Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

One last reply.

Two people have put you on ignore very quickly.

I literally acknowledged your argument and refuted it several times regarding the healing issue

You are acting like a child. Quoting twenty years of internet usage means nothing. I’ve had just as much if not more.

When I say grow up, it means grow up. You’re still here trying to make yourself excuses because of someone else’s actions.

Accept your responsibility


Yes, that is the reason you read my post and reply to it, trying to fit in yet another shallow, guilt allocating reply to have the last word, right?

If my responsibility is being true to my word, being convinced screaming for healing 180° behind a support is bad and maybe getting a sanction on this forum for not being 100% modern and politically correct, then it may be like that - accepting such things and being able to live with it comes with the age.

Trying to create a crowd to group up and create an “us versus them” momentum tells everyone much more than necessary about you and the situation here, and that’s what has actually happened and maybe is the “BS” that actually gets called out here being the pivotal point of the drama you stirred up?

I can only repeat myself at this point: some people are able to read context-sensitively and those people have a hard laugh at this thread and your posts in particular.

OzzYBWild please do not be toxic to others on the forums

It is against code of conduct

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The person that just said this:

is the same person that entered this thread with this statement:

I will not comment this any further and let the quote speak for itself.

The quote says you’re keen to take any criticism anyone gives as an attack and that you view any kind of “confrontational” discussion as toxic, and that you are more than happy and willing to take any opportunity you can to label someone as such because you clearly have a moral compass superiority complex that you yourself do not adhere to.

Quote: “that guy” threatening with flagging as toxic and trolling, etc, pp, in case anyone still cares start reading at the very top and enjoy the journey. o/ :slight_smile:

PS: What happened to


SOMEHOW I feel reminded about the first quote in this post. Don’t ask me why though, just a gut feeling I guess…

I agree to alot of points of what you just said but i will heavily dissagree a tanks job is to do damage, dps alone could triple the amount the dmg that any tank can offer, at most you will see a tank doing 10-20k dmg capped 20k being the peak, 5k if playing passivly but ussually their dmg output is so low, they can peel for sure but dmg no way. If they are ever winning a match the dmg will be lower. (because there ult management was more impactfull).
A tanks job is ussually taking space, denying space, distrupting team comps, isolating targets and having excelent map awareness all while keeping the pace of the game.
You will see tanks dueling tanks yes, but that is ussually because the defending tank has to deny the space of the attacking tank, tanks don’t waste their time on focusing on the tank infront of them as they are more concerned whats behind them and infront of them its just a obstacle for them to overcome. (they are more focused on who dares gets near that space so they can punish them, ussually a good tank will priotize the squishy but will have to manage that the other tank doesn’t go for his team. This is why a tank will push back another tank unless he can sieze an oppurtunity of a frame to make a gamechanging battle. If a dps isn’t well positioned that changing moment will be wasted.

I’d like to play Ana and maybe Bap but the problem is I absolutely suck at picking up new heroes. I will play them like a bronze at first :sob: currently having fun with Ana though so maybe I’ll be able to play her decent

Right, and more than that it is true.

Trying to support out of low ranks is crazy hard, fragging out is way way easier.

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Its a thread asking why bronze players dont heal, and my response makes sense.

Please do not manipulate others words it is trolling and will be flagged. Thank you

Yes, because quoting your first reply here is “manipulating words”, right?

I hope you actually get sanctioned for repeatedly threatening with flagging. Trying to manipulate others by repeatedly announcing to (falsely) flag someone should actually be a punishable/bannable offense.
Sad irony that you are one of those complaining about “toxicity” here.

You know that’s also Torbjorn’s voice actor? lol

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You severely underestimate how much damage a tank does.

it’s in general harder to 1 trick than it used to be I think, I used to be a mostly-Tracer player but these days I flex a lot more.

tank is a damage-dealing role. Some rough reference number (off the top of my head, these are more or less personal stats, you can look on Overbuff for a more precise version).

Good Tracer: 8-10k hero damage/10
Good Genji: 10-12 hero damage/10 (often there is Nano involved here)
Good Soldier: 12-13k hero damage/10
Good Cassidy: not sure on this one but I’d guess around 9-10k.

Now for tanks:

Rein who isn’t a shieldbot: 8k hero damage/10 with potential to get 10k depending on how many nanos you get

Winston (a very Nano-reliant tank): 8-10k/10 depending on how many nanos you get

Hog: depending on how much time you have to spend breaking shield, 7-10k

Good Zarya (Zarya is very easy to kill in current meta which is why her stats are so low but I’m assuming a game where they don’t run full Zarya counters): 10-12k

As you see, most tanks have numbers very in line with what DPS can do. Tank IS a damage-dealing role in OW and you are supposed to do damage. The only thing that tanks can’t do is do precision damage, or have great range. DPS is more flexible at getting final blows but if you relieve your DPS from breaking shield, generally they will give you more kills.

fair enough, if mechanically-intensive heroes stress you out, I think good complements for a Mercy player are Brig + Moira and in the “easy” games where team WANTS Ana and they are ready to carry you, peel for you etc. you can go Ana, if it’s say Masters and they see you are a Mercy 1 trick, if they force you on Ana they don’t expect you to sleep Nanoblade and will peel for you most of the time, they want you on Ana for the Nano so M1 on tanks + staying alive generally does the job.

Ana in current meta is also somewhat unrewarding, probably worst support in terms of reward-for-effort ratio.

I assume we are talking about supports that are actually trying to play support. You will find a lot of supports who explicitly only DPS - nothing you can do about them except play a hero that has sustain of their own. As for supports that are actually trying to heal, you have to be in front of them to get heals. Don’t expect them to see anything except what’s right in front of them.

I know I have good tanks when I’m playing DPS and I don’t have gold damage.

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gold damage is really anyone’s to take. There are heroes that should nearly never have damage medals, e.g. Widow or Doomfist. If those have gold dmg, something is wrong.

But if it’s between say, Hog or Soldier, either can have gold damage depending on how the game goes and how many enemies run into each without the other being necessarily bad. Which is why I often ask for the actual number, if gold damage is Reinhardt with 3k in 10 minutes, something is VERY wrong…

none of what they said was toxic.

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They definitely have been toxic, but so has the person who called them toxic sooo :woman_shrugging:t2:

So many presumptions here. I’m a former Platinum Junkrat/Dva main, but I stopped playing ranked in 2017. Support is my least played role, but I’m experienced enough to recognize who isn’t carrying their weight.

I just remember how playing in low elo matches feels like. Healing is either useless, or creates stalemate situations where one person eventually wins by pressing Q.

Now I just play Arcade. It’s more fun when half the players are Metal, and the rest are trash Masters on their alt of the week. It’s fun to dumpster smurfs who try to solo carry.