Why do dps players hate Mercy?

My issue is securing a kill then having to camp it. The dead shouldn’t create space. Res should have LOS and shouldn’t fully heal the dead thing. I also hate her pocket on pharah and echo it requires entire team to swap to counter or gg go next.

lol I just searched on google how mercy is annoying to play againt! Didn’t even check the date on this post

I google searched something abt mercy and this came up, I didn’t even see it was a year old… even so who cares…this post could be 10 years old and I can reply

Hating Mercy and hating res are two separate things though…

Necroing threads is considered bad manners on the forums.

I don’t even know what that means I’ve never used this website before

On the Internet in general, actually.

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Play her anywhere above bronze even. Don’t just play a few games, play her consistently so you don’t get lucky carries. I think Mercy and Moira are the two supports most people think are “dumb” and “braindead” to play but both of them have a lot of nuance that is underappreciated.
They are not simple hero by any means.


I already play Moira above a gold standars.

  1. never used this website before dunno what any of this means and 2. no other website has an issue with talking on old posts… besides here apparently

also “internet manners” ?? i’m not being offensive in any way how chronically online are you people

Why can she rez, because no one can’t or wont shoot/kill her

It isn’t my problem you don’t know basic netiquette.

I love Mercy players. They complete Hanzo as a hero.

Sounds like a word id use if I never got off the internet! I’m not doing anything harmful soooo…??

Nice attepmt at ad hominem…

That’s also against netiquette btw.

Still don’t know what that means! When was the last time you went outside, considering the fact ur genuinely pressed I typed a few sentences on a year old post. I want u to actually think about it, who is it harming irl that I commented on a year old post about a video game. If u can turn off ur phone and not have this so called “problem” occur then it’s not an actual problem


Bro thinks i’m gonna open some sketchy link😂 Also love how u didn’t adress anything i’m saying bc u know i’m right

I ain’t bro…

And if you don’t want to educate yourself then no one can help you.

I did, but your unwillingness to read combined with Dunning-Kruger effect is staggering