?!?!? Why do people complain that Blizz doesn’t listen ?!?!?

The longest standing issue is that the devs aren’t addressing PTR feedback consensus. When people mainly agree Storm Arrow is too good, Sym’s primary is bad, original Valkyrie ult is OP, Bastion ironclad 35% too strong, don’t turn Dva into a DM bot for various bad casual stated reasons in a former mega thread. Did they address these issues or put them out live to create a hot mess?

The list is long for the now 3 years of this game. These bad metas could have been avoided had they simply listened to PTR feedback, or check in the forums, see what they are talking about in subreddits, visit an update on Youtube OW channels.

Here’s how you know they are wrong and aren’t listening. It’s not a finished job. You do something right the first time you don’t have to keep re-working, patching, updating. That’s flawed design making their product look like it is still in beta. You can’t keep making this many mistakes to redo heroes and say, yeah we got it right.

The devs are like that friend you have that keeps dating the wrong boy/girl no matter how many times you point out that their decision is bad and abusive they stubbornly still do it.

They listen? Why does Reaper’s teleport still suck? Is today the day they will read this and am I the only person that’s mentioned this?

I can go down the list of the off meta heroes and their problems but again better mains with longer play time have stated what is wrong and it shouldn’t take this long when you have so many sources to give you feedback.



There is a long list of reasons why she is broken. Yet after 3 months of pointing at the facts and getting nothing but “nah she’s fine” in response from the community, blizzard only gave her 2 small nerfs that barely made a dent to her oppressive playstyle at all. Her ultimate wasn’t addressed at all, and how hard she is to kill during it while also maintaining her auto-winning “brawling” damage output when in range with everyone on objectives, and even a broader area during her ult thanks to the speed boost she gets (why does she get a speed boost again? can some1 explain this to me plz?). Everything about her is poorly designed and she needs a full rework from the ground up, or at the very least a nerf to her shield and ultimate. But all they ever change on her is something so small and insignificant that it’s ridiculously laughable to read in the patch notes.

“We’ve talked about possibly reducing her defense somewhere, such as reducing her barrier health. However, her tank-hybrid nature is a core part of her kit and we want to make sure she maintains that feeling of being a difficult target to take down” what??? why??? she was supposed to counter dive, not be a “difficult target to take down”, man is she ever. They should have just put her in the tank category and let her only heal herself, and only provide small armor packs to people like Torb if “being a difficult target to take down” is what they’re most concerned about while still being able to counter dive. Done. Difficult target to take down. Congrats. But when a support who is an essential target to take down is also “difficult to take down” by everyone, and ironically not so much by dive, that’s just plain terrible design and unhealthy for the game.

I and my team don’t have time to focus her down for 30-40sec when we’re getting shot by 5 other people at the same time whom we can actually kill much quicker. But we are forced to ignore those 5 people and shoot Brig’s shield instead, otherwise she will just run much faster and get her never-dying brawling paladin a** on the objective much faster and auto-win, so we pretty much have to take the time to focus her in the midst of chaos, risking getting killed by everyone else in the process. And if we don’t do that, and we kill her teammates first (which btw is only possible if they’re separated from Brig, otherwise she auto-wins some more), then by the time we have the time to focus Brig, she’s already on objective killing everyone and winning the objective. How in the world is this balanced and not being touched by the devs? Even after the outcry about it on the forums for months?

-Probably because they’re much more interested in OWL than the actual community, because OWL is where the money is.

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That is actually a really fair assessment. I would like that too.

Because they want to pretend they have the best ideas. The best way to pretend they have the best ideas is to ignore all the times Blizzard did actually listen to this stupid community and it turned out to be extremely bad ideas. See: Roadhog, Mercy and Hanzo. People don’t wanna admit that Blizzard has listened to the community and that’s exactly why some of the game’s problems exist


They dont listen, when this game released or before that, everyone was praising blizz about their competence and support, that they are very active and if there is a problem it will be fixed in hours.

And that is the biggest lie about this company that i have now experienced.

They are reworking/buffing/nerfing heroes based on their stats, or player usage.

So if they release really bad or not interesting hero like Sombra, not enough players will play her, meaning that there is not much feedback or stats to show that something is wrong

Doomfist was having that, after release he was having 5% pickrate so blizz didnt know what is up and we didnt had any feedback from players(if it matters anyway, since blizz dont listen)

Blizzard doesnt have a ground on which they base their balance, everything is random.

and to add, we have problems with Optimization, Bugs that some heroes like Sombra or Doomfist have 30-50 of them

We have Bugs that has been in the game since Alpha, and not touched or updated or anything even when people spam forums every month about them

Problems with MMR or SR, where someone can be 10 seasons in silver/bronze, buy new account and get easy high plat or diamond

There is much much more, but what is the worst is that Blizzard is SILENT

We were supposed to get Rein ulti bugfix in Early april, and to this day there is no update about it.

So tell me why we shouldnt complain, because based on my experience Blizzard is the worst AAA company out there, that even some companies like Hirez/GGG, or the ones from Warframe are million times better and are nowhere near Net worth of Blizz.

Also the best thing.



If blizz changed soemthing the moment it was a problem or even after some time in the game they would end up with endless changes that aren’t for the better. The way they are doing it now is smart because it gives the game time to adjust to the previous change and allows a new hero to truly change the meta before considering what truly needs changing. Not to mention every change, even the small ones, have more effect on the game than anyone initially realizes so they have to go slow and watch what happens.

Well when Blizz decided to sell a skin purely for charity people began to moan and whine because it wasn’t the charity they wanted or it “pandered to feminists” and I feel like that sums up the mentality of the OW fanbase as a whole. There is nothing that can be done that won’t make them angry

Edit: Just because I know people will say it’s a lie or exaggeration:


People complain because it’s in their nature to. When OW was released it came with the promise that it would deliver free content and updates, and it would change over time. Once you bought the game, you had access to all the heroes, and all the heroes that would come out.

But the thing about a game constantly changing is this: PEOPLE HATE CHANGE. They are so resistant to it. It scares them, it makes them angry.

They do make changes, buffs, nerfs, etc. but it’s never what the vocal minority wants. Make no mistake though, if people weren’t complaining about this, they would certainly be complaining about THAT. You just cannot please everyone, especially with such a broad and diverse playerbase.

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Took them a year to buff sym when everyone knew she needed help

Oh and they then messed up her rework

And now they buffed her range, the part of her kit that sym mains agree isn’t the core part of her issue at all

I feel the need to ask… Do you think blizz doesn’t want balance? do you think they arent trying to make the game fair for everyone? What do you think they’re trying to do with the characters, purposefully make them imba?

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Their receptiveness is selective and based on bias, it’s as simple as that.


I do think they want bias, but from what im seeing, they want certain characters to stay how they are, mainly brigitte.

One situation very much comes to mind and I somewhat used it to make my argument earlier.

Brigitte makes winston terrible when trying to counter widow. People said "nerf brigitte first before nerfing widow

blizzard nerfs both widow and brigitte and sub-sequentially putting brigitte in Ftier and also putting widow in a very hard to use state, for pros, not for lower ranked people.

they rather keep brig, the shield bash melee character, not rework her into a more ranged character because that would allow her to be balanced because she NEEDS her abilities to stay relevant against the cast, without them, she’s just like a lucio that cant speed boost.

in fact blizzard didnt even need to rework her, they could’ve kept her shield cooldown the same, except nerf her damage overall so she cant follow up and needs a team mate to follow up with her stun, she’s a support after all.

but instead no, Its instantly shove her into f-tier cus why not lmao.

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I’m still upset at them listening and nerfing Reinhardt’s ult. I wish they would’ve ignored these plebs complaining about Realism in a game like overwatch…

i didnt even remember why reinhardt had his ult nerfed but then I remembered it was something to do with how he can hit a flying pharah with it, as long as she’s like not too far off the ground.

imo, i can understand that change, but now looking back on it, it was a downgrade that caused rein to hit a lot of bumps in the road.

Jeff Kaplan said it was nerfed because high mobility heroes like phara and genji complained it was unfair that they got stunned while in the air.
I don’t accept this!
Don’t nerf things because people complain about realism.
I’m gonna make a thread complaining about Phara’s rocket fuel magically refilling. Next time when it runs out tuff luck you can’t fly anymore. Realism my butt.

Yeah Blizzard listens perfectly. Who else remembers ironclad Bastion getting put in live despite how everyone said it was a horrible idea… wait a minute :thinking:


The only thing I think blizz is doing seriously wrong is the Mercy Megathread and the changes to Mercy on PTR.

The Megathread really should be addressed by this point, and the nerf to Mercy is addressing the wrong issue with her.

They should at least tell Console Players why something can or can’t be done. But alas, they haven’t responded to Console Players on their own forums regarding the major issues (of which there’s quite a few) in over 6 months.

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Because they don’t with any sense of consistency. "Reading our Feedback" - #158 by Melke-1420

What are the issues with consol, I’m curious. Is it balanced separately from pc? Does it have its own forums?