Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

Because healing isn’t forcing teammates to do stuff, they still dying just as easily, still missing their targets just as easily, etc. In general, it’s proving to be ineffective and waste of time.

Yeah the difference is between hardcore sabotage and soft throwing. Thats literally it, theres not much difference mate. Do you think a healer that just heals only when the battle is done and before the battle happens is actually NOT throwing? Because thats what HPacks are for. If a Support is doing that, it is basically a glorified HP, which makes that “strat” soft throwing.

You are not getting the full picture buddy. Re-read what OP is saying and get real. No one is suggesting Supports have to have godlike management and prio, we are talking about BRONZE players : The amount of heal you need to do is quite minimal, so if you dont even do that, yes, you are throwing.

Have you actually seen the VoDs from Flats? Its not a situation like : Oh the Ana healed in this teamfight for 1200 damage instead of 1400 , omg thrower! why is he/she throwing?

Because there is a SUBSTANTIAL difference between Dueling as a Support and Dueling as a DPS. DPS can literally only do that mate (besides soldier/sombra), do you get it?

Its not that I am putting 100% of the damage of the team in the hands of the DPS, nor I am saying a Support should NEVER do damage (quite the opposite), what I am saying is that letting your teams die over and over and over again by choosing to do damage as a support 90% of the time IS throwing. Watch the VoDs my dude.

Theres no fallacy here, dont be dishonest. No one is saying you should NOT do damage, that is a strawman. What I am saying is DPS cant heal, tanks cant heal others either, so you HAVE to prioritize healing, at least 60/40. The issue in Bronze (again if you watch the VoDs) is that they are literally not healing, almost ever. Like their team starts taking damage and they are either refusing to heal or 100% unaware of that and by the time they try to heal, half the team is dead.

Please learn the difference. Its not that hard to understand that nuance.

This is you. You are describing yourself.

You are a hardstuck low ELO player who thinks the reason that they are hardstuck is because everyone else is playing wrong.

Standing behind Zen/Ana IS half across the map (from where the fights are happening) and out of position.
“Its not that complicated”

BTW the “core issue” to this is that the ones complaining do not understand it’s a team game. Starting the blame game or going into the game with the idea that support players “HAVE to heal you” immensely lowers your chance of winning.
If you were in my team with the attitude of “hey, it’s your DUTY to heal me no matter what” - guess what, I will GLADLY prove you wrong. As long as a person is participating in the game it is THEIR decision how they do it.
Especially the demanding, actively or passively toxic ones that blame instead of looking to actively SUPPORT their supports (by active positioning to make healing easier, no AD-spam in front of an ana when a desperate heal is needed and looking for healthpacks themselves for example, you know, smart things…) are the ones that complain, and in all seriousness: who cares?

I think you should also look at it from the other side.
low lvl dps and tanks think supports are heal batteries.
they just stand in the open field and think that the supports are already keeping them alive. if they die, it’s the support’s fault.
play around corners more, use health packs etc.

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I am talking about HERO damage here, you are probably talking about TOTAL damage (includes shield damage).

Overall in GM the game is slightly faster so if you considered a GM game I would say Soldier can push 14k hero damage/10 but I’m assuming diamond/masters gameplay. In plat it’s even lower, gold/plat Soldier due to being bad and the game being slower in plat probably dies like 9-10k hero damage/10 but a plat Rein is also lower so overall every role is in line still.

idk why u ad hominem me, I can climb even on a bad team, I know how to carry bad teams, for me the issue is mostly when I play in plat/diamond it’s not FUN for me to be the carry when my team AFKs or semi-AFKs. I don’t find the notion of “having to kill 3 people at least 70% of teamfights” a fun one because I have to play very well to kill 3 systematically, even if it’s vs plat players, 3 plats focus firing you can outplay a masters/GM and yet you have to play in a very greedy/stupid way if your goal is killing 3 per fight. I can, and sometimes choose to carry, sometimes choose not to because it’s tiring/frustrating to carry trolls and 1 tricks who are there to spectate my prowess.

Actual plats/diamonds can’t carry because they are unable to understand WHY they are losing.

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I’m a bronze/silver support and i heal unless the team goes to enemy backlines and spams “i need healing”.

Majority of Bronze/Silver (B/S) does not protect their healers from flankers and we have to deal with our self and get killed in progress and then worst of all B/S don’t take cover so we can full heal them.

In lot of matches i have played the supports do heal. Even DPS moira has value if she can get some kills if not she is a burden and same goes for reddit Lucio.


Problem is that healing doesn’t magically improve players. So it’s no surprise, that players have such little care for supports - they are still prone to failure, even when being supported, so keeping support safe becomes not a key to success, but rather unpleasant duty no one likes to do.

And supports also can see, that their healing isn’t producing results, so…why keep doing it?

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I don’t know invented the saying “please touch grass”, but you must be the inspiration

Ugh, I better step outside myself. wth am I doing here

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Low-skill players don’t always play optimally.

News at 8.


This is you. YOU are an actual plat/diamond.

Biased tribal opinion. :man_facepalming:t6::unamused:

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salt is strong in this thread…

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Because they were going to heal their team, but realised futility of said action. It doesn’t take long to fall to the dark side - watching teammates dying, despite putting all your heals into them, is sufficient. By the time heals finally start working, chances are player is fully formed DPS support.

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if a player isnt supposed to ask for healing then how are you supposed to know too heal them? i mean besides having good awareness

i think you proved his point.

a supports job is to keep people topped off above all else because a dead team is a losing team.

like i could understand if the guy was over extended right (but even in these situations, your better off trying to heal them if you can survive it), but if someones BEHIND YOU asking to get healed then isnt it a lil rude of you to ignore them.

positioning is a very important thing, its entirely possible that if the player had stepped infront of you it would get them killed. it doesnt take long to turn around too top someone off. but more importantly, stepping infront of a support too “force” them to heal you is far more likely to make them mad then asking for healing.

and its very toxic of you to say otherwise.

i play supports too, ive gone entire seasons playing just mercy and ana.

so from where im sitting, your just a tilted support player that needs too chill.

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It’s mainly because of tips higher ranking support mains give out. I’ve seen a few mains ana,bap,moira, etc who have said WHEN IT IS THE RIGHT MOMENT put a little extra damage in to get that squishy or pharah in the sky, or the sombra flanking.

This goes over lower ranks heads and even mine where before I started to rank up from being lower I had a mindset of oh I should go for this character they look like I can kill easy but doing so caused 3 people to die. Changing this mindset showed how much I can improve from not doing that and choosing heal more then getting that satisfaction of shooting a flying mercy or 1v1ing someone as moira in the backline.

Im not being dishonest here on what i stated you are just devauliang and misrepresenting my point by calling it a strawman when its not, hige offered his words of wisdom and i just offered mine if anything you aren’t reading to learn the difference.

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Reading through this really makes me think that some support players have a god complex.


A lot of them seem to like to roleplay.

Yes, naturally. Someone making it easy for me to heal them is likely to make me mad and if I say otherwise I am toxic.

Sorry, but I do not frequent the parts of the woods where that makes any sense.

If this thread has brought one thing to light then it’s the FACT that a lot of people participating have a BIG issue with understanding the term “toxicity”.

  • Having an opinion is NOT toxic.
  • Having a different playstyle or idea about the game than you do is NOT toxic.
  • Exaggerating and using drastic language (even in this thread being a lot against me) is NOT toxic.

Calling people toxic on every corner as a tool to leverage your (sometimes pretty deranged) opinions into validation, now THAT is BIG toxic.