Why do gold players expect their dps to have GM level aim?

Because they all pick widow and say “Trust me bro, I got insane gm level aim”

I’d say that they expect you to deal with Pharmercy by yourself because you’re in Gold, but it doesn’t really get any better until high Diamond/Masters, and even then, you’re still expected to do unrealistic things

You can’t hit that Pharah?
Don’t worry then, I’ll hook her and take care of it.
Just shoot the shields instead.

What do you mean you can’t physically shoot the shields?
Okay… Then stay on the payload while I cover the front for you.

What do you mean “wHaT iS pAyLoAd”?
Hum…you know what…just stay behind and protect the support whenever Reaper telep…aaaaaaand he’s gone flanking alone.

Is this you?

I saw a KevinAteNine, and I thought of you.


:clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2: :clap:t2:

Well said, I’ve seen this so much lol, trying to 1v2 and then you got everyone including the 2nd DPS yelling at you when you die saying you suck… yeah why u guys not helping me? lol

The worst for me is when we already have a Mercy on the team and I’m being forced to switch to zen because she ain’t supporting our DPS against it, and I’m having to go Zen lol.

Sometimes it be like that yeah, but if the tank is malding then is it wonder? I mean Pharmercy is the biggest tank counter you can have and if it’s a really good Pharmercy combo it’s 90% up to the DPS/Supports to deal with it

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You won’t like my response but I believe they’re right and you got no excuse. I’m a low masters console player and I don’t find it hard to shut down pharah-mercy, my dps main is 76 and I use a controller lol. Idk why some PC big heads think they’re better than us regardless of the rank we play in despite the fact that most people in my region use M&K from masters to GM but we do not care, I personally enjoy competition and I got used to it by now.

You just gotta get better, if you do not intend to get better then don’t complain about criticism. Now, if you’re playing 76 it’s all about positioning, Soldier is horrible in 1v1s and he’d always lose, however, try out flanking, control the highground, always spam shoot their tanks. When you’re flanking, try to shut down an enemy from the back using the rocket combo, you’ll get only one shot so if you fail you gotta run back to safety. Then comes tac visor which is a great ultimate if used correctly.

I agree, your teammates shouldn’t expect much from you, and we all hate flaming, but I do not agree with the other statements you’ve made. You can take down a pharmercy without discord or damage boost, you just gotta learn to counter the combo.

“You suck as DPS”. Well, guess who’s in the same rank as me?! lmao


me watching the gold enemy widow headshotting my teammates often in a junktown match very recently:

Guess I’m forever going to fluctuate across the gold-plat border

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I don’t expect gold dps players to have GM level aim, I do however expect them to not have bot levels of positioning.

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They are so bad. I will not be lectured by somebody who was too stupid to realise that if you play Lucio you play for speed and if you play for heals you don’t play lucio. Gold and Plat supports are just the worst, they’re usually so bad but expect to win a match because… gold healing I guess?

If you are playing dps and not killing, you aren’t really doing anything because that is your only job. :woman_shrugging:

Not really. Killing the enemy is EVERYONE’s job, not only the DPS.
Those who complain that way are more likely to be part of the problem.

My point is, if you can’t aim maybe you shouldn’t really be playing dps all thetime.

But you play doomfist…. It’s not even your job.

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So only people that have GM aim should be able to play DPS?
Do you think that “magically” gold tanks and gold supports have good aim?
… what? :rofl:

It is not like the enemy teams consist of GMs so your complain is invalid.

Im not complaining, you are.
You literally said “if you can’t aim maybe you shouldn’t really be playing dps all thetime.”
You are the one trying to “gatekeep” the DPS role to people that have GM aim or outstanding aim.

You are not getting out of this one. You are 100% wrong.
In gold you should NOT expect good or amazing aim, specially all the time. Thats the point OP is trying to make. You may scroll all the way up and re-read again if you have doubts.

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It was my respond for the thread that complains about ppl expecting more from dps.

Why? If you can’t outgun a gold player then you don’t deserve to be in gold.

That won’t stop me from trying :smiling_imp: