Why do PC players dislike console players so much?

It’s not exclusive to Overwatch either.

We do not dislike console players. We dislike console players being put into PC lobbies because of the massive inherent advantage of the MKB.

I personally dislike it in favor of console players because there is no reason they should have their experience ruined when they’re getting run over due to superior methods of playing the game.


Why do console players act like victim andies all the time?


In games like FFXIV it’s because they actively stagnate the technical development of the game


I was jealous of them never having to deal with text chat.

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For overwatch i dislike console due to them their is limitation to how much achievements can be added. I wished Blizzard would add PC exclusive achievements. I heard slow patching is due to console?.

Other than that i don’t hate console players.


Console players often do not realize they play a different game than PC.

Like when they complain about Pharmercy…


Pointless Tribalism.
Next question.


Superiority complex and lack of personalities.

Sad but true. Consoles do be like that, especially in the patch approval part, stagnant yet stubborn.


The rivalry between console and pc is mostly just a meme. Nobody cares what you play on


It’s not disliking console players. Its the fact the the skill difference is just too huge, it’s no fun playing with console player on your team and against them. It diminishes the playing experience


Not everyone hates console players. I can’t care less about them.

I’d say one thing though. Due to crossplay we have slower updates. That is really bad and will definitely affect the player base one way or another.

Also, and this is just a suspicion as I can’t prove it, since crossplay arrived, audio is broken in game. Some sounds will not play correctly or just don’t play at all. It makes sense due to Xbox one and PS4 being totally outdated.

But maybe I’m just blaming the easy target here. Truth is, audio is broken and they haven’t acknowledged it publicly.


I don’t hate console players, but I hate that having a game on console means slower updates and patches just so they could shove Overwatch on the Switch for no reason other than more users = more money. And yes, I own a Switch. God no, I would never play Overwatch on it.

Not every game needs to be on every platform.


People don’t like them in pc lobbies because of the massive disadvantage they bring because they are playing on a restrictive gamepad.

Imagine getting in an uber and the driver starts driving the car with his feet…that is essentially a console player in a pc lobby.


id rather be able to play with my friends and get stomped then not be able to play with them at all. if we’re playing qp/arcade the main thing is im having fun spending time with my buddies whether we’re winning or losing

Consoles pretty much ruined every game i liked. And exclusivity is a practice that should be abolished instead of supported by buying 70€ exclusives. Also console players support paying for online gaming, and are responsible for all the new games being cinematic movies except actual games. See old vs new gow as an example.

Also responsible for patches being slow and poor PC support in new games.


You mean “disadvantage”?

Have you tried MKB on console? Or speaking about something you don’t know or only heard of?

Because there is constant misinformation that MKB with aim assist is broken, but the reality is that MKB is NOT SUPPORTED on console for OW, so you need to buy those special MKB that translate the keyboard and mouse inputs into controller inputs.

This creates an incredible delay, you can check quickly on YouTube what the experience is like.

I have tried 3, some of the most expensive ones, all are trash.

Please inform yourself before saying things that have absolutely no sense whatsoever.

They’re also the reason patches can’t be released every other day in Overwatch.

Not console players so much as the restrictions imposed by the console vendors.

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He obviously meant MKB on PC has advantage over Gamepad on console.

As to the main topic at hand…

  • Console players constantly boasting how they are a majority and so everything should revolve around them
  • Console players having completely different takes on balance and demanding balance changes for everyone just because some hero on console is harder to deal with.