Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

I don’t believe they were trying to say that Zar was “diving”, I think it was just a seperate commentary

Brig Zen Lucio Moira are your best friends vs heroes like Genji.

I don’t deny that in low elo you can have a Zarya walk in 1v6 (which is a tank job to peel her btw), but I also have to say it’s relatively rare, I played support in low elo myself and I’d say 1v6 tanks inside your team happen like 1/20 games.

A lot of low rank players are there for a variety of reasons. Some are very inexperienced. Some are there due to lack of time to play. Then others are there because they choose to be there. Their main account is likely gold or higher.

They choose to stay in low rank to make themselves feel better that they can’t get out of the rank they are in on their main. So by not playing support the way it was intended they are boarder line throwing. Does it make players trying to improve upset? Heck yeah it does.

Its sad you dont see bronze dps trying heal anyone, im sure the mercy would have love the healing/ health pack that her pocket took while shes dying to ashe dynamite…


But the comment mentions dive specifically. Even if it was a separate one, the picture is quite unrealistic.

Yea, but in my experience if i do pocket the person doing the most i get flamed for not healing and my pocket gets asked to duo cuz theyre so good. Had a match where they even offered to venmo my duo cash and said they have a god like pocket mercy for them if they grouped.

I was like yea sorry mb, im jus jesus, never enough…

Dude again, once I played a lot of sombra in ranked and qp… trusting my teammates when i called emps, hacks , tracked their and enemy ulti…

you know what that trust lead to me?

‘‘omg switch sombra, report sombra, sombra useless’’ and these are the only flames I can write in this forum.

every match is a reality of trial and errors.

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Firstly. It’s “Support” not “healer”

Secondly. “Support” heroes get weapons for a reason.


Your not playing backline brig in bronze, your playing peel brig for everyone. Its good practice tbh, but i never liked clunky shield heroes like brig n rein so i dont use em :3

If your a bronze brig ur probs facing a bronze genji. Wait out dash or!!! Ult…why does bronze genji have ult and you dont?

You can bully bronze genji as brig.

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profile open, not in bronze my friend.

also me neither , I don’t like Brig, a bit to much passive playstyle for me. And play passive in ow 80% times means you die.


You can be a proactive brig. And even then it doesn’t matter you rank. If you silver your facing other silver players

If your gold your facing other gold players
If your gm, your facing other gm players.

The argument still stands. If you can figure out pit a way to be more self sufficient or help your team on the hero you choose, you will stay in the rank you are, because other ppl above your rank have figured out how to be self sufficient and help the team.

I do also find passive playstyles to be the death of me, so as a mercy main im proactively tracking ult of my team n enemy team, tracking positions of enemy team n my team, and counting cooldowns.

All things you can do on brig as well.

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have you ever heard about those blue little guys? XD

and about mixed ranks?

In low plat I have faced ppl in diamond 3200 lol.

and in gold faced high plat players XD

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You dont see smurfs every game, and your talking about people 1rank higher than you.

Honestly if you feel your account is cursed i do encourage people to get at least one alt. I remember making it to plat with a duo and feeling like i was boosted so i got an alt account and it placed 2987. I enjoyed going back to my main and “smufing” on dem golds.

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I beg to differ (also a lot of alts, I know if I say smurfs= alts ppl go mad here)

and that should never happen in comp. comp is to play vs SAME TIER SKILL LEVEL

I will never be part of that stupid problem

we have nothing to say anymore, you’re part of a big problem ^-^

if is fun for you so be it, but don’t expect people will be nice on you. You’re simply part of the problem that we try to remove from this game.

but sadly blizz love more money than their playerbase-

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Delicious. I think the phrase you’re perhaps looking for is ‘chalk it up’, chuck it up means to vomit :sweat_smile: .

To OP/thread: Whenever I have to play at low MMR I find it more valuable in many situations to eliminate/attempt to eliminate lower HP heroes or enemy supports over healing teammates. Co-ordination and focus-fire barely exist, DPS execution is often unreliable at best, and there’s always a value calculation (at all ranks) for heroes like Moira/Ana/Bap if it’s better to keep a specific hero up or take an enemy hero down. There’s also awareness and positioning issues, as mentioned.

In more deathmatchy games where you can only really rely on yourself, there’s a normal tendency to try and take matters more into your own hands. I think this is also the intended direction for OW2…

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Uea, the fact that my alt account placed higher than my main means ive been smurfing on people for years now, just didn’t know it.

I’ll bet the farm it’s 100% that you LOS the healers. That is what happens 95% of the time at low ranks.


Is more that you could have climbed on your main instead of doin an alt , simple.

Not quite as my main is now. 3k and archived. I dont use my main anymore since it has all my best memories of my best of friends when i was stationed in asia.

I now play on my alt if i play at all.

My theory is that many dps players often queue support for the quicker matchmaking time. Mostly for zen and lucio, but they might just want a vacation from trying at all and go mercy and just zone out