Why do PC players dislike console players so much?

Yeah, with worse graphics, worse loading times, worse controls, just worse hardware. But, the games are the same, yes. Which is why I’d rather play the same game with better hardware.

Which is why I said it’s better, IF you can afford PC.

None of these do I consider to be a problem with PC’s, or to be better on consoles.

MAYBE platform exclusives are the only thing that a console would have over a PC. But, the difference with PC’s is so large, that they are by NO means anywhere near “the same,” at least in my opinion. I would take a PC over a console any day. But, everyone has an opinion.

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PS4 Limitations.


Cause they are the reason everything is dumbed down graphic wise as well as performance cause anytitle has to work on console, they also affect control schemes to be made for a few buttons.

They are also the first people to accept micro transaction and popularise it.

Look at unreal engine 5 but no games are even utilising the full capability of even unreal engine 4.


You mean the games that where locked years onto the xbox till Microsoft realized they could make so much more money with it and released a full remaster on steam and also Halo Infinite earlier this year?

As a seasoned Halo player: any type of shooter is always better to play on PC, same with strategy titles, while most adventure games/RPGs and basically all fighting games and car racing work better with controllers.

I don’t dislike console players at all. I’ve been a console player since I was 7 and I inherited a Super Nintendo from one of my uncles. I still play a few games on PlayStation and Switch and always will. Consoles are part of my life.

But if I’m playing ON PC, I want PC LOBBIES EXCLUSIVELY unless I queue with a console player.

You guys can disable Crossplay. We can’t. How is that even a thing? We have as much right as you do to choose who we play with.

I don’t care if mixed groups have to wait in queue for 15 minutes to find a game, that’s not our problem. Getting matched with little Timmy who can’t even turn around before getting killed because he’s on -7000 sensitivity IS a problem.



You should learn to speak for yourself rather than others that exist within your demographic.

As a PC player myself I’m fine with Crossplay but recognize the inherent need for player agency to decide what the individual would prefer to do.

Works both ways. Why do console players hate pc players?

Pc hates console: unsure
Console hates pc: Because they have better control and aim (and they can mod there game easier)

Just split us apart. Back to D1 in OW1

That’s why they have aim assist, which greatly helps their aim, and that’s why in many competitive games, pros use controllers because aim assist > MKB.

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I am unhappy with Console and PC being cross-platforms, since now PC has to deal with casual non-competetive players being considered in the balance of a competetive game.

Having Torb and Symm be total dog-sh*t characters because of bronze players and console players is such a bad time.

Please just don’t do PC-Console cross platform.
Inbetween consoles, sure, they can have their hand-holdy gameplay where Torb has no Turret and Symm is deleted from the roster. And the PC players can have an actual shooter focused on being more competetive in it’s balance.

I hate how games nowadays is always aimed at the lowest denominator.
PC games being dumbed down for console is one of the first sins of gaming after 2000.
Then came DLC, Microtransactions, lootboxes (pls bring them back as a strictly free reward Blizz), “battlepasses”, and Bobby Cotick. Console players are the root of all evil.

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Pc players dislike everything. Me including.

Yes, the guy said FPS aren’t ment for console. Halo is an FPS built for console

elitism, having the best of everything tends to make you look down on people who have less. same reason the rich elite wants us to eat bugs.

Technically… but practical Halo was also meant to always get a PC port, CE especially. They stopped with it since their where problems but I can assure you that 99% of the Halo fans either wanted a PC release or had a Mouse and keyboard port for their X-Box.

I do not hate you, I do not want anything bad for you. I wish you an enjoyable experience.
I wish you the option to play with your PC friends, as well as an option for me to opt out of it.

I don’t care if you have an advantage or disadvantage, I don’t want to think about it, therefore I’d like an option to opt out. I think that’s perfectly fair.

You do you and leave me be. GLHF.


I just dislike console as a way to play games. There is no actual mechanical skill provided by joystick compared to MKB.

I am a console player and a PC player. Let’s not pretend people here don’t also have an xbox or ps4/5.

Patch approval for console means even fixes for characters like mei take 2+ weeks when on a PC only environment it would be a matter of days.

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AA - nOt AiMboT!111 (c)

I just want to be able to choose when I have crossplay on or not.

I didn’t buy OW console because I want to play it on PC. If I wanted to play with console players, I’d do that (which I do when I play with console friends).

(Not for everyone, but) I personally also think consoles/games are often a huge waste of money, but you can do what you want with yours so long as those decisions don’t affect me (eg. promoting/validating Blizz’ new OW micro).

Oh, and pubescent XboX boiz are often toxic.


100% agree with this. I should get to choose if I play with console players. Mouse and keyboard allow for a lot more acracy and make strafing easier. When I play I don’t want anyone to have aim assist and i want them to have access to similar gear to me. If I win I want to know that we were on an even playing field, I overcame someone that is at the same skill level as me and neither of us had an advantage

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