Why can Reaper hide and ult, but I can't peek and res

No rez target on E, Rez on Q still.

Harsh? Blunt? Sure. Toxic? Uh, no.

Why? Because a LOT of us do not want this boring, braindead iteration of Mercy and we’re tired of being treated like garbage.


And it’s mistake regardless. At this point it’s less of Mercy’s mistake, but it’s still called “getting outplayed”.

If entire team got wiped by ults - they got outplayed by enemy team. If Reaper wiped out enemy team - he outplayed them. See the difference?


And if they blew their load or didn’t focus the Mercy and she decides to capitalize on that, then she outplayed them.


Well… has anyone ever told you that you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar?

The point is, they don’t want a revert. I don’t want a revert. Instead of yelling about Mercy getting a revert why don’t you try to take Mercy in a new direction from her current state like I did?

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Is reaper invulnerable during ultimate and can jump in from across the map without any way to stop him?

No, no he can’t


I wanna see you tryna keep 5 people up with 60hps/50hps as spamzo, junkrat, soldier, symm, pharah, widow, bastion, torb, reaper, genji, mccree or anyone with burst or higher than 60/50 dmg exists with a solo targeted beam. Valk does nothing trust me.

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And if they didn’t stun Reaper out of his ult he outplayed them.

Countering mass rez includes first outplaying enemy team and THEN outplaying that Mercy that decided to not participate.

Countering DB includes pressing a button.

Except I’ve tried sugar coating my words for months, and I’m tired of it. Tired of being silenced and treated like trash.

And I, as well as many others, wanted to keep mass rez with tweaks to fix it. So no, I will keep vouching for a revert with tweaks. Worst case, a rework, which again I have mentioned in my comments ways to fix Valk. All in all, I want Mercy to get her iconic and impactful ultimate back.




Mercy has been fixed…

Yeah, hell, how do people that play healers even manage? Weird.

Because it can be countered in the process of doing it.


Please. She’ll be just as mandatory - just with her power centered in ult now. Who’s going to replace her? Moira? Ana? Lucio? Lol.

They could’ve fixed it. They didn’t and now we have this mess.

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So why didn’t they add things like LOS or a small cast time to Mercy 1.0 if that was the problem? Or even remove invul? They did not need to give us a garbage rework.


you can block a reaper ult…

Idk. Ask them. :woman_shrugging:

I’ve been trying with my vids, but they won’t answer the phone.

Let’s do it your way then.
Lucio ult - can save a team from quite a few ultimates.
Zen ult - same as Lucio but even more powerful.
Moira ult - same as zen, bit less powerful, can also use it as a DPS.
Ana ult - the only offensive support ult, makes one target go madman giving them the chance to 1v6 if they combo ults or smth.
Mercy ult - fly to the skybox and watch your team die as your miserable 60hps is lingering the death of your allies and is easily overcomed by winston/focus fire/any DPS ult in the game. OR fly to the skybox and watch your team die while you are powering them up. At least you grant them fast and clean death.

Here. Support vs support. Any other ult feels like an ult except for Mercy.

back when she had res with invuln she had an average pick rate (something like 20% at a time when there were only 4 healers, and Ana and Lucio both had higher pick rates), far from being a must pick, and that’s when people complained the ult was OP.