Why do gold players expect their dps to have GM level aim?

Yeah I can’t solo kill the pharmercy duo alone as S76. I’m not some 4.5K player. I need a Zen discord or a mercy pocket of my own to beat them. Maybe another hitscan too. Sorry you didn’t get a smurf on your team and actually have someone who’s your skill level.

end rant


Because I need someone to blame for my bad plays


Lol I’m masters and I still struggle to kill this combo


Aren’t you a doom main


ya maybe dont go soldier vs it try mccree, more burst damage, and you kinda need a mercy pocket as well


Gotta love people expecting you to just dominate them meanwhile it’s a 1v2 situation especially in Gold


Yes but I play tracer and soldier as well.
On a good day my tracer is better than my doom in 3500 :frowning:


i understand this pain, i definitely cant take out the pharah mercy by my self on echo with my like 28% average aim on her and it will be impossible for me to even touch her if both supports keep ignoring me


They expect you do it AND lots of them are obsessed with babysitting tanks and expect the dps to it ALONE.


Your team should not be expecting you to 1v2. Now, if you catch the Pharah by herself at mid range in a 1v1, then yes it is on you to win that duel, kill her, and try to prevent the rez.

You’re facing a gold Pharah and Mercy as a gold player. They won’t be playing corners or have the same movement as a GM. You should be able to compete…

as long as you aren’t doing it 1v2


In low ranks, you get blamed for every loss if you play dps. That’s just how it is. “We’re losing because our dps can’t kill anything”


Because years of “E-Sport” conditioning has broken this playerbase.


Hey you told me that you’d 1 trick Junk… Just mine jump up and kill the Mercy :kissing_heart:


Play bap :slight_smile:

I actually switch to widow on certain maps. If I tag the phara if not kill, it’s easier for someone to just shoot up for the kill.

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I can only comment on the support side of things, but I really wish people would actually shoot at the pharah. Too often it is just myself doing it. Depending on what support I am when the match starts, I’ll use whatever tools I have available to help my team deal with the pharah. It’s not even the Pharmercy combo, just the Pharah. But too often Pharah is just flying around bombarding everyone to death and I seem to be the only one who cares. Even my teammate Ashe, I kid you not, getting hit by rockets is like, “Imma pretend I didn’t see that”.

I’ll damage boost, I’ll discord, I’ll shoot at her myself if I have to. If there’s a Torb on the team and he has a turret set up, I’ll even go so far as to body block shots against the turret to help him keep it up. But as much as this thread is about “DPS can’t do it alone”, I’d settle for “Dps players even notice the rocket artillery lady that keeps sending them back to spawn”.


Remember in gold only tanks are allowed resources and when the other teams dps are hard carrying with their pocket it’s your fault for not being gm smurf

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Hi. Gold support here. I don’t need you to have God aim, and I certainly don’t expect you to, I just need you to be smart about the fights you pick, the duels you engage in, and where you choose to do those things. I’ll support you as best I can, but the minute you’re running out of LoS, chasing flankers you’ll never catch, flanking way out of position, fighting a mercy boosted/healed whoever, behind shields, behind walls, then I’m gonna be upset because it affects my ability to heal you which directly affects your ability to survive and do your job.

If you get out-dueled fair and square by someone better than you and I just can’t out-heal the damage coming in, that’s fine. You tried, I tried, we tried. But if you get out-dueled because you’re out of position, taking a questionable risk, or fighting someone you have no business fighting, then yeah, that one’s on you and your decisions, and if that’s happening consistently enough, then yeah, your teammates will likely be upset.

You’re not gonna win a 1v2 vs a pharmercy, but your supports should recognize when you’re trying to take one of them out and help you. If they’re not, then either you’re dueling somewhere where they can’t help you, or their awareness is bad, only one of those scenarios would be your fault.


everytime i valk as mercy i headhunt pharah, kind of plan it out. it is a double edged sword tho you have to make sure to kill her quick or your team will die since your not healing them. stupid team (joking)