Why did Illari also get a nerf?

Illari will be punished playing with or away from her team, she doesn’t have the mobility or another source of in-combat healing to justify this nerf. You could already easily damage through the pylon before the change.

Not sure why this is a complaint here OP, if something discourages Illari playing solo in a room with a turret hidden then it’s a good thing, like no other support gets to create off angle with unlimited self healing (others have cool down abilities) why should she?

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Its noice for fellow squishies now. She was always able to put out good healing numbers, now itll be more. Placement is everything, thats nothing new tho. That extra 25 hp might not seem like it matters, but with its healing buff, it does.

She was a never high elo pick anyway with Bap existing.

Sungirl got a net buff imo.

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  1. Some characters DO have unlimited self-healing

  2. What are you talking about? This scenario makes absolutely no sense. What rooms is Illari setting up in and why is she being allowed to set up in rooms by herself? A “hidden” pylon still needs LoS to her and some characters don’t need LoS to destroy it.

  3. What is the enemy doing to not capitalize on her team losing out on all those heals. Illari going off on her own and away from her team already puts a lot of pressure on the other support to make up for her absence, A team allowing not only Illari to set up alone with a turret that can be easily out-damaged, but also not capitalize on her team being down an entire support, should not be catered to.

  4. This Nerf hurts every playstyle of Illari. It hurts her going off and being selfish/stupid, it hurts her playing with her team. It hurts her in every situation and especially in situations it was already weak.

Unlimited as in can sit in a room pure solo and self heal through attacks by backing off and using turret, try think the changes through instead aaaahhhh 20 less self healing.

Can feel more bullet points coming, save your reply for someone else it’s clear you are lacking fundamentals and I can’t be bothered explaining.

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Where and when is this happening? Why is it being allowed to happen by the enemy team? If you are letting Illari do this isolated from her team, you deserve to lose. She doesn’t need a nerf for brain-cell diffing the other team. The turret is literally incapable of healing her through consistent attacks, if you can’t land shots, you aren’t killing most supports, Illari is no different.

I thought the changes through, from the perspective of an Illari player and as someone who players the damage role and easily completely ignores/destroys her pylon.

Try to have common sense before whining about idiotic scenarios to justify nerfing a character because nobody on your team is smart enough to go after a lone support away from her team with a Mercy jr turret. 20 less healing on especially on top of the damage passive makes it completely garbage in situations it was already weak in.

Literal brain-rot

Ok Michael, calm down learn to think outside of you.

Blocked you, I try not deal with stupid.

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here, you dropped this: :brain:

That lasts forever if not destroyed, which is really hard with good pylon placemen.

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Blizzard has historically kept a clamp on support lethality + survivability. Mercy/Kiriko literally cannot even use their movement without an ally nearby for example. Some of the highest mobility tools, but can’t be used to really self initiate.

Moira an amazing mobility tool in fade, but is stuck with 50 dps and no headshot damage. Lucio has great mobility, but is stuck with losing self heal on speed boosts and a horribly slow and low dmg projectile weapon.

Illari can be very lethal and difficult to take down if you do it right.

  1. You out range most enemies with a bursty 30-50m hitscan option.
  2. If people do chip you from dmg from range, you shrug it off with 25 hps.
  3. If people do get too close to your corner, you can often outbust them away making them lose LoS to pylon, get distance from attacker, and put them into a predictable knockback lining up a shot.

She’s kind of a potent duelist. Its arguably hard due to mostly all aim, but I am not surprised at all they nerfed her self-sustain for such situations. Pylon is an infinite resource you cannot pressure at all without closing distance, which distance is precisely where Illari excels.

Pylon forces enemies to come to her because she has a better selfsustain than most. In a team setting, things change, but I’d rather they buffed her beam range for heal from 15m → 20m.


Pretty sure it’s intended to reduce effectiveness of Illari solo Flanking and slightly reduce her ability to duel.

It’s very easy to fall into the mindset of playing apart from your team with Illari which if you can aim is basically a DPS, I guess they want to discourage that somewhat.

I think the pylon focuses the lowest hp in range.

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The very reason for this nerf is because she held off angles too well.

She has an enormous projectile size for a hitscan, a relatively quick fire rate and her infinite-lifetime Pylon.

It is impossible to kill her from range qithout a one-shot, as the Pylon qill negate any meaningful dmg. Additionally it’s very hard to close the distance to Illari in the first place, especially if she’s holding a high ground.

And if you do close in on her, she still has good dueling capabilities even up close.

Illari has been too potent of a duelist for a while now and with her recent rise in power, it’s only understandable that the most frustrating part of her kit takes the nerf.

It’s only understandable to you maybe, because the change is terrible and it kills the hero. Holding off angles was the only thing she was good at. Now she isn’t.

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She’s not going anywhere lmao.

She’s just gonna be slightly easier to kill, if she’s on her own, which is fine.

There should be at least some risk at holding an off angle by yourself… as a support nevertheless.

Not to mention she got three compensation buffs along with it.

She’ll be just fine.


Because flex supports need to die.

Its no longer a role.

Support your team. That is your highest priority. It is not to rack up kill count.

Me. It was me. I am the person you are looking for.

Does this mean I can now tell everyone how great of a game designer I am and that my opinions are the literal truth? The devs did exactly what I, me, said. I am so cool.

Until you realize its been 5 minutes in the lobby and the enemy mercy has yet to die.

Sometimes you just gotta go Bap/Illari/Zen and start trying to click heads. Sustaining just won’t win you some games.

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You’re so close to the point…

Yes those supports can facilitate kills very well. That’s how they support.

But that’s also why they shouldn’t be able to solo duel and win vs dps while also being capable of healing.

Something has to be limited. For Illari it’s the self heal and (now) mid TTK and for zen it’s mobility and overall healing.

Bap doesn’t have these drawbacks hence he is widely known as op, EVEN if it’s hard to use all his value at once it’s still possible and widely considered problematic.

A dps-capable support cannot be too capable of solo dueling while supporting- it effectively turns the fight 5v6 in a certain sense, and it’s why bap/Illari/zen being strong INSTANTLY feel incredibly oppressive to the extreme.

To put this even more clearly- mercy and lifeweaver net ~55 hps and almost every support must swap to damaging when they want (or shoot an enemy instead of an ally)

Illari can simultaneously deal damage and heal 40 hps with pylon, and zen can heal 30 while damaging and applying discord for constant multi-value. Bap can self heal to full at extreme speed and immo. These hero’s are quite literally netting 2 hero’s worth of value at times. And using that value in duels at full force is oppressive in a team setting.

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It’s supposed to encourage players to stick with their team and not think of themselves as a dps

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