals. Blizzard does not listen to the good feedback because it is drowned out by noise. There is very little good objective analysis and in their eyes, it is not worth the effort to filter for those with good responses when they can just appease the loud ones who seem like the majority.

I am not defending this. I am not defending their actions. What I am trying to make clear is that Blizzard has listened to the forums and that’s the root of many of the game’s problems. Threads like these are completely disingenuous because they try and paint the forums as always having good feedback and ignore the fact that alot of the problems of the game came from the trash feedback here.

Stubbornness as I said but

That is not true. At the time the vast majority thought it would kill mercy. They were either sad because they liked her or happy because they hated Mass Res. What you say me true now but the people who foresaw these problems were absolutely the minority

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Yeah to be honest im kind of in the dark about what was the public opinion on mercy while she was being reworked
but 10+ nerfs and counting without accepting failure about an uncesseful rework is a fact.

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Yes and that’s what I said. Stubborn. That’s their second problem. They listen to trash suggestions from the forum, most of them are trash, and they are stubborn. It’s a horrible combination

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Yeah I don’t think it was successful at all. I just find it funny that she was trash tier then god tier with 0 changes.

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If you mean post rework, she was never trash tier. Ever. People thought she was finally not OP with the nerf but then realised she still was. Expect a similar thing tomorrow and over the next month

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Because they aren’t getting the answers they want. So because they aren’t being pandered to, they feel they aren’t being listened to either.

They have suggestions and ideas but a big part of growing up in the real world is realizing not everything you say and think is a golden nugget of wisdom. Not to mention, you can see feedback and not apply it to whatever it is you’re doing.

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It’s also cos they do get the answers the want, and then they don’t wanna admit they were complaining about nothing and their complaints being answered made the game worse

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Completly agree specially with noise from stupid and useless threads that could be placed in another forum or on reddit. Specially LGBT threads that get 2K comments from every single person with an opinion that are noise.
Or ‘‘fun’’ but pointless threads like give road a speedo…

That is not true, Its been pretty much confirmed by channels in contact with blizzard and owl players/streamers like danteh that sombra was nerfed because of pros who complained via their private discord with blizzard .
YES they were anti ‘‘2week’’ sombra threads but they were not the determinant factor.

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All that’s been confirmed is that pros complained AS WELL. If pros complaining was the determinant factor then Widow, and Tracer would have been nerfed long ago. Especially Tracer. It’s been held that she has been OP for the longest time. There have been so many changes that were catered to this forum that ignoring the fact that the forum was, extremely predictably as in lots of people called that it would happen, complaining about Sombra makes no sense. All it does is further this BS around the forums that the forum had nothing to do with the bad changes that have happened in this game

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Ah, at least someone remembers us. :3

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Because the most urgent problems in this game are not being resolved, and not fast enough.

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Dude , its Fked up the neglect of bastion, not even symettra, torbjorn or even sombra were this ignored. good luck with that.

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Well, even Kolorblind has turned against us now…
(Ranting on Twitter about how “those people in the forums” are all “Clowns” Who just want an OP Hero)

Guess it’s pretty easy to get carried along with a decent team up in Top500… :confused:

Actual quote:

what the [Censored by Chibi] my dude, i so badly want to know why so many people want to buff bastion so hard when hes fine rn

And that wasn’t a joke… They repeated themselves.


No she never was. What I’m saying is there were a bunch of people saying that the nerfs in dec I think were going to kill mercy and her res was garbage because of the 1.75 cast time. But now everyone is saying that’s what makes her op.

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I know this has been mentioned multiple times, but Mercy.

Generally, Mercy mains hate the rework, her identity has been completely lost, and the devs have done nothing but nerf her over and over again.

The #revertMercy thing has been going on since it was clear that ability-rez is something that will never be balanced within the game, and instead of addressing why they won’t revert her, we’re just getting more nerfs.

Like I am fine if they don’t revert Mercy, but having been a Hanzo main from day 1 we got a list of things that didn’t work before they decided to remove scatter arrow and replace it with storm. They also explained why the things they tried didn’t work. With Mercy it was “here ya go!” and that was it.

There have been 11 megathreads about Mercy and one (1) response from the devs that was just “Keep using this thread, we’re reading it” when if you look at their profiles that is so not the case based on numbers alone. There has been nothing to address what a vocal part of the community is saying about Mercy, they are instead largely staying silent on the matter.

All I want to know is why they are sticking to this rework, and what they tried before making Mercy into what they wanted to stop her from being (an uninvolved hiding healer). That’s it. If we get a Developer Update, or even a post about it I’d be satisfied. Mercy has gotten too much attention at this point to not warrant at least that kind of public statement.


personally, I feel that blizzard listens to the community too much. It seems like every time 1 single player is upset about something (even if it is balanced for once), blizzard changes it. They try too hard to make everyone happy, which makes no one happy


I might argue the same thing. There has been soo many mass changes lately, however I do feel that the game MIGHT be in its best place yet. (room to improve more of course)

Community: Here’s our thoughts on the upcoming Sombra rework.

Blizzard: We hear you, but here’s something totally different that none of you actually want!

(weeks pass)

Community: Um, so Blizz, the rework wasn’t exactly a success. Now what?

Blizzard: (crickets)

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