Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

I’ve noticed not only in my games, but in things like Flats’ Spectating Bronze series that low-skill/low-rank players will straight up refuse to heal in favor of getting a little bit of extra damage in. Why? Do they feel that doing damage is more rewarding than healing? If so, why are they even playing healer if they’re not going to heal their team? Is there an actual explanation?

171 replies :cold_sweat: what have I done

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low ranks are toxic and frustrated and think they are the best Ana/Bapt/Zen player in the world with sick mechanics, kept in low elo by bad teammates, it’s a way to vent frustration, in general support players are the ones who are most toxic in OW. They won’t start fights but they are ready to be scummy always, the moment you ask them to do something different, or point out that you waited 15s to get healed as they didn’t turn around, they are ready to throw the game to “prove a point”.


One word. “Inexperience”. They just haven’t learned where to be, when to attack and when to heal yet. Give them a break. They’re learning. Help them out. Give advice. If they still refuse to learn after that then chalk it up to not having a full group of friends and move on.


I mean theres a reason they are bronze right

Its likely due to poor choices such as these


Ever tried pocketing a Hanzo with 10% accuracy for a whole game?

What am I saying, of course you haven’t


I’m not sure i’d trust the person who goes out of their way to attack Mercy and other mains on the forums when it comes to their opinion on toxicity.


Low rank players play like low rank players. You have your flaws as well. We’ve already seen countless unranked to GM runs to know that your low ranked support, who just refuses to heal you, isn’t a problem for them. So it shouldn’t be a problem for you.


Thats not whats being pointed here.
Of course a DPS stuck in bronze has flaws like a Support stuck in bronze, but one role is more intuitive than the other. You dont see Bronze DPS trying to “heal” the team instead, do you?

The point is that, something as basic as knowing when to heal or damage (not even remotely good, just the decision) seems to be a HUGE issue, when it should fall under common sense but like we all know, unironically, that is the less common of the senses.

PS: Those Bronze Supports are also probably Bronze DPS, so they might not even be good at that either. Which makes it even weirder.

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Idk, maybe they want to play dps but the queues are too long


Why would you pocket a 10% accuracy Hanzo

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Because the answer to literally every post asking “How do I climb out of low ranks on support?” is “Go Bap/Ana/Moira and frag out.”


You don’t have to heal as much if the other team isn’t doing damage. :heart:


Most support players have bottled frustration and a “holier than thou” attitude because they play the “selfless role”. Doesn’t matter if they 1 trick a hero that is bad in the situation or miss all their shots, it’s still a “better human being”.

Can’t say I respect most support mains, biased toxic af children is who gravitates toward this role.

Exactly. Healing a damage hero who isn’t eliminating people takes 2 players out of the fight. The correct choice is to not waste healing on ineffective players.


healing a bad player can give you more time to kill them. or have them waste more resources before turning towards your carry.

also free ult charge?
denying the enemy the freedom of only watching over 5 enemies?

Doesn’t matter how bad they are, you can always absue them as meatshields in the worst case


I think you underestimate DPS players and overestimate the positive impact that bad tank players give.

Your principle of “healing bad players less” is generally correct too bad you are just biased against DPS players like every low elo support and overestimate how much low elo tanks do.

Tbh if you have never played in high elo or semi high elo, there is little hope for you to have an objective vision of who is doing poorly because for example “tanks not taking all the space available” is a MASSIVE mistake but if you don’t have a trained eye to see how far your tanks can walk without dying, you probably will dismiss this as “not a big deal”.

DPS with little space is very hard to play.


Which is true… if you can at least hit your shots.

Not saying it’s true or not, but how widespread that advice is definitely helps contribute to people trying to carry games with their dps and not bothering to heal.


It’s usually down to either slow reaction times or an inability to problem-solve quickly.

The first one leads to players not reacting quick enough to game comms or critical markers, the second one leads to them not being able to prioritise tasks appropriately.

Of course, there are some who are weird and just have a grudge against their team and/or a very high opinion of themselves, thus will try to do their teams job for them. They’re usually the exception.


There is also an exaggerated view of what is going on. Which is sadly because OW lacks proper stat tracking. Things like Healing out, healing in etc be amazing. So many times people complain about “Getting no healing” and yet you know thousands of HP have gone into them that match.

Plus it’s bronze, every one plays like trash and eats bullets in the face constantly. It’s a near herculean task to just keep the tanks alive. So yeah they might not be healing you, but doesn’t mean they aren’t healing any one.

Honestly if your complaining about heals it usually means either A you need to get shot less or B take more health packs. It also generally means your not killing many people if you keep getting shot so much.