Why can Reaper hide and ult, but I can't peek and res

reaper is a dps specifically designed as a flanker who sticks to the shadows to suprise his enemies and utilises a loud tp and footsteps to get into their backline.

mercy is a support designed as a guardian angel who sticks to her teammates with skills like guardian angel that emphasize that aspect. her ult instantly rezzed multiple allies and was in her backline not the enemies, so she was save and there was little counterplay.


Well being angry isn’t going to help you in any way.

You don’t need to remove Valk to balance Mercy. Valk should stay.

Maybe that’s because you have your answer. And had for a long time. You just chose to ignore it and spam forums instead.

Mass rez is gone. it wasn’t healthy, for a number of reasons - including SR farm with hide and seek. Best you can expect is another rework, which won’t happen any time soon.


I mean, with the new speed buff and toggled wraith he can pretty much just fade into a group and ult from pretty far away. He would still be vulnerable when ulting, but up until that point there isn’t anything anyone can do.

Blunt* Also, being super ugu nice hasn’t either, so I prefer to do it my way. Being blunt and upfront with my opinions.

Because rez every 30 seconds is healthy. Also, already answered all of these things in my videos. Either way, I’ll keep making videos to vouch for Mercy to be healthy and fun again, and for other reasons of course.


I like that idea, it would make valk actually useful, it would make it an ult. The reason so many people are crying for a revert is because valk is not an ultimate ability in terms of performance. It’s out performed by amp it up, which does 500 more healing than valk does:

if we assume all 5 teammates are within range, amp it up does 46.8 * 5 = 234 hp/s * 3 seconds = 702 healing.
if we then consider that it takes roughly 1 minute to charge valk under the best of circumstances then Lucio will amp it up 6 times. 702 * 6 = 4,212 healing.
Mercy heals for 50 hp/s * 5 teammates = 250 * 15 second duration = 3,750 healing

What you just quoted is the first attempt I’ve seen at fixing valk that didn’t include leaving rez on cooldown.

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Well being nice didn’t help us either.

not should, but could, yes.

Well then so will I, but just know, that I will be going against you because I don’t want Mass Res. It wasn’t good.

Opinion. (20 characters)

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Because I think it is actually a super awesome way to balance Valk, make it feel like a super good ult, you get to keep Res and its still super powerful, its a nice half way point, on top of that, you get a shiny new ability which is super strong too

AND Mercy gets a slightly better gun to make up for all the things we’ve been through


Oh god, my favorite part. People pretending that Moira and Ana ults are BETTER than Valk. Please, do you even play healers?

Zen and Lucio are off-healers - they are supposed to have strong ults by design. Even then, one of those ults is sound barrier

Ana’s ult is pure +1, only useful in combo with other ults. That’s it.

Moira’s ult is weak. Just weak. It’s main purpose is to harass backline dumb enough to not hide, and, above all, provide long range healing, or make up for lack of resource. Even then, it barely heals for more than her regular combo, heavily cuts down Moira’s personal survivability, and doesn’t save anybody - just gives that extra edge during push. almost like valk, eh?

Valk gives Mercy survivability only matched by Trans invul, unrivaled mobility, ability to boost your entire team to get extra edge during push, and AOE heal to make up for that one weakness Mercy has. such a bad ult compared to other main healers


Just as long as you realize that your thoughts on your Mass Res are “your opinion”


Because he is DPS. LOL

Well, you are one of Mercy spammers. Nothing else is expected of you. And those youtube views are handy.

Healthiness of mass rez is different discussion. Reverting to another unhealthy state isn’t a solution.


Res should be an ult. Just add limitation like partial LoS (passes thru shields), leave the 1.75 sec cast time there and put 10-20% dmg reduction on mercy while casting so she cant get oneshot by a spamzo. Done, balanced. Enemies could prepare for another fight while she is casting, but can as well stop her.

Valk can go as an E ability, tone it down a little, done.

Hmm, I wonder if this would be described as “hide n rez”?

Hiding in plain sight!

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“One of Mercy spammers”. It’s almost like a lot of people like Mercy and talk a lot about her. Hmmmm

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Maybe because Reaper actually take risk to hide and ult, while Mercy can even stay safely in spawn in some maps.


The difference is that you are going behind enemy lines which is a risk in its own when you are flanking for an ult like that. It’s a lot different than hiding on your own “side” and coming out to undo huge plays.


My dude. I have 220 hrs on mercy, 200 on symm, 86 on moira, 63 on ana, 40 on zen and 10 hrs on lucio. You can say the hero I played least is lucio but his ult is really good, even more so after the buff.
I think you are the one that doesn’t play healers, or at least not that much.

I think I’m gonna stop discussing with you as it leads to an endless (and meaningless) circle of you just going all aggro on Mercy players. Goodbye :slight_smile:

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