Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

I dont think you know what “dive” means mate.
If that is happening, then it is an awareness+focus fire issue and that affects the whole team.

Also a lot of people like to complain about that, without actually making call outs in VC … which is absurd and yet, real as life.

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You clearly don’t read I said if you also have an Ana that is easily dealing with her then brig is a fine choice to have alongside

If you don’t understand me look at my overall time across all heroes yes reaper is my most played character but he is followed by how many supports

So I see that you definitely don’t like supports… :joy:


Good thing I’m a flex player

I know well what means, that was just another example.

my awareness ‘‘oh 6 ppl are goin on me in the mid of my team who is busy doin nothing’’ neither a hammer hit from my rein.

you know ow right? go in vc is calling flamers. I can see ppl diving me even without calls.

ana isn’t ‘‘easy’’ to deal with Pharah.

when enemy have Pharah, sure XD

Naw man, game’s been out for 6 years. You see this with multi-star borders not to mention you’ll frequently see this with high borders as well.

It’s a derivative from multiple issues, but “learning” isn’t one of them. The most basic function of a support is to sustain a team. If you don’t play this way 6 years later thousands of hours in, you are a.) Just horrible at the game with no hope of improving OR b.) Know exactly what you are doing and intentionally sabotaging your team.

Yeah she can if you know where to position when to force her out and where she is coming from shoot her normally and oh she is trying to barrage a good timing sleep is ez kills
Also if she is being pocketed and playing near cover if you hit a nearby wall that’s close enough where she will be effected by bio nade mercy can’t heal her and she has to wait

oh wait so you mean as a HEALER i’m dueling a Pharah?

ask again why none is healing then.

also what you say is a niche situation, most of the times Pharahs are out in the sky. Maybe if a dps took a counterpick of her I can heal instead of wasting resources on a flying hero when i can heal.


That’s why you also learn when to heal when to damage if you are being pressured then you are forced to duel especially if you have no backup gamesense is a skill afterall

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Also there are 2 supports for a reason if your Ana is dueling a pharah and getting pressured you can as the other support lets say bap use utilities to help your team while helping your Ana at the same time

Inexperience and a new player, not too likely but there are some players that still trickle in on this game (as strange as it sounds).

But it’s also a probability that it’s a smurf account that don’t care, they just want their pew pew dopamine rush and don’t care too much about their actual support job.


then go back to the op.

tell him why he got no healings.

dude are you serious? relying on other people in gold/plat?

is harder than reach t500 lol

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Every time a hard stuck bronze comes into these forums to say “it’s impossible to solo climb a support”, 250 people will tell them “just pick Ana or Bap and carry yourself out of bronze by dpsing, healbots won’t solo climb”. So that’s what they do, and, shockingly, it doesn’t work.


Sometimes it’s a clear they are either underperforming or throwing nothing you can do but try and play properly and if manageable overperform
And you also need to learn to trust people I’m not gonna oh my Anna is capable of healing my whole team well I’m gonna heal my tanks instead of enabling my dps that have that ability to delete the enemy team
If I’m the Ana I want my mercy to pocket soldier

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They aren’t playing healer, they’re playing support. If you want heals from a bronze support, it’s best to stand right in their face. If they are playing Ana, then stay still as well.

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It wasnt. Dive is 100% not that so yeah look it up again mate.

If 6 people are going on you and no one is doing nothing, you are on an offline session because that is statistically impossible. ALL your team is alive, and the ENTIRE enemy team just “walks” besides them with no one doing anything? HARDCORE Press X to doubt.

Good for you mate. Clearly in Bronze, many people cant, but guess what people that have poor awareness have … ears. Unless they are deaf, if you call “Focus Zarya, main main here here on me on me on me” on the VC, is really really really really hard to ignore.

VC and call outs are less and less important the higher you go because people do have awareness and see things happening but in lower ranks its value its INSANELY huge.

tried. is always only me who try to counterpick. so not doin that anymore. not even goin comp anymore. so can’t ‘‘overperform’’ alone. even when I had situations when I got 5 kills solo the whole team managed to lose the fight

doin that will only make me lose.

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That’s the problem if there is no trust and then there is no way to tell who is doing what wrong is it your teammates or is it you is counter picking the opponent the best option or can you exploit the enemies mistakes on your current composition this game is a sad reality of trial and error

Why did I read your comment with Nazeem’s voice from Skyrim?