Why do PC players dislike console players so much?

Those aren’t aim intensive characters. Lucio, Genji, and Roadhog are spam/ability based.

One trick Soldier with Controller on PC and see how well you do.

Bad example guy. I play him with a controller on pc. He is way easier than console. Far less recoil on pc. And the fact that you get zero controller feedback with him on pc (no vibration) makes it even easier.

I have close to 30 years of mouse and keyboard muscle memory. It is so much easier than controller it’s insane. But do be elitist about pc. LOL At least be elitist once you use a controller on PC and can maintain your rank. But if you think point and click…and wrist clinch to flick makes you elite??? Please… gimme a break.

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It’s not the instrument being played, but the skill of the musician. Controller actually is better on the movement side. The optimal setup is joystick left hand, mouse right so anyone playing with wasd keys is playing sub optimal as well.

Even on the right stick there’s ways to make controller more comparable.

First, longer thumbstick for more leverage and more area to make minor aim adjustments. The 360 controller has a tighter spring and more thumbstick tension raises accuracy. Pros usually use Battlebeaver controllers that make the right stick work like a 360 controller. Lower in game sensitivity also makes minor adjustments even easier.

Mouse players often have trash aim habits. They want to flick shots constantly. If you are used to an inferior aiming setup you develop good habits to compensate. You already have your crosshairs where you anticipate to shoot and barely need to adjust when the shot is taken.

Also you pretty much made my point that OW is an ability based game with way more going on than just mechanical skill. On soldier positioning matters as much or more than how good you aim. You gotta setup good LOS angles without getting punished by dive.

A mouse don’t give you good gamesense.

The ping system is better in some ways, and honestly I’ve told people that voice chat isn’t really necessary in the game at this point, not just because of the ping system, but because people rarely ever get on the microphone to be productive.

I was diamond/master elo a long time ago, took some years off and coming back to the game I got back to diamond relatively quickly, might go for higher depending on how things go, but I did it entirely without using voice comms in any of my games…could I have gotten to my destination quicker with the comms ? 100%, but it also drains my energy to be shotcalling the entire match and trying to keep team morale together when one player’s actions will drag us down anyways in a lot of games.

I’ve actually been looking at unranked to GM’s without voice comms and even though those players are way better than me it seems like it doesn’t matter wether you use voice comms or not, cause regardless of your rank, if you play at a certain level you’ll more than likely reach it eventually.

Avoiding voice comms might be frustrating for some though to be fair, but if I need to say something I’ll just say it in text chat, and however people react to it is on them.

most of them are a bunch of kids who think are good, because they hit masters,gm…etc on console. I’m sorry but anyone who plays on console is a pure casual player nowadays the price of a console is similar to the price of a new pc. If you like to play on console and enjoy it with friends and for fun that’s fine, but I do not like when someone thinks is good enough to give advise about how to play the game or gaslight support players only to find out they are masters on console