Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

Because you made a massive deal out of it and prefaced it with a rage fest, and then continued to give attitude to people… just like Green was painting the stereotype of.

It’s because he is the Hanzo with 10% accuracy

If you scroll all the way up, and find the original reply that “started” all of it, it’s clear that I’m pressing “X” and not even talking. I might press it 3 times over 15s but that’s because 15s is a VERY long time in OW1 so I suspect you haven’t heard it the first 2 times maybe due to bugged UI.

Keep shoehorning my story into “all DPS mains are toxic” narrative though, really support-like.

playing poorly, and not healing are 2 different things. If you don’t heal for 15s I suspect it’s gameplay sabotage, even Diamond players which is the elo I chill in most of the time, I suspect they can heal you within <15s time.

I’m pretty sure some people are able of context sensitive reading and see who wrote what and who replied in which way.
Also, those are the people that will see the bunch of folks trying to throw stones from the sideline to actually troll and stir up drama.

The other people, I care about as little as the stone throwing trolls.
Have a nice day. :slight_smile:


Complaining about generalization while using generalization is big smart.

In the future I think it would be better if you were more thoughtful in your initial approach and your communication skills. You’re not without blame at all, and honestly it looks like back pedaling now.

You criticized me for making assumptions then say this lol.

If diamonds aren’t healing you then maybe you’re right.

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Thank god that we have you to lead with example, being totally objective and not toxic at all.

I can’t tell if this is sarcasm or not. I’m going to assume it is.

in general, I would say game quality declined massively on ALL roles, tbh I can’t rly enjoy Support either due to bad tank players, but on tank I can generally carry even if my DPS are trolling.

Supports are the ones that really can be frustrating to the team, like I don’t expect you to live or carry me, you can hardpeek Widow and die to her on CD if that turns you on, all I ask is to get healed when it’s reasonable (e.g. I’m well-positioned, and the enemy isn’t aggro on the backline). DPS nearly always have the priority over tanks if both are low HP and yet most support players refuse to work with DPS ever and are willing to give resources ONLY to tanks and then wonder why they are diamond hardstuck.

I don’t expect hardpocket or miracles, I ask the minimum, very often if you pocket DPS in a pinch, they give you a kill or 2 back, try and notice how often that happens.

Just ignore him, it’s what I did. I see “message blocked”, it’s not worth arguing with “endorsement 4 golden Hammond” profile picture", likely a salty gold player who gets off repeating ad nauseam “hitscan OP” on forums to vent his frustrations ingame.

I don’t normally talk like this but level 3100 at 2101SR. I might take your advice.

Quote from one of the people in this thread threatening to flag my replies as trolling. The things you encounter in this forum, you can not make them up…

To you, as well: Thanks for depicting who the actual toxic trolls in this forum are. :slight_smile:

Trust me, we’re experiencing our own version of it right now.

You can say that, meanwhile you’ve been overly aggressive/defensive/accusational about people’s intentions and entered the conversation capslocking at someone like he attacked your family…

But ya, no we’re the toxic ones:

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I don’t wanna be “toxic” per se but I also don’t feel obliged to be extra nice to someone hard trolling.

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Back on topic, if you refuse to turn around to heal DPS behind you, you are toxic.

Does it make sense to you to presume people to be

to then in the same sentence say


You are using the same levels of exaggerations I use, how do you not deem yourself to be toxic and trolling?

Also, I could go on and do the quote game like you did there, but randomly scraping bits of replies to different people (and their often dramatic/accusing posts) together to try and paint a picture of it is measly low. Just the level of actual toxicity as complaining about exaggerations while using exaggerations yourself, especially trying to rig “the family” in there, is.

Toxlording at its finest.

Once again: thank god we have people like you two depicting who is toxic and who is not. :clap: :clap: :clap:

Yeah that’s fair.

Me who hard pockets dps and is plat :woman_standing:

Our have not been the same level of exaggerations. You can see it plainly between looking at our post differences. What I have done is called you out on your misinformation and reinforced that through evidence of your experience and knowledge.

Furthermore, whether or not you perceive me to be toxic does not excuse you of being equally or more toxic, and being that you have been the one using that as some sort of “shield” to excuse yourself from either being incorrect or being judged, I find it ironic that you don’t seem to want to take responsibility for your own attitude.

And I understand you’d like to try and devalue your own toxicity, but the reality was there was a lot to pick from in a short period of posts, and yours stood our quite brightly. Downplay it all you like, but at the end of the day you’re guilty of not practicing what you preach…

To reiterate, your level of toxicity has been noticeably higher. There is no “equal” grounds here, there’s no black and white, you’ve been very rude and insufferable. Trying to drag other people down with you to excuse yourself is sad, and I hope one day you’re able to take responsibility for your own attitude.

To the bolded part


You only feel this way because your BS has been called out, and now you’re acting like a legitimate child.

Have a good one, take a good look in the mirror, and grow up.

PS: You’re on ignore now. Having gone through some of your previous posts I can tell there’s absolutely zero point in conversing with you, who either assumes everyone is out to gaslight someone else, or has no problem exerting the same level of toxicity they complain about.


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if you main Mercy, plat isn’t a stellar elo for her, I don’t rly play Mercy on support below masters cuz I play other supports also, and in the rare cases when I play in plat, I think I rotate Ana/Bapt/Moira, but in plat, I think the key is finding someone who can hit shots (you get the feedback when someone is hitting shots BUT you should also be patient and mindful that at the start of the fight, people are shooting shields etc. which don’t give the feedback). Also, Mercy dmg boost is paradoxically strongest mid-fight, which creates a conundrum because often the play as Mercy is let tanks die to pocket DPS a bit more (you shouldn’t overdo this). Overall though this decision-making is hard and I’m trying to talk about masters+ stuff, I struggle on ALL roles in plat because in plat imo it’s never a fair game anymore… overall if you care about climbing, pick up Ana, Zen, Brig, Mercy + those 3 is an extremely good hero pool that covers every situation, in general now, there are A LOT of boosted players in every elo and carrying them requires you flexing generally (on other roles also). I can’t play my main, Tracer, below masters anymore because below masters people refuse to create a frontline and there is nobody willing to be what I call “the damage dealer” (i.e. breaking shields, doing the most damage to tank HP…). Normally that’s a tank job but tanks in diamond like to go Rein + Zarya and be 0 energy or go Hog and flank into the backline. So bottom line, I’m stuck on Soldier/Reaper most of the times IF I wanna rly win a diamond game.

In general, no matter what funny streamers will tell you, 1 tricking is harder than ever, meta hasn’t changed in forever and everyone (even diamonds) have down very well what is needed to win a game if they REALLY wanna win, they always know “the” counterpick to be made to abuse a 1 trick.

By throwing my level and rank from some profile logging site in here from the time before I blocked my profile to be private after TONS of people like you used the information for their toxicity? That is a VERY mature use of the term “evidence”, the world will forever be in your debt, thank you very much.

Ironically enough that applies to you from my point of view on the same level.
You as well completely ignore my arguments and only stir up drama in this thread, from the first reply to your second quote fest right here.

That, also, sounds applicable to your own posts, ironically.

Yes, the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, innit?

Once again, perfectly suitable for your statements and behavior, thanks.

Not anymore as of now, since at this point I have to quote your defaming troll post to actually defend myself and point out the shallowness of your “evidence” and own toxic behavior.

Once again, some people are able to read context-sensitively and understand what you are doing here. Those are the ones I care about and I bet they are laughing at this. A lot.

The “grow up.” part is the cherry on every turd of “internet drama” that ALWAYS verifies who the actual children are. After over 20 years of near daily internet usage it’s actually probably the only real statement of value you brought to the table: the knowledge that the “ha, KID!” person is always the youngest one in the chatroom, at least mentally - apparently.

The urge to publicly announce who you put on ignore also explains a lot about you, puts little on the table of arguments against the person you complain about though.

I was basically a one trick but I’ve branched out into other supports, namely Ana and Brig, rarely Mercy since I don’t seem to get good value out of my team often.

I’ve been both forced to, and also found myself a little angry with myself for taking so long to do it, but I’m having much more fun now in general

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