Why do PC players dislike console players so much?

If it’s the case, my bad.
I thought it was another useless post “I was shot by a console Widow using MKB with aim assist”.

There are hundreds in this forum and I feel the need to clarify that it’s SIMPLY NOT POSSIBLE.

OW in particular:
-patches have been held back because of the console releases
-no option to opt-out of crossplay


How in the world do you misinterpret what someone else is saying this badly?


Because they know we’re cooler and hotter than them. That’s why.

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fps games are not meant for console; rpgs, single player, fighting games, those are made for console.

fps games are on console for money… increase of sales.


Ermm, have you heard of halo by any chance?

smol pp energy

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I don’t. Im just tired of crossplay being forced into every game and inevitably dominated by aim assist.


Really boils down to not wanting to play with someone who is artificially handicapped/holding team back

You also don’t want to die to someone who leaves you wondering if they only got you because the game did something for them (aim assist)

At the end of the day everybody wants an even playing field


It’s the same as when you were a kid and there were “fanboys” for playstation and xbox, when it reality you just played what your friends played on. Kids will be kids.

Either godtier aim because of aim assist or garbage aim because they can’t use a controler.


Well in PC we can turn off all text chat.

As for console… the options where you could type something in during a match, like say a mid-match report ticket. By the time you typed something very short the game will be yelling at you for being in-active with a kick being imminent.

One thing I think which gets overlooked is, which also makes console players a hindrance is…: Their version of the game is capped off at a certain resolution and framerate. The PS4 version of OW for example is 720p rez at a max of 30 FPS (it dips often enough during big team fights when ults go off.)

So you have someone who even with the best of intention of playing good, will always react slower. Esp. during big team fights when everything is going off.

I think they also have a smaller FOV option too.


oh 100% that’s one of the reasons i don’t even feel like playing dps, i play at 60fps, and i know the vast majority plays at 140fps now a days. So for me, it never feels like it’s a fair battle.
Can’t imagine 30 fps, that’s so slow.

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I think console players are just generally a younger group of people, which may be part of it. But, I think it’s more so that PC players just don’t like crossplay, due to consoles being inferior. PC’s are just better for gaming, if you can afford them.


I can’t really agree with this. They’re about the same.

Do PCs reach higher performance thresholds? Yes, but that’s not really what gaming is about as a whole, hence why the switch is so popular.

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Honestly there is no real good reason for it. Humans are tribal animals. They form “us” and “them” groups all the time. Based on color, religion, place of origin, gender, hobbies, age, anything really. Do XBox and PS gamers get along? Of course they don’t. It’s just people forming a group identity and sticking to it. They will of course try to rationalize some kind of justification for it, but at the end of the day it’s just the monke brain going brrr.

the answer is quite simple.

Well, I guess you COULD argue that, although the switch is handheld. I wasn’t comparing a PC to something with completely different functionality. I was comparing it to traditional consoles like xbox or PS, which, you can’t really say provide any advantage over a PC, or are even close to “the same.”

Pros: cost(pre owned consoles beat even the most budget builds possible), support, platform stability, ease of use, tuning isn’t required to get the most out of the hardware you spent money on, platform exclusives, you don’t have to deal with 40 different launchers, etc.

The same: Games(again, the most fundamental part)