?!?!? Why do people complain that Blizz doesn’t listen ?!?!?

i didnt even remember why reinhardt had his ult nerfed but then I remembered it was something to do with how he can hit a flying pharah with it, as long as she’s like not too far off the ground.

imo, i can understand that change, but now looking back on it, it was a downgrade that caused rein to hit a lot of bumps in the road.

Jeff Kaplan said it was nerfed because high mobility heroes like phara and genji complained it was unfair that they got stunned while in the air.
I don’t accept this!
Don’t nerf things because people complain about realism.
I’m gonna make a thread complaining about Phara’s rocket fuel magically refilling. Next time when it runs out tuff luck you can’t fly anymore. Realism my butt.

Yeah Blizzard listens perfectly. Who else remembers ironclad Bastion getting put in live despite how everyone said it was a horrible idea… wait a minute :thinking:


The only thing I think blizz is doing seriously wrong is the Mercy Megathread and the changes to Mercy on PTR.

The Megathread really should be addressed by this point, and the nerf to Mercy is addressing the wrong issue with her.

They should at least tell Console Players why something can or can’t be done. But alas, they haven’t responded to Console Players on their own forums regarding the major issues (of which there’s quite a few) in over 6 months.

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Because they don’t with any sense of consistency. "Reading our Feedback" - #158 by Melke-1420

What are the issues with consol, I’m curious. Is it balanced separately from pc? Does it have its own forums?

As someone said on here before, when Blizz listen to the forums… and it’s not often that they do… they’re like the evil genie that twists your wishes into nightmares.

Tracer needs counter play, becomes a character that effortlessly shuts down all CQC.

Rework scatter, becomes super storm arrow shimada sniper.

Mercy rezzed muh teamkill, becomes the moth of the undying.

They never fail to use a sledgehammer to do a scalpel’s job.


If they were being realistic they would’ve admitted that the rework was a mistake and revert her back to 1.0 when she was actually balanced.


If I recall, a few major youtubers put out videos detailing exactly how invulnerable a nano-boosted Bastion was. That to date is the only thing that the devs have shoved to live without a fix that makes me question their ability to listen and respond to feedback. I don’t play PTR because of that.

I’ve actually been suggesting dropping Mercy’s healing to 50 per sec for a while. This is exactly what I want.

Grab something to drink, because this is going to be a doozy of a response. I’ll to my best to organize it for you in case you don’t want to read everything (which would be understandable; this post will have a LOT of detail).

Is OW-Console balanced separately from PC? If you were to count the Torb and Sym turret nerfs and/or Ally Aim Assist for Ana, yes; but those are the only Console-specific changes they’ve made. Otherwise, it’s literally been balanced as if it was a port (even though it’s not a port).
(If you were to ask for my thoughts on these, they can honestly completely revert the damage nerf to those turrets now. The game has been out long enough that most people know how to deal with the turrets. Keep in mind that this is but one person’s opinion on that though, so take this with a grain of salt.)

Our own forums? Nope! (The LFG forums don’t count in this case.)

As for the other issues, here we go:

No means for Console Players to be able to play the PTR

(Note that just putting a PTR on Console is just one option. But I’d prefer to see it done in the means that a Console Player can play the PTR on PC, as long as they link their battle.net account. If a Console Player has linked their battle.net account, it should be safe to say that Blizzard has known Overwatch information on a person’s battle.net tag. How else would someone on Console be able to unlock something like, say, Winston’s Blizzcon 2017 skin?)

No official E-Sports Representation

I know that E-Sports-related things are done by a separate division within Blizzard; but that’s not the point here. It’s also worth noting that I’m not asking for a Console Version of OWL here. Even the simplicity of just sponsoring tournaments for Console Players regularly would be fine. Not much to ask for, y’know?

Not addressing missing QOL Options on OW-Console, which are already live on PC. I could name quite a few that are addressable as well; some that come to mind include:
  • _FOV Slider,
  • Text Chat*,
  • Showing what mode your friends are playing in the friends list,
  • Group privacy settings,
  • Requiring permission for people to join your group,
  • Region select,
  • The ability to hide the chat,
  • Hold to crossfade for Lucio, among others._

Not addressing other potential QOL Suggestions for OW-Console; though not as numerous, I can still name a few. These include:
  • The ability to play Console Overwatch in all of PC’s 13 playable languages without issues, regardless of where one’s copy of Overwatch was bought,
  • The ability to bind a control to Double-Tapping a button,
  • The ability to bind a control via pressing multiple buttons at once,
  • Sliders for things like deadzones and magnetism, among others.

No means for Console Players to appeal in-game suspensions

(For those that may want to ask, no; I’m not talking about competitive bans or Console-wide bans here. I know the former is unappealable, & the latter is handled by Sony/Microsoft. I’m specifically talking about the situation where a person is only unable to play OW-Console, but is able to play other online games on their Console Network just fine.)

Mouse and Keyboard users on Console

There isn’t much to say on this that hasn’t already been said around the forums. Feel free to take a look around, if you have the leisure to do so.


(People have offered up ways in how this can be handled fairly; why don’t they at least take a little bit of time to look into it? As it stands, there’s pretty much no reason for one to fear the Report System on Console, even though Console Players cannot exactly appeal in-game suspensions. And that’s because they can easily move over to an alternate account to circumvent the suspension.)

Let's not forget the fact that optimization seems to get worse and worse for Console players as new patches get released.

The two most notable things that Console Players have noticed are frame-rate drops, and assets sometimes taking an unnecessarily long time to load.

Yeah, that's a lot of issues. But I think the most important one is this:

The fact that they are not even transparent to their Console Player-base on these issues. None of these issues have gotten a response from the Development Team in over 6 months. The main issue is not the certifications or time, even though time has been steadily growing as an issue; the main issue is their lack of transparency to us. We want to believe that the Development Team is listening to the feedback of their Console Players as much as their PC Players. But if they’re not being transparent with us about these issues, how can we possibly tell that they’re trying to listen to the feedback of their Console Players as well? And this one is the smallest and most easily addressable of the issues as well.


*Regarding text chat (located under QOL Items which are already live on PC):

I know someone is going to try arguing to me that it would take a while to type a message in chat. So I’m going to give my own response to this right now before that happens. They can make it so that it opens the Keyboard Interface of the Console. The same thing happens when you are trying to explain why you are reporting someone. And while the Console Keyboard Interface is open, USB Keyboards that are plugged in to a Console DO work; I’ve tested this very thing myself. Apply this same concept for text chat, and you’re good to go.


I really hope this post gets a lot of views so tha blizzard reads this and hopefully responds. Obviously a lot of this needs to be answered. I’m sorry for the console player OW experience.

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Reaper has literally been F-Tier for the past 11 seasons. Giving Reaper a speed buff in wraith walk did not address any of his major issues. It also really doesn’t seem like Reaper is in line for a rework, or for major buffs.

They need to rework, fix, or replace his teleport. It’s buggy and useless

The SR system. Competitive in general. It’s been awful practically since release, it’s only gotten worse.

What is bad about it? How would you fix it?

Placements for starters. On season 11 and everyone knows it doesn’t matter if you win or lose you will be placed in the same rank with a variation score of last year.

What’s the point of calling it placements when they have little impact on where you place.

Fixing it I would reset at least once every 3 or 4 seasons or Just start a season without placements and just start where you left off at the previous system.

Grind, repetitive, RNG, matchmaker, and lack of guild/clans also what’s wrong it would help if they addressed these issues but we are at season 11

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This is an old thread; however, the report system is a long standing issue that Blizz has not addressed, is not being worked on, and they claim they want to restore faith in the report system.