Why do gold players expect their dps to have GM level aim?

Again, still wrong.
First : Plat players outgun gold consistently. Gold players DO NOT outgun other gold players consistently. Otherwise they would be Plat.
Second: You mentioned “killing” because thats the only things DPS can do, sure but that task is not restricted to DPS so the reasoning is wrong.

No way around it.


Calling the white black doesn’t make it darker.

You should be at least at average skill level if you really deserve your rank.
If ppl are complaining you probably aren’t doing enough.

Only if you yell at me for not picking Rein as Tank. I’ll be glad to help if you’re willing to accept the help.

No one expects GM levels of aim; OTOH, if you take DPS as a role you hit accuracy should at least be about 33%. if it is not, quite honestly, you have no business being in the role… and I don’t say that to be mean, but it just goes with the territory. And no, you cannot just opt for say Torb, Sym or Reaper to make up for it… it won’t work in the long haul most of the time.

Throwing random sentences and trying to argue semantics is not going to help you either.

Some people have good days, some people have bad days. Apparently you are keen on gatekeeping an entire role to only those who have “good days”. Cool stuff.

Also nobody is complaining about me, but you seem HARDCORE on gatekeeping DPS to only those who can kill and be “on average” better than their rank. Which is weird but sure, I guess complainers are going to complain no matter what. We can see that.

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Better than just saying “wrong” without anything to back it up.

Then suck it up like a big boy when ppl call you out for being bad.

I refuted every of your statements and the picture is very clear mate. it seems that you are one of those OP is talking about and complain about being DPS fault everytime "nothing is dying".

Dont deflect then and try to run around when you got proven wrong several times :sunglasses:

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At least I don’t play a role that I don’t know how to play. :rofl:

Here is your answer, OP - because otherwise those DPS are useless.

DPS wanted heroes to require skill, and they got what they wanted - those heroes are useless without skill.

No one cares, that you aren’t 4.5K player, as Pharmercy is likely also not duo of 4.5K players.

Each player can have a maximum 16.67% value in a team. Everything else (83.33%) is not under that player’s control. Sure, the player can influence and improve the teamwork through voice communication, but if the team is formed with randoms, that 83.33% becomes a foundation for luck established by servers (as in whether you get a smurf, or a deranker).

This game is toxic, and will always sponsor toxicity. Just wait for OW2 where each player will have a max value of 20%, because of 5 in team. Smurfs will have even more value in this simple math, hence… even more toxicity.

Any hero is useless if the player using it doesnt have skill, this is not role specific, flawed statement.

No one cares about bias towards DPS sure, but theres no universe or rank where a player should consistently win a 2v1 scenario and get blamed if he/she doesnt.

Its absurd and illogical.
Thats how reality works :man_shrugging:

whacks turret 1 out of 20 times the Pharah might die to it. But when she does, it is great. Extra points if the Mercy flies in to res, but also dies to the turret.

Hard work pays off.

This is exactly it in a nutshell.

All roles can counter Pharah.

Sometimes you’ll be lucky and the DPS will be able to control the Pharah, sometimes not.

If you don’t personally do something about it, you only have yourself to blame.

as someone who is currently gold dps
and someone who was a gold tank once
its a TEAM effort to counter a pharmercy
you hvae to be on the same page guys

Your single job is to aim. Also phara is not a fast moving target

i actually remember this one match i played as pharah at illios lighthouse. enemy doom player and was thinking the match would be a piece of cake. that doom… would freaking hide on the high ground plat forms and wait till i was in flying range strike and then run away. killed me 3 times during that match and here i am thinking it was gonna be an easy game. never seen a doom like that ever since lol

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As a plat/diamond player, I can’t either most of the time. You don’t output enough damage (I have literally hit most of my mag on her but she just gets healed through it). Try play Echo, it’s still hard but it’s much more consistent.

This comment reeks of someone who doesn’t play damage class in OW.

The reality is you’re wrong because shooting pharah alone is already difficult and pharamercy is basically impossible to kill because of the healing.

That’s the truth, anything else you think is different to that is blatantly wrong.

I play Ana. I take potshots on Pharah as possible. And the Mercy, which is priority 1 if they’re too exposed. The shooting and aim aspect is not foreign to me.

Also stated that the 1v2 is bad, which is because of the healing, but if you have 2 people shooting at the Pharah, or some kind of damage boost from your support player it’s just up to you to hit enough shots she’s either dead or not doing anything while the rest of their team dies

I feel like people have shifted from using supports as punching bags to using the dps players as punching bags.

Like yeah, sorry I’m not soloing the enemy team as Junkrat, totally my fault the enemy is basically sitting at our spawn door when I should be going out and 1v6ing them while everyone else sits around and does nothing.