?!?!? Why do people complain that Blizz doesn’t listen ?!?!?

You guys ask for changes/balances and Blizz keeps delivering. They are constantly answering the complaints that people have it just doesn’t happen as instant as people want. You asked for Hanzo changes and they came, you asked for them again and they came again. What about Blizz is not listening to the community? Please name one long standing issue that Blizz hasn’t addressed, isn’t at least being worked on, or isn’t in their minds to be addressed later? (and I mean legit issue, not someone’s opinion)

…Editing in this clarification (some people are misunderstanding) :
Blizz does NOT always do what we say, nor necessarily change things the way we tell them to. They aren’t bowing to our every whim, But, they are listening to the complaints and addressing them the way that they see fit. Listening doesn’t mean Obeying every detail. (that would be impossible)


Oh they do!

They stare at us—in the SHADOWS!


Does the upcoming nerf of Mercy’s healing from 60 to 50 HP/s ring a bell?

Never mind that virtually everyone is in agreement that the rez being a regular ability is what’s unbalanced… no one ever said she heals too fast


Except that the forums used to be filled with people complaining about the rez as an ULT.
And yes plenty of people have complained about her potent healing power. They are obviously looking at Mercy because of the community in the first place but they have to be realistic with the changes so as to avoid different/worse issues.

people love complaining in general. Understanding comes with an age. Sometimes it feels nice to be old, u know stuff.


the “not listening” complainers complain because the dev’s don’t do exactly what they want.

But one long-standing issue is console-love. I would never play on console, but many people do. There’s no console PTR, and no console-specific balancing, except for things that are super broken. And there’s a half dozen other console-specific issues that are on the back-burner. That’s the only long-standing issue I’ve heard about that hasn’t been worked on in some fashion.


It’s mostly a matter of what opinion you have.

People who wanted Nerf A complained and posted about it, people who were satisfied don’t post. So, Nerf A happens, just like players asked, and now you have everyone who was satisfied before complaining.

There’s no way to make every single player happy, which means some players are going to think they’re not being listened to. Blizzard does a really good job at giving the players what they want, it’s just most of the time the players don’t know what they’re asking for.


They listen that we want changes, but never listen to the type of changes folks ask for (or even seem to consider them).


Because they clearly don’t. Any correlation of patches with forum suggestions is purely coincidental, and most of the time it’s a few parsecs away.

To their credit, no sane devs listen to playerbase anyway. Difference is, some devs are good with balance, while Blizz isn’t.


Those changes takes way too much time and are also not the changes that most ppl expect to see.

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They don’t listen. When we have a mega-censorship thread for discrimination against Mercy mains for almost a year now where they decide the best thing to do is keep this half-baked rework (if even, let’s try more like quarter-baked).


Probably be cause they don’t listen lol.


I think you bring up a lot of good points, but I would argue that Blizz has plans to address it even if they haven’t specifically stated as such.

Because half of people want something like this. Which is not worth listening if you ask me


I just wish they would update us on what they’re working on.Instead of making us think they aren’t doing anything,and then suddenly they come out with a patchwork?




Blizzard frequently seems to pick up on a fraction of what is said.

If you had a conversation with someone and they missed 8 words out of 10 and had nothing wrong with their hearing you’d say that they aren’t listening. They technically may be listening as they are picking up 2 words out of 10 but…

It’s true that most changes do match up to some complaints or suggestions but, with the amount of suggestions it is at times questionable if they’ve been read or if the internal choice just happens to match.

For example, Mercy’s healing change or variations on it were suggested in numerous places. You even have some variants that go back nine months.


With that said, some changes like D.Va’s missiles I cannot recall ever being suggested prior to their implementation. (But, I don’t read quite everything so they may have been somewhere.

On the new forums, we can see how many posts staff have read.

Geoff Goodman has read ~6,800 posts

Jeff Kaplan has read ~5,100 posts

This tends to generally suggest that they aren’t actually reading much of the feedback or the suggestions. I’ve read more than 2x as many posts as both of them combined and I still only read a small fraction of the posts.

It is possible that they read posts while not logged in or that they have staff reading posts for them and providing summaries to them.

Based on Jeff Kaplan’s posts however, I would assume that neither one was occurring at least in his case.

He’s on multiple occasions appeared to be unaware of posts that would be significant to the situations that he’s been addressing. In Venture Beat in the aftermath of the Mercy issues he choose to talk about how nobody in the community had pointed out res was potentially overpowered (This wasn’t actually the case. Plus, even if it was it’s not the Community’s job to catch everything we don’t have a mountain of statistics, a boatload of employee’s working towards the same goal, or decades of development experience. We’re just monkeys bashing on keyboards for the most part.) and his view of the overall discussion seemed to match more that of someone that had skimmed the threads in question very briefly. You’d expect, that when an update went significantly awry you’d put the time into trying to see what went wrong in every area but, apparently not. He’s also at times chosen to criticize feedback for not being helpful when more helpful feedback was clearly present.


I believe that the devs listen, but their lack of consistent, direct, and public discussion with us makes them seem distant and disinterested in us.
I’m the rare person who finds most of their balance changes to be just fine. I’ve been playing quite a bit of Zarya and I appreciate the decreased decay and 100% understand the intention behind the ultimate nerf. I used to play a lot of Symmetra and the rework allows me to be way more consistent. I play a lot of Torbjorn and I’m very interested in the changes he’s getting. I’m not a Mercy player so I can’t quite relate to the sting of having your favorite character receiving undesirable changes, sadly.

I want more consistent updates. A weekly “blog” thread where a dev speaks on popular subjects. More sneak peaks and hints for upcoming content.

I wish more radical things could be done with the PTR. There are many proposed hero changes that would be fun to test. The team seem reluctant to even do simple number tweaks.
If there’s anything that Awesomenauts had that was really good for its community, it was the settings manager that allowed players to tweak values and create rough prototypes of reworked mechanics. In fact, one user designed and proposed not one but three different replacements for an unpopular item, the community chose a favorite, the developers threw it into a beta, and it was eventually put into the proper game. Maybe we could test out our own ideas like a buffed Ana rifle or a line-of-sight mass resurrect.


Honestly, I’m super happy about the Sym rework, even if her ult is frustrating af (because it’s meant to be), I’m happy about LFG, I think endorsements were a waste of dev’s time, but I don’t hate it as an addition.

I love all of the changes in the most recent PTR patch (except Widow’s nerf because I don’t see it as necessary) and I think the Hanzo nerf wasn’t enough but it was a good start.

From all the things that I can think of off the top of my head in terms of recent changes, only one I’m not sure about is the Sombra change since I don’t play her or against her enough to comment.

Am I completely satisfied with the state of the game? Hell no.
Am I completely satisfied with the attempts Blizzard are making to fix it? Maybe not completely satisfied, but I definitely see improvements every patch and appreciate Blizz for it.


It’s usually small portions of the community making outcries, even though they think they represent a majority. There was a developer update where Kaplan mentioned that there are too many small factions in the community for them to appease everyone all the time. They do their best, and I’m personally satisfied by it