Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

Because if I’m dived by Moira, Lucio, winston, dva, genji, reaper, and you don’t care sorry not sorry but I gotta do a 1 v 6 because you guys don’t care to peel the healer. Neither if they’re near you.


if this many people dive you constantly, chances are you have bad positioning. It’s possible especially in low elo to be on a very bad team, but in my experience, rare.

If 4+ people dive you, you are not using cover and/or your team as meatshield effectively. Stop blaming the team and L2P, most support players in general should L2P better.

Absolutely not, I can’t count how many time I see a zarya taking a happy walk into my team, pass trough five people and none give a thing.

so don’t blame the supports when you guys are all blind and can’t peel.

also ‘‘using cover’’ vs a ulting genji is useless as hell.


That’s were backline peeler play style brig comes into play ulting genji is just worthless bug getting squashed and if it’s not working just practice it will work eventually because low rank players need to learn how to punish bad plays as brig using bash and putting the enemy feeder in a bad spot. Also if you are paired with Ana or zen you have to babysit sorry

sure, I do bash when he fly at supersonic speed, dead, also a Genji who isn’t idiot just destroy your shield from afar.

Get this in your mind, are dps who have the better option to counterpick. simple.

If you dont get healing there is a reason and most of the time is up on dps or healer that reason.


If you are just shield boting as brig in the open then that’s on you learn to manage your shield play with your other support and work with cover and use whip shot to keep inspire up if possible

Backline peeling Brig in low SR sounds like the best way to insure you DON’T climb.

Sure, you shut down Genji, but you can’t really do anything proactive playing like that, so you won’t be able to really influence the game that much.


The problem I see for low Elo that I witnessed is that they play like how pros first described ow2 deathmatchy

clearly you just don’t want to understand , even if I shield bash him, he will just dash forward after the short stun and melt everyone, whip shot also is useless as hell vs him, even if you manage to hit him at his supersonic speed he will just dash again back at you,

also another scenario, enemy have Pharah? well my dps sometime never go hitscan, so again, I must go dps ana or bap to deal with them

get it, no healing received? ask yourself why


Dude clearly you have know idea how to play brig which is why you don’t understand what I’m saying
Also we are talking about genji not pharah

I simply don’t play her, as someone said using brig is the best way to lose.

If people learn to peel healers they will win way more games.

So deal with it, sometime we have to play dps since you can’t even watch your shoulders-

that was another example to make you understand why healers don’t heal


Also to being a support learn to manage in general when to dps and when to heal

Low rank players exhibiting low rank play styles, whodathunkit :thinking:

In all seriousness, I’ve never noticed and will start paying attention to see.


if all the time we are dived and rest of the team don’t do anything, we must go dps 100% of times. not our fault

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Honestly if you are facing a problem with pharah and your Ana can deal with her if you are on brig your fine also just pressuring and not getting an elim is fine in some cases

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Within your own support game play Sekiro you’ll find an answer to your question, or at the very least an understanding of the madness that is healing at that level of play.

My observation of bronze…everyone is generally a mess. It’s like all the kids were let out for recess. They all run off to different corners of the playground to pull hair, pick their nose, throw rocks, fight over the swing, eat dirt, and generally come crying “I need healing” after they already shoved the bee up their nose, screaming at everyone along the way.

The other option is that they didn’t queue support to heal. They queued support for the shorter queue times it offers, and when they get gold elims as Moira/etc they feel like it’s a success.

That’s why…IMHO opinion of course.


Brig vs Pharah is useless as hell. Is like to have half of the tools to deal with her.

Dealing with Pharah means you won’t heal your team because you’re busy trying to hit her with your needles vs a splash dmg while losing los on ground on ppl who need healing and enemies. that’s why Pharah is a bad design of a hero.

once again here a reason on why no healing.

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Maybe they got accused of healbotting one too many times, so they decided not to heal?

Frankly, I do agree that support players should be focusing on healing. It’s nice if they can get a bit of damage in too, but it should not come at the expense of healing. If all a support player can do is heal, then so be it.

People should NOT accuse support players of healbotting, EVER.

I say it is this the most. Even with all my experience playing support, I still struggle sometimes in QP where teammates are just all over the place. Even harder when both the tank are dive tanks, so it is just a headache in trying to get into the best position with LoS of most of the teammates. With OW2 and not knowing the map, this is even harder to do.

I trust pillars and walls (natural cover) more than any shield tanks, lol. The amount of time running around a pillar/corner from a genji, only to have them lose sight of me and run away.

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My dude that’s 3/4 of this community not any specific role lol