Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

Just to but into your little debate

Crowd Management is natural for some people like mike, they can have a total view where there teammates are in any given position, awarness is also important in a support keeping tabs on where they are located is a good example of a good support, i don’t dissagree the point of a dps mispositioning behind a support at times but it requires context, sometimes you have to push forward with a tank to take more space and that could leave a sniper behind like say a widow or ashe. In escense you want to have total view of your teammates to make your life easier but sometimes that option isn’t available, so you adapt, having better crowd management and awareness is more valued with a key of prediction or reaction time for engages that may require your supporting role to disengage or secure victory/loss.(this all goes into the flow of the support)

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Please do not troll on the forums it is against code of conduct

You have been very negative to all of the people who disagree with your assessment on play

Please learn to consider all of the feedback that is overwhelming your argument

Thank you

Something tells me you’re the toxic player here


wanting to get healed is toxic yes.

Shoulder checking is part of the job. :man_shrugging:

It’s something I do a metric crap ton on support, and it’s one of the key elements to taking care of your team.

It’s everyone’s job to watch out for each other and be mindful. Literally every player needs to be doing this.


Thank you Verdict for your verdict

I agree

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Trust me I totally get that feeling but yelling about it to your supports isn’t going to do anything but upset them.

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I never once wrote that I yell, you should work on your reading skills.

Do you know Mike and his gameplay habits and abilities? Your post would make sense in that case, is pure speculation in any other case.
My statement, that doing a 180° turn as a support player to heal means either your positioning and plays are garbage or the dps players’ are, still stands true even in your “what if” scenarios.

There’s a big difference in the general statements given.
“Support players are NOT MEANT TO 180° TURN to heal you” makes sense, whereas
“If you arent healing your people regardless of where they are positioned, you are not a good healer.” does not make a lot of sense.

My statement about the 180° turn is context insensitive, it is ALWAYS bad if you are DIRECTLY BEHIND your healer, and means THEIR or YOUR positioning is WAY off.
Mikes statement about “healing people regardless of where they are positioned” wants to be context insensitive but is VERY context dependant, since “if you don’t always heal you are bad” literally hurts my brain.
Also, I have met a lot of peoply trying to hurt my game with “logic” like that over the years.

This is so wildly backwards to me. Here you are calling him bad, and talking about understanding positioning, while simultaneously telling other people it’s their job to be in front, and calling out their attitude because… you can’t shoulder check?

More so, isn’t this entire argument relative to the characters being played and the strat being used?

This is kind of mind numbing, and the atittude about it from one support to another is not good.

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he is trolling, I recommend mute & ignore and flag post. Attention seeker clearly, probably he isn’t even reading your comments before replying.


Widowmaker alone kills your argument

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i understood what he meant and i understood what you meant its just not easy to convey a complicated topic its more like everybody misunderstood eachother

Yes as Widowmaker allow me to throw myself out of position so that you notice my existence.

I don’t know what supports you play but it ain’t that hard to take note of where your team mates are and look back to check on them every now and then. Taking 2 seconds to heal someone is better than having them displace themselves and run back.

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It really does make sense. People can be in bad positions, or forced into positions, or using group-relative positioning well, none of that really matters. You need to be healing/supporting from your relative position among all that. That means if you need to turn around, you turn around, but you can be shoulder checking actively anyway, it’s literally a skill that you need to practice to be a good support.

Are you even able to identify the circumstances above from one another?

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You literally ANNOUNCED replying to me without reading my post.
I wonder who the trolls in this thread are. Maybe it’s the ones ANNOUNCING to not read before replying, calling me names and announcing/requesting to flag and report?

It’s actually sad what this community has become over the years.

Logic and argumentation? Nah, flag and spam report, works in the game let’s do it here as well.

I think we both know you don’t have the friendliest tone when typing or talking in chat. And if you try to claim you don’t… it comes off that way. There is no point in complaining about people playing poorly.


Please tell me this isn’t your main account.

Why do you need so much healing? Not got access to health packs or cover? Or Mei, Roadhog, Soldier?

The question isn’t why aren’t the supports healbotting you because you assume that’s their job.

The question is why are you complaining about your team instead of adapting to them?

Tanks not tanking? mei. Healers not healing you? Soldier?

Dps have all the tools for adapting. But then they just won’t.


With a widow on my team I either stand in an angle which allows me to check and heal her or the widow would have to get to me and/or rely on health packs if she wants to flank/peek aggressively away from the supports.

I find it ridiculous how people freak out about me saying “180° turn to heal is always bad” while ignoring the fact I never said anything about where the support player is looking at or supposed to position him-/herself.