?!?!? Why do people complain that Blizz doesn’t listen ?!?!?

What about the pros who tried out the new Mercy and almost unanimously agreed it was the most brokenly OP thing ever? Blizzard even ignored them.

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Please argue then, provide some facts to back up your argument that Blizz has plans to do something despite not saying it because we’ve passed 2.5 yrs and are still waiting on stuff. Ps4 has a comms bug atm thanks to SG18, no acknowledgement about it from devs.

The ridiculous broken Bastion got dropped on console and took longer to fix because they didnt listen to feedback and went to live with the update. In actual fact ptr is a joke in general as 90% of what has gone onto ptr has gone to live despite feedback. PTR is pointless.

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Just the fact that if the community sees it then they see it too. If the pros say its a problem then they know it is a problem. They are a professional company that has been doing this for years. So far every time the community has complained about a hero Blizz has addressed it in some way or another. Not always timely or the way that we want but always listening to what we are saying.

Except when we’re talking about Mercy, as literally everyone gets ignored when it comes to her.

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For a company thats been doing this for years theyre not very good with their updates. An example of what I mean, it is entirely impossible for current Mercy to get a big rez - spray/achievement still require a big rez. For a company that should know their game in and out, theyre not very aware of when they break something.

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Honestly don’t know how to reply to this? Mercy has gotten more changes than anyone, making her literally the least ignored hero in the game. Given that a lot of those changes were influenced by the community I would say that is the epitome of not ignoring “everyone”.

Except that the changes were literally uncalled for, and too many people advised Blizzard not to release the rework.

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Wait are you agreeing or disagreeing with me? I say they listen to these forums too much and some of the worst problems are caused by the QQ here

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The changes were exactly called for. Don’t you remember the mass complaints about the rez ult? its easy to see the complaints about the changes to mercy when the people that like it have no reason to post. I think that more of the community didn’t argue for blizz to not release the rework.

People in the LGBT are asking for a character besides Tracer to be part of their community and it hasn’t happened. I got you good there.

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I’m disagreeing, from the looks of it, as I’m stating they listen to no one, not even pro players, if it doesn’t align with whatever Blizzard is wanting to push.

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Not quite…

  • There are still too many stuns
  • Matchmaking is still unbalanced
  • New Event is kinda bad I like the skins but its boring
  • Endorsements are useless and only show playtime if you’re honest

List goes on

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Hmm I see what you mean but I disagree. Here’s why. I think Blizzard’s problem is both listening to complaints a bit too much along with being extremely stubborn.

Here’s what I mean: they listened to people QQing about Hog, nerfed him wrongly and when it was proven wrong instead of just reverting him, (which would be listening to the people as well), they continued on the path they started on.

I think this happened a lot, they start on a path that some people wanted eg Hog one shot, Scatter and Mass Res being removed and when they do it and it turns out bad, as I believe most changes not based in balance but instead in QQ will always be, they are too stubborn to fix it

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Because of the Junkrat nerfs from 4-5 months ago, the resulting mess, and the devs lack of clean up.

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Literally most non-mercy players think it’s a good thing.

Don’t act like you’re in the majority or all that matters.

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OK but there are also people asking for specific skins for heroes. Blizz isn’t answering those either. Obviously they aren’t going to do every little thing the community comes up with. Those are detail things that dont have anything to do with the gameplay/balance of the game.

You answered your own question buddy. Obviously they aren’t going to do every little thing the community comes up with. GG.

This applies to everything.

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This is woefully incorrect. They do not keep delivering. For well over a year, there has been high demand for much needed bug fixes to heroes such as Doomfist, Reinhardt, Mei, Sombra, and so on. People have compiled numerous amounts of proof and demonstration on these bugs, and Blizzard has taken no action towards fixing it. Blizzard announced that Reinhardt fixes were due in April. It’s now Augist, so a blatant lie. What’s more is that they’re extremely uncommunicative and non-transparent with the community about these matters.

It took Blizzard 8 months to rework Symmetra, 6 months to end the Moth Meta, and 2 years to weaken Dive Meta. This slow cycle of balance changes points to 2 possibilities:

  • Blizzard has no idea how to balance their game
  • The Overwatch team is abjectly understaffed

Hopefully this will clear up some of your denial.

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Fixing their ranking system.

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all reworks are based 100% on the forums opinions?
big brain

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