Why do PC players dislike console players so much?

And switch has the most obnoxious group of ppl. 24/7 whining and crying for every game to be ported to switch while ignoring the fact that their hardware is hot garbage and everything has to be reduced in quality just so it can be ran.

Its fine for non live service games but the issues arises when live service games start getting ported. This means every future update has to be planned around switch’s garbage hardware limiting content.


If only there was the option to turn it off. Oh wait…

Uh this statement is ridiculous. Yeah FPS is superior on PC but the most revolutionary shooter of the century was a console game(Halo Combat Evolved) and Call of Duty has been focused on console primarily for years. FPS works on console, this is honestly just pointless elitism.

Also gameplay wise. There is a reason PS exclusives are called intersctive movies, cause they hold your hand to the point of forcing the camera view or your character saying “i should grab this ledge”. This has bled to PC games making them dumber than ever

Also control-wise, everything has to fit in a stupid wheel.


I play both PC and console games heavily. I don’t get it either.

I think PC players often don’t understand what aim assist is, and how it can actually screw your aim more than help you.

Having crossed over to PC back in 2016 from PS4, I know what both are like. I think people operate on misconceptions about what aim assist entails.

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Only bad pc players. From, “console is trash — to — terrified of console”. Interesting. Keyboard takes skill/familiarity, but controller takes more skill than mouse. Keyboard is essentially muscle memory familiarity.
Anyone proficient at both controller & kbam knows that the only difference is input preference. When you can aim all input devices become the same.

They’re either at a notable disadvantage because of KBM versus joystick realities

Or the aim assist is so high that it feels laughably unfair.

Not that this last one is the case for overwatch- but it falls into the “in general” aspect of why.

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ESPECIALLY TRUE in Overwatch, when compared to other FPS games. Other FPS generally don’t have multiple flying heroes camping you overhead, multiple high-priority ground targets in the backline and enemy tanks diving your position.

Turning 180/360 degrees takes way longer on a stick, unless your sens is so high that you can’t do any fine aiming while on KBM it’s just a matter of moving the mouse further.

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Not exactly the systems fault, but pc players arent too much fun of aim assist

just because halo, was an exclusive console xbox game, does not mean that fps games were made for controllers.

i mean it is literally a fact that fps games were made for pc gamers, while rpgs, fighting games, racing games were made for controllers, console gamers.

Good, Blizzard should turn it off then, sounds like no one wants it from either side

Aim Assist this is why. Nothing more or less it is just Aim Assist.

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I don’t think they do.

They just don’t like being in the same lobbies because either.

  1. PC players are just better so you’re a liability
  2. Some mediocre or bad PC players if you use aim assist you will roll them which isnt fair to them since you aren’t even playing you’re letting an algorithm beat bad players.

And seperate thing is Console players bragging or acting like they know the game when they’re X rank in console when that rank in console is like 3 ranks lower than PC equivalent.
For example a TOP500 console player having a huge ego when his top500 when top500 Console = Platinum PC.

They also fund it. Or is only PC money the kind that matters?

we dont dislike you love . its just that we use completely different tools and basically play a different game . we SHOULD be separated for the sake of fairness

I play both console and pc. I hear the same gripes from both sides honestly. Console players aren’t all the whiny people who think balance needs to happen for them. For instance Ive put about 2500 hours into Hunt showdown on console. Console and pc can’t crossplay with ea h other, so it would be okay to balance the 2 differently. Console players don’t brag about being the majority. As a matter of fact PC is the majority and where the majority of money from the gaming industry is made. In the end, the less than average gamer cannot afford a gaming pc, so will be forced to play console (as they are much more affordable to someone on a budget). In overwatch im not really sure why anyone would dislike console players because you can’t even play comp with them.

Aim Assist Mic drop

My experience is that the console players who use controllers have much slower to response to input speeds which means that overall, all else being equal they play less well than PC players. They also communicate almost exclusively over voice chat which most people on PC don’t use and they cannot easily see text chat.

Which is console is fine when they only play against each other.

But things start getting weird with those invisible groups. For example, IF I group up with a buddy who is on console while I’m on PC, then my friend gets pulled into the PC player pool.

But no one on the team who isn’t grouped with me will know we are grouped or that he’s on console and if they type “reaper has ult” he won’t see it and they won’t know that…overall, it brings the performance of the group down.

Which is fine for people who are casual but tends to make the sweaty people upset.

I just don’t like mixed PC / Console lobbies, as it often introduce the question : how much of an assist does controllers needs. Controllers are at an handicap, but it is really hard to quantify how big this handicap is.

Some games literally give the equivalent of aim-bots to compensate for a bad input method.