Why do dps players hate Mercy?

be nice to the newbie

I am… But I will never be nice to trolling, combined with unwillingness to read and wducate yourslef

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How about u actually read my points bro

And now you misgender me on purpose…

That’s also against netiquette.

how the hell am I supposed to know ur gender also bro is gender neutral

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I already told you:

Don’t pretnd like you didn’t have the information already

It just means reviving a long dead thread. Basically bringing it back from the dead. That’s why we say necro. It’s necromancy.

Generally speaking things where the last comment is over a month old, just make a new thread. You don’t want to make a new thread for recent topics though just older ones.


saying “i’m not bro” implies i don’t wanna be referred to as my friend, it doesn’t tell me ur gender

So unless you’re queued with a Smurf, this isn’t going to happen. I don’t win any more with a duo that’s the same rank as me than I do when solo queued as Mercy. It’s 50/50 either way. So honestly just drop this myth already.

K but why?? Who is it hurting if i typed here…why is everyone being so sensitive and mad when this is an “issue” that can be solved by turning off ur phone

Cancels all the effort of getting a pick nearly instantly, and then leaves uncathed and unpunished. "Nice kill, do it again. :slight_smile: "

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You can’t say they hate her, as any proper state of hatred would lead to shooting her, and if there is one certainty in this game, it’s that DPS players won’t shoot Mercy for any reason.

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So first, it’s actually a hard rule on some forums not to do it. You wouldn’t even be allowed to comment on a reddit post this old.

It’s more about being polite than harm. Most old threads aren’t really relevant anymore. And even if they seem so on the surface, generally details have changed. You want discussion to be about current events not year old events.

A lot has changed in the last year and people who don’t check the date might be replying to people who no longer even play the game or whose argument might have made sense at the time but not now. It leads to bad discussion and misunderstandings.


Didn’t you say this also about Moira?
Did you ever play support in ranked?
You obviously have NEVER mastered Mercy.

Of all support heroes, Mercy takes the most brain under pressure.
Mercy is like chess: Easy to learn but hard to master.

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Go outside :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::joy::smile:

Lucio says hi, and “lol@such nonsense”

This response tells me all I need to know about you. Anyway, necroing threads is also reportable. I could have just flagged you, but I didn’t.


Lucio is much easier to master than Mercy. He can easily ride walls and shoot at the same time. Try the same with Mercy and keep flying and shooting at the same time. It will take you months to years to master it. Lucio also does not need to think so much about positioning, because his speed is mostly a free escape card. Mercy has to think more about positioning, especially when there not many team mates around.

Even if I grant that, you still ignored that and proceeded with it.

So you are still in violation of netiquette