Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

im not saying they haven’t been toxic. I said that none of what was quoted was toxic.

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plat players don’t understand the game by definition.

I’ve never met a plat who didn’t belong in plat and who didn’t have horrible takes and/or gamesense. When I try to explain how the game works to plats as a 3700+ player on every role, and why we are losing teamfights, I’m ALWAYS met with condescendence because they always know better and they are hardstuck plat because of smurfs and bad tanks. Pretty ironic, I tell them that no matter how good a Lucio player you are, Lucio is throw pick vs Pharmercy, but they watch ML7 do U2GM on Lucio and think they can do the same without realizing that:

a) they are massively inferior to ML7 in terms of gamesense
b) they are massively inferior to ML7 in terms of aim
c) ML7 too is “pushing his own luck” by 1 tricking Lucio vs Pharmercy, you can see how many games he lost due to refusing to swap when the game would have been a very easy win on a hero like Baptiste otherwise.

I wish people watching streamers and taking them as their heroes would watch what they do IN THEIR OWN ELO and how they are FORCED to flex if they wanna win the game. If you are at your equilibrium elo, you are expected to flex, out of respect for teammates. I don’t think you should stress it, you can probably play Lucio vs most comps, but there are 3-4 heroes he can’t deal with, Pharmercy, Brig (which is a better Lucio basically) and maybe 2x shield. But mostly the first 2, I would expect you to swap.

You do see them not focus firing, not backing off a lost fight, not taking support-able positions, not using high ground, etc. That they don’t have the same means of failure doesn’t make them any less unhelpful.

How’s that for a whole heapa negatives lol?


The issue is, again, if you read the comment (and not nitpick just a part)

A Support player HAS to multitask and HAS to have good prio targets to heal AND do damage (yes they have to do damage too). So yeah, waht you said can be applied to anyone in the team, but only supports can heal mate … and when they dont, they are hardcore throwing.

Yes, even more than a DPS that doesnt have a good day and cant hit their shots because again, that can also happen to a Support … but those heroes are way way way way easier and accessible to get value from than lets say Hanzo, Genji, Cass etc

Seems rather low your stats, avg dmg is about 15k dmg and above, even overbuff states the avg is around 15k dmg. (even though i think that site is outdated or cannot bring more accurate stats)

thats why theyre in bronze in the first place lmao? thats like telling bad dps players to “just aim better”

If it takes you 15 entire seconds to turn around and you still dont then yeah, you are the problem. Not healing someone when they’re behind a wall and taking 15 seconds to turn around arent the same thing. This game is complicated but its not that complicated

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there is a difference between not healing at all and not healing when you need to, if you’re not healing at all, then yes, throwing but if you’re not healing when you need to… it depends

you see, in theory a support has to heal when a teammate is critical or with less than 50% or when they’re simply taking damage while dueling but you also have to take in account that a support has effectively 11 targets to focus on (9 for OW2)

if every single person in your team enters a duel at the same time, what do you do? for the one you choose not to heal you’re, by your definition, throwing, which isn’t the case, you just can’t be everywhere at the same time and the idea of having perfect decision making is simply a fallacy that is also defeated by low ranks playing so randomly that the possibilities become uncommensurable

going back to the question, if everyone is in a duel, why wouldn’t you also just duel? what makes your dps so reliable that you choose to put all of your value on them? I trust my aim much more than anyone else in the game around my rank and statistically it has been proven that the support who deals more damage wins more so again, why not?


When I play support and people manage to scream for healing 180° behind me then their positioning is the problem and it will not take me 15 seconds to turn around, because I simply will not turn around.
I am thinking of playing Ana/Zen in this scenario, as the other supports are moving around like ball lightnings anyway (when I play them).

I find it simply poetic when I have teammates breaking their X button and yelling on comms for healing while literally standing behind a wall that has a healthpack right next to it, people just can’t gauge danger nor do they think about their own safety in an effective way just because OW has spoiled everyone into having a support available at all times, luckily we’re moving away from that


You’re seriously a jerk in every comment you type. I’m thinking you’re a massive toxic problem in a lot of your matches; I feel sorry for your teammates.

Maybe take some anger management classes? The amount of hatred and anger displayed in these comments over a video game “support” role is honestly troubling.

Stop, get some help.


The fallacy in that, is that if you have good aim, you can do both healing and dmg at close intervals, the best supports that climb out, aren’t the ones doing dmg but balancing dmg and healing.

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Exactly. I think you answered your own question as to why they don’t heal.

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Meanwhile ‘fragsbythefoot’ can get from bronze to high gold playing with his feet, since he’s disabled

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sorry but not true, the support that is more aggressive simply contributes more damage and forces the enemy support to make a choice, they can overwork themselves healing more or they can simply balance the scales by dealing damage, a support who prioritizes damage is way more beneficial to their team

of course healing has it’s time and place but in general terms, dealing damage is way more beneficial to your team than actually pocketing a useless dps and having no value forth

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Lol, I didn’t know that and it has made my night so much better. Thanks!

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Low skill supports don’t heal allies quickly enough
Low skill teammates can’t avoid eating bullets 24/7

It all sounds appropriate. Maybe with practice and time, everyone in that team will ‘do better’ or something :man_shrugging:t6:

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Yeah I look at the actual number and compare it with the time as well. I don’t actually ask people what gold damage is though. I don’t use chat and don’t care about teammate performance. I just worry about my own because that’s the only thing I control. :slight_smile:

If people had the same mentality they’d actually climb. I went from gold to master in my first season playing by just figuring out things I could do better.

Behind you does not equal out of position. half across the map in a 1v6 is out of position. If they’re behind you and its psychically possible to heal them then yes it is on you. Its not that complicated

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Who cares? No healing from supports used to bother me but not anymore. Take it from me, I’m playing in 600SR and bad healers don’t bother me even there as a tank. If my healers are too busy DPS’ing, I can just go sigma or roadhog. And if I’m playing DPS, I can always go soldier: 76, tracer, bastion, reaper, symmetra, or sombra.

I only tilt when my supports are AFK’ing in spawn because they think the fight is unwinnable. At least contribute the fight in someways (even by being a DPS moira) if you’re not going to heal. In fact, DPS moira has lead us to winning some of the games in comp so it’s not always a net-negative.

Anyways the point is, it is what it is. In low elo, DPS can’t aim, tank feeds, and supports rarely heals. You need to adapt to the elo you’re playing in to win games.