Why do PC players dislike console players so much?

Nothing wrong with crossplay if it was another genre, but for an fps games, there’s will always be conflict due to the argument of aim assist.

Personally to me, consoles and handheld can crossplay with each other since their inputs are similar, while PC player should be match with other PC players or have the option to opt out.

There are main reason why:

  • Game balance are different base on the platform. Furthermore, balance patches are being held back on PC due to console patch procedures.
  • Any form of aim assist will never be approve by the PC gaming community for any competitive fps games. It is always force on them by the console crossplay community.
  • Aim assist is allows allows console/handheld maker cheap out on the hardware specs which stagnate the fps console experience, and developers can be lazy to not implement flick stick and gyro support into their fps game.
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There is a fine line between “acceptabel” and non acceptable aspects of playing Any game online and then being paired off with that person.

Console players have a different rules set that they have to abide by and they also provide “aim assist” to said players. There is also a little thing known as Tickrate, which consoles require a PC player to be LOWERED to their level just to play on the same server.

Every since cross-play has been implemented. There has been nothing but network issues with the game. and especially hit registration.

Infact, every major title I have ever played, that implements Cross-play Cross-platform developes this issue.

Then if you could, since pc players are so superior. Why when cross play first started in OW1 and PC players complained about how inferior to pc players console players were, when placed in a 6v6 match PC vs console… PC got their behind handed to them 3-0.? Asking for a friend.

I am a console player who just broke into masters on support one tricking Lucio.

I am doing my placements now on PC using only my xbox controller with a kontrol freek so far winning 4 games and losing only 1 because a junkrat in the last team fight ran up and fed for some stupid reason before the team could group up (it happens).

I’ve asked every game in chat what elo its at and always get the response of about mid to high plat. I don’t expect to get to masters on PC, but I’ll probably get to about mid diamond.

Games so far haven’t felt difficult. I have
470 hours on Lucio. It’s pretty routine thus far. The lack of aim assist I got used to after about 20 minutes of practice in aim labs.

I don’t really care. That hanzo on PC may be on a mnk, but I’m still going to catch him out of position, knock him into a corner at close range, ping his position while I speed my team into the room, and then delete him.

PC players make way to big of a deal of this whole mnk vs controller thing.

Last time I tried this was when I barely made diamond and got to 2850 on support.

The gap isn’t that big. It’s like 300 SR.

Keep in mind, on console I am already up against a lot of mnk users who also are on aim assist due to all the xim adapters floating around so it’s not like I’m not used to deadly opponents.

PC is overrated.


Never heard of that… Console? Is that a thing that washes clothes?

Console players do play with PC players in QP now. PC players can’t opt out of it, console players can.

The point about console players being majority is not my words, it’s what I’ve seen them brag about on this exact forum. I don’t really care which one is true.

And about takes on balance - I at least remember constant complains about Torbjorn’s and Symmetra’s turrets. In OW1 there were even separate balance tweaks for console and it’s fine, but impossible now with crossplay.

This game is not really designed for consoles. You cannot play well heroes like Genji or Tracer with a controller. Hitscan heroes require twitch aim, which is impossible on console. Overwatch is not balanced around playing with a controller (thankfully).

But I guess it’s cool for people who cannot afford a gaming pc, but otherwise pc version is just better.

You just don’t know what you are talking about.

If you rely too much on “twitch aim” to hit shots then you probably suck at aiming. You should have your crosshairs already on a target anticipating the shot and just make minor adjustments.

It’s not “impossible” to play those heroes or any hero in the game for that matter with a controller.

This person’s entire channel is dedicated to GM gameplay on PC with a gamepad vs some of the absolute top players. If he was in your lobby with Genji like in this gameplay he’d be turning your mnk sideways on you and make it look super easy.

Then why don’t OWL players use controllers?

Look, it’s not an opinion, it’s a fact that keyboard and mouse are superior. With controller you have maximum velocity and turning rate which limit your ability. With mouse you can fully control your turning rate.

Not saying it’s impossible but it’s pure masochism for sure.

Easy for aim assist people to say xD As Cassidy try “anticipating” a shot on Genji who dashed through you and is jumping around you.

I typically don’t want console players on my team in ANY game because a lot of them usually have terrible microphones and hotmic the entire game.

Then they also make sure to flame/complain when they lose despite contributing nothing to the match at all, glad I got to hear their shxtty music in the background and their mom vaccuming the whole game though.

Who ever said they hate them? Consoles do limit development on the technical side thou. Balance wise people have issues with controllers and aim assist. Simple as that. Also the discussion has been had a millions times about AA. The logical conclusion is that computers > humans. If you believe otherwise you are honestly stupid.

PC master race.
Unwashed console peasants.

I am on my controller on PC challenge now and from my experience being a master on console is that the mic actually hurts your team and yourself more than it helps.

I use the ping system constantly which gives concise visual information that people are already processing on screen rather than force them to process audio information that is slower for the brain to react to and creates a distraction that splits mental attention.

The players simply are not good enough to focus on what they are doing while responding to call outs multitasking with it. They do respond wonderfully to the pings from my experience.

That’s part of what got me up to masters on console. I was taking full advantage of that ping system putting it on my right stick and moving quick melee to another button.

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Because PC elitists have this misconception that they’re better than everyone else, all because they spent at least $1000 on a gaming PC. They also have this misconception that because they play with a KB/M that they’re automatically better than console players, who use controllers, and get upset when they lose to someone with a controller.

It’s just pathetic, unearned elitism.

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I am destroying PC players in mid plat right now using only a controller. So far 4 and 1 and only lost the one game because the final teamfight my junkrat decided to run in and feed (hey, it happens, “gg next”, move on).

I was getting about 18 elims per 10 on Lucio those games while outhealing both enemy supports.

That mnk does not mean a damn thing when I find the hanzo out of position, shove him into a corner while speeding my tank into the room pinging him for the rest of my team just in case that isnt enough.

You remember wrongly. The experience was diminished for PC players. It’s the same for any other game tbh.

Extremely good Controller players get hard stuck high Plat/Low diamond if they play aim intensive characters on PC. What do you think the average or low level Controller players can do without aim assist?

Even in a game that naturally allows Controller to compete via ability/spam based characters people still cried for software handicaps. Console/Controller players aren’t getting enough hate to be honest.

this whole thread has given me an anyuerism

I dont dislike them, what I do dislike is the fact we are thrown into the same game for some reason, when ive played both versions, and they are different in how they play.

Console should be balanced for console, while PC should be balanced for PC

Except for this guy who is in GM top 500 on PC using a controller with Roadhog, Genji, and all the “aim intensive” heroes you think only a PC gaming master race elite can play.

Well, when I was low diamond on console I plugged in my controller and got up to 2850 on Lucio back in OW 1.

I am doing the same challenge again now that I cracked into master on console. They started me on gold 3 after my first placement (2 rank derank) and I’m destroying those kids winning almost every single game against them with a 360 controller. I should be in at least plat by my next placement.

Ya’ll act like ridiculous on here like a GM on console won’t crack silver.

The difference is only like 300 SR at most and believe me, ya’ll do just as much stupid crap if not more at the same elos on PC. That’s why there’s so many QQ threads on here from hardstuck PC players who can’t get out of silver which is like 80% of this forum.

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