Why do low-skill players refuse to heal?

And the fall is going to be HARD once OW2 comes in . There are Scoreboards there ooooh boy!

It’s mandatory requirement. As well as German accent.

No matter how good or bad supports perform, they hold your life in their hands.

Didn’t stop anyone in TF2, won’t stop now either.

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if you win 1 game in comp ow you become a smurf.

bc you are now at a higher rating than you where before, so before you where a smurf not knowing you are a smurf.

forums are ao awesome sometimes. :rofl:

i am usually 2.8k but i lost 2 games i am now currently smurfing in 2.7k muahaha get owned noobs

rly the word smurf is used by ignorant players unable to improve or even look at themselves.

crazy how people expect Sympathie

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as a low gold support main (i suck, i know) it doesnt matter how many of my own resources i give to another player. if theyre not doing their job in the first place, im wasting my time.

for example, if the enemy team has a pharah who is controlling a lot of the game, and my team’s dps are sitting on junk and genji… dont be surprised when i go ana or bap in order to shoot the pharah down… and thats going to be my main goal…

i’ll give you a rundown of how things usually go:
pharah: shoots*
teammates: takes damage*
me: heal*
pharah: shoots again*
teammate: dies*
teammates: gg our supports are bad and not healing me enough

they dont understand that no matter how many heals i give them. if the source of the damage is not dealt with, theyre going to end up dead

thats why we “refuse to heal”… because we’re supporting our team by taking out the threat… everyone complains about the reddit lucio… but when that lucio i stalling a 1v2 at their spawn and the team still loses a fight on point… you cant blame the lucio for setting their team up for success just to have them fail.


people dont refuse to heal, you refuse to play the game on less than full health. learn to manage your hp


Irony escapes you it seems

Which is not how it should be, imho.

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What exactly do you think it should be?

That as long as support is alive and supporting someone, they should stay alive, no matter how braindead or not they are.

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Not to be rude but that’s one of the unhelathiest things I’ve heard for the game. That nullifies almost all requirement for skill/choice making for them.

That’s the point - teammates delegate taking care of their survival to you. If you can not remove that burden from them, protecting you from enemies would look pointless.

In a way, it’s one of reasons, why most of Overwatch has no teamwork and unlikely to have in the future.

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That doesn’t really change the team work aspect though, that already exists. You would just be making up for other people’s poor choices while having insane impact.

That basically nullifies OW’s gameplay to its core.

So, other people for once do not have to worry, that their choices can ruin whole game for team.

It does change team work aspect, because teammates actually have reason to care. Tanks care about supports, because without supports they usually do not live long. But when it comes to DPS, there is literally no teamwork to make - support just doesn’t have that kind of power to fix possible flaws DPS have: no overheal to fix their low health, no aim assist to fix poor aiming, none of that.

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But for the kind of game OW is they should worry. That’s what presses people to play better. Otherwise it’s a skilless game, and OW is not meant to be a roleplay experience alone.

Teammates already have a reason to care. If the change you’re proposing was implemented they would have less reason to care. Tanks should already care about their team, even more, because support is limited. That only increases their need to care about them.

DPS do have teamwork requirements; they need to peel as well, that isn’t just the tanks job. They are just as capable of shutting down backliners and adding suppression to long range. That’s a part of their teamwork, they aren’t just playing call of duty.

Support should not have the ability to completely erase other people’s mistakes. That is entirely unhealthy for Overwatch, and pvp games in general. They don’t need aim assist either…

What you’re asking for would turn OW into the easiest game for supports. That’s plain wrong. Take that from a fellow support main.

No, easiest for everyone else. Supports would be #1 target and reliant on others, as they would be that key to team’s destruction.

Not really. Currently teammates have zero reason to care, because if they are skilled enough, they do not need supports, and if they aren’t, support won’t fix it.

In my book, that seems to be constant problem of supports in Overwatch - that instead of making teammates great, they rely on teammates already being that way.


lol comment. Just lol.

while there is a aspect of teamwork. the game is still reliant on individual skill in order to make that teamwork worth anything

-if a dva just stands there peppering people at max range with her shotguns, there isnt much value
-if a dps isnt hitting their shots, there isnt value
-if any role doesnt know how to position and ends up face to face with the entire enemy team 1v6…

none of these things can be fixed by healing… its called SUPPORT, not healer. youre SUPPORTING your team, making their job easier… but they have to be able to do that job without the support in order for that support be worth anything

ex: pharah+mercy is a great combo… but if the pharah doesnt know how to play without the mercy. then that mercy isnt getting as much value due to the RELIANCE of the extra damage and healing… thats a whole support taken away from the team in order to try and compensate for 1 person’s inability to play without the pocket

it all boils down to the same thing as stated before in this thread

“HEALING DOESNT MAGICALLY MAKE SOMEONE A BETTER PLAYER”… no matter how much you dump heals into them, theyre still going to be the same player


Yet we are unlikely to get other buffs, that do make someone a better player, when applied.


We are talking about low rating not high rating, most low ratings will heal but the reaction time takes about 3-7 secs of response time, sometimes you can wait 15 secs for a heal it can be really slow and detrimental for engages.(slowing down the flow to a complete halt)
This isn’t to say they don’t heal, but there are those who completly neglect their duties and priotize too much on dmg without offering minimal support.

Yes. I agree. But that does not mean that support should be able to erase those aspects or make it so easy that those players have little to improve on.

It’s fine as it is.