Why do gold players expect their dps to have GM level aim?

The biggest culprits I see in vs pharmacy is the tanks that go in for a 2v4 leaving you exposed, yes we are loosing pts but it’s no use if by the time I kill pharah you both are dead.

Also lucoo or brig can you just bhoop the mercy on rez I certainly don’t want to kill her again.

A lot of players are under the delusion that Pharah is immediately crippled and auto-countered by the presence of a hitscan when that’s nowhere near true.


My favourite is when your team’s Pharah (with a Mercy) keeps getting killed over and over by the red Pharah (who doesn’t have a Mercy). That’s a GG.

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Too often people just give a single player on a team full responsibility to do a task. Its like how everyone says for someone else to go tank. Not them. In this case, the rest of the team is asking someone else to take care of the Pharah, instead of helping.


Realistically it shouldn’t be 1v2. If your team recognizes there’s a problem, there’s several options that can help on all the roles. DPS is not the only ones that can shoot a Pharah.


Back before they nerfed Soldier’s damage by 1 and added recoil I could focus the mercy enough to flee or die then I’d kill the pharah by rapidly tapping M1 instead of holding it and kill her with 5-7 head shots.

I love it when a player waits 10 minutes for a game only for it to end in 3 minutes because they only good at 2 dps and the enemy brought out pharamercy.

I fully agree with you, it’s unfair to expect people to play well above their rank. Also for your example it’s generally not fair (there are exceptions) to ask one guy to deal with multiple enemies in that way. A solo hitscan vs PharMercy is inherently a 1v2, that will always be difficult. Having one CC hero (lets say Cree) vs Genji, Tracer & Ball is putting a lot of pressure on that one counter you have.

However there are 2 exceptions where it is okay to expect someone to go above and beyond their rank.

  1. Your asking for resources to let you carry or whatever and bragging about your skill. If you say you can solo their team as Brig and don’t cus your positioning is off that’s on you. If Genji insists we go Ana and Winston or whatever as you will 100% win with heavy investment and it doesn’t work, like at all, that’s your fault. Don’t overhype yourself.

  2. There are lower skill/easier options available which you are not taking. Lets say there is a PharaMercy causing you bother, and you need a hitscan counter (Maybe you have a Dva, Zen or whatever helping, maybe not, it’s kinda besides the point here). If the hitscan guy takes Widow and fails to contain them that’s his fault for taking Widow, she’s hard to consistently land shots with. Try it maybe but admit when it’s not working and go to a 76 or whatever who may not peak as hard and cannot body a Pharah in the same way, but it’s easier to do some dmg and put some pressure on her.


You can’t solo kill PharMercy at all without ults, maybe damage booted Widow (I have no clue how much damage Widow does now) cause shoot Pharah, she gets healed, shoot Mercy, Pharah shoots you. I don’t even want people to focus PharMercy, help me clear the other four enemies and then we can either kill or chase away the moths. Instead, people see a Pharah, they just instantly swap to all the snipers ever and can’t counter her either way. That’s my issue. PharMercy wants to fly high above you, so let them. Move the payload to the chechpoint as they are buzzing around somewhere.


Just let me imagine a Doomfist punching Pharmercy out of the skies!


If the Pharah is sus, the uppercut into handcannon is actually pretty reliable. I only killed a handful with the actual punch, sadly.

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It’s like when I see a Sigma nail Pharah with rock, brings a tear to my eye

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Gotta love when they complain about the Pharmercy but the tanks and supports aren’t helping to deal with her. Would it kill someone to go Dva or Bap, or give one of your hitscans a Mercy pocket themselves?

I mean, peopel also expect from tanks GM positioning and decision making, and from healers GM priority and managment of healing.
People always just expect their teammates to do better than they should be playing for their rank, so they can blame them for losing and being “stuck”.

Because they’re salty and blame dps for the loss. dude I just had a moira ‘‘smurf’’ (even if I think is only a new acc of a banned player) that at the end of the match said ‘‘sad dps’’

well , I’m not gm dude, get reported and I hope you’re banned again… and a person like this have endorsment at 3 only because he play only healer…

such a cool system.

complain with the dumb devs, killing a pocketed Phara these days is hard even for Masters+ players. As you climb, yes hitscans get better but also Phara players get “better” (in quotation marks because there is not much to learn about the hero, the only thing that makes you a better Phara is peeking corners correctly which is not hard to learn).

High GM players can shut down Phara easily, but low GM ones can struggle these days.

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mccree has more burst dmg, but most low elo pharahs are near the skybox, so mccrees drop off kicks in.

ashe is a lil better, widow is the best in terms of dmg. but really soldier is by far the best as tracking is more consistent source of dmg and he has his own healing field.

if your not being focused by the pharah the bursty hitscans are ofc top tier but it all depends on the range your shooting from.

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innaccurate, aiming upwards is actually very difficult early on. infact its something alot of people cant do because its not common in fps.

it takes time to build that muscle memory and a gold player isnt going to be some sort of tracc god. meanwhile pharah can do splash dmg and chip you down

im high diamond/low masters hitscan, so yeah now i can kill one of those pharahs. but i wasnt always here, i was once a silver/gold player and i understand completely how that goes.

pharah+mercy doenst have too aim or position like a gm, theyre playing it on easy mode. the game doesnt get hard for them until diamond. pharah is easily free plat for any dps player.

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Because the tank needs to learn where and how to position to have the most impact while trying to stay alive for as long as possible and look for ways to break down the enemy team’s position using a variety of tactics.
The supports need to have eyes in the back of their head and keep track of everyone while also generally requiring some aim to do well.

All of those require a fair bit of awareness and knowledge of the map, matchup, and mechanics of the hero, etc.

And DPS? What do they have to do?
Aim with a crosshair and shoot, maybe use their get-out-of-jail-free card like a dash or defensive ability if they get into trouble for making a bad positional mistake. Like all of the DPS heroes have this mobility option, or some sort of defensive ability or passive that makes them immune to damage or reduces incoming damage.

So if you can’t do this one mechanical thing that is expected when you play DPS, which you can practice in an aim trainer or something, then what CAN you do as DPS?

Its funny because the players complaining you cant kill pharmercy are often not even helping you by either shielding or healing you, they really expect you to 1v2 them without any assistance