Why do dps players hate Mercy?

Pocketing is just annoying.

The thing is, you say dps players are shooting themselves in the foot wanting mercy bad, but you have to remember that there are plenty of situations where their dps has a mercy pocket and you do not.

I personally don’t mind mercy, but i think people who play her specifically as a pocket healer are really annoying

In that case I think you’d have to average out over more than one second. Over 5 seconds Mercy will heal 275hp. I think average accuracy for Ana is like 60%? Idk her exact fire rate but let’s say over 5 seconds she can get off 7 shots and lands 4 of them. That would be 300hp. It’s more than Mercy but not a crazy amount. Then you take into account things like reload, fighting off flankers, etc and it’s no wonder Mercy usually ends up with more heals/game than Ana. I’m not saying Mercy is better. Just the consistency of her healing is very powerful and I find it kind of weird how Mercy players will dismiss it as not a big deal.

Trust me as someone who enjoys a mercy pocket having a constant source of healing is a very big deal.


This is about it. Bap and Ana put out higher burst heals but they’re burst and limited in ammo and needing to be hit. There’s opportunities to kill when they reload, but mercy does a constant 55 hps regardless

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Her average is lowered by shooting enemies. Ally hitboxes are like double.

Her consistency isn’t what makes her frustrating to go against.

Kiriko is consistent as well, and other supports just heal more even considering inconsistency. They also have better util.

What makes Mercy frustrating is that against a pocketed DPS, you will always be 1v2. Even against well intentioned other supports, there will be a delay in healing most of the time.

It’s not that big of a deal in winning or even games, since you have options. But in losing games where as a DPS all you can do is try to get picks? It makes your job almost impossible.

That’s my take on it.


A 1v2 is always going to favor the duo, no matter how “unfun” it is. I doubt people enjoy going 1v2 against me on Ana together with a dps either, especially given I can completely incapacitate them with a sleep or make them unable to receive aid from their own supports. People are just not triggered by this interaction because they see Ana as an actual player, a true 1v2, but with Mercy people see her more as a “power up” than a player and thus instead of a 1v2 they see fighting her and whomever she’s pocketing as “1v1 with cheats”.

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At least it means, that almost no one will chase you, since as Mercy, you technically don’t exist.

Last time I tried, it took me only about 2 seconds.

I hate Mercy because her healing beam takes WAY to long to break when she isnt in Line of Sight of her target.

She can literally remover herself from the battle and heal through any obstacle.

Pretty ironic that every other Mercy’s playstyle has steadily decimated purely at the request of the dps crowd.


You made a generality, but I think players just wait and see if their Mercy makes the job or not. By that I mean healing the whole team and taking her blaster if needed.

Few days ago, I’d been flamed by a Pharah : “HEAL ME MERCY, STAY WITH ME FFS !!!”. I explained to her that she just wanted me to pocket her and this will never happen lol, I will boost her for a few shots but not the whole game. Plus, she was bad so…(it’s seems it’s always bad players who flame others for nothing lol).

Anyway, I generally play Mercy and I always have thanks and so on, I don’t really feel hate from others, maybe I just don’t care about negative feelings :joy:

Hard agree with that.

Dito, I absolutley detest the pocket playstyle. When I played comp in mid Diamond people would rage if I didn’t spend 95% of my time blue-beaming the dps, and if I left for one second to heal someone in need I’d hear “let Ana heal them, stay with your designated dps!”. Mind blowingly boring.

I don’t want to play like this, but what do you do when any other way is seen as suboptimal? I miss my job being frantically going around the battle field, trying to stay alive and juking enemies left and right. I miss having an ult people noticed when I used! And I wish I had utility that wasn’t constantly dependent on my teammates, where they shoot, where they die, why can’t I have some agency of my own! People will never give her a shred of respect until she gets more skill expression and at least one ability she can perform without a teammate (and yes, I’d prefer if it required a bit of aiming too).

Too much value for very little effort.

To kill a good Mercy you would need to waste resources or risk. She can simply fly away, twice, every 2.5 seconds. It’s just too much mobility and very small hitbox to compensate.

Doomfist for example has a proper hitbox to compensate for the high mobility.
Genji’s mobility relies on actually getting an elim.
Tracer has to dodge every single bullet if she wants to stay alive.

Mercy? Mercy press shift go brrrrrrrrrrrr 50 meter away. You dashed to follow? Mercy press crouch go brrrrrrrrrr 50 meter in the sky (or back, or side, or forth, or anywhere she pleases). You got an elim and dashed to her again? Read this paragraph again.

Not to mention damage-boost-pocket playstyle is the worst thing to deal with.
Either put damage-boost on cooldown or remove the slingshot and the hero is fine.

As long as she is hated, that’s enough.

As support, I live not to be respected by teammates(who won’t really do it anyway), but to be cursed by enemy team for stopping their awesome plays.

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I know that the mirror Mercy Mythic skin came out, but that doesn’t mean that we should resurrect necromancy a year old thread.

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It has been literally 363 days, how on earth did 2 post andy manage to necro this? How far down did you search???


People who hate mercy are the ones who can’t aim, or aim consistently… Or someone is shooting her tethered target which gives her healing which offsets your damage…

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That might be true but tbf mercy is kind of hard to hit :sweat_smile: . As she should be since that’s what she’s mostly balance around but we shouldn’t make fun of someone who struggles to hit a mercy.

I don’t think so i can hack her and she is grounded, have you seen the new pharah she can still stay in the air after being hacked…

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ok fair enough but Sombra is probably the strongest dps vs mercy because she disables what makes her hard to hit :rofl:

Yeah, I get a lot of love when I play Mercy in the game, lol. Tanks and other support too. I’m not a Mercy main, but I have fun flying around.