Why can Reaper hide and ult, but I can't peek and res

As the title says. Why?

Even now Mercy HAS to hide to get her res off so nothing has actually changed. Before she could stay with the team, but now she has to go and hide to pull of a res.


Are you saying that you want mercy reverted?


I am acknowledging that DPS can hide and ult, but it is an issue if Mercy does.


Because positioning and ambush is the name of the game for many DPS. They go into downtime to do their job more effectively in the end - and even then too much downtime is bad (hi Sombra).

What does Mercy achieve when she is busy hiding and letting her team die on purpose? Nothing. She is working against her design.

Also, obligatory “Reaper’s ult is barely usable garbage”. Try using it without ambush.


hasn’t this been discussed to death on the forums already, believe me you are not bringing any new argument and this one will also just end in the same way as the ones that cam before.


There was a forum made for this subject and it was 404’d.


If you’re not on fire, you’re not gaining SR.
How do you get on fire as mercy?
mas rez.

it was also sometimes a good tactic.
if they don’t see the hiding mercy, then they can turn around and be surprised when the team is rezed.
(this doesn’t mean it was always the best idea)

in the end, they were doing it for sr.
if blizzard had gotten rid of it and balanced sr, i’m sure it would have decreased.

lol i know i was on it a few hours ago and it got 404’d, donno if its the one you talking about. but honestly Reaper hiding and ulting is not the same as old Mercy doing it.


A developer who I can’t name on the forums said he disliked the idea of hiding and providing nothing to a team fight.


Because Mercy could fly in from about 5 miles and revive her entire team with little counterplay, as she gained invulnerability immediatley upon pressing Q

Reaper needs to walk or shadow step in the middle of your team, and his ultimate deals damage over time, and is slower and vulnerable during this time

Besides, if reaper is able to hide then ult he must’ve been nearby, meaning you must have the awareness of a potato to not notice this big, shadowy dude teleport nearby, shouting “Repositioning”

These ultimates are literally nothing alike, why do people keep comparing them lmao


Why does McCree hide and ult only to light up like a Christmas tree? We may never know.


They did. They fixed the SR exploit before the rework.

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That is the dumbest analogy ever.
Do you think Reaper hides in the back line to get his ult charge?
The character interacts with enemies not with allies.
There is no double standard.


It could have been easily fixed, but because they believed a rework was better. Mercy has been and will be meta until res is not an ability.

It has been 11 months of the Mercy meta :slight_smile:

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Oh, right, that garbage. **** my team, I’d rather boost my rating.

I was asking what was she achieving in game. Like, useful and beneficial to team.

Which still implied letting her team die without doing anything to prevent it. Because otherwise you’d be be spotted.


Except I explained in the video the difference between peaking and hiding. Mercys peaked if they had to, otherwise they generally rezzed mid fight to keep momentum. Hiding is still going against a DPS’s design of… dpsing. Literally damaging.


Oh, you’re the one spamming those videos…

But this thread is specifically about hiding. Not peaking. It makes very explicit comparison to the Reaper spending time out of combat to set up his ult. Just like some Mercys used to spend time out of combat to get that huge res. Except it’s much more harmful to the team when Mercy does it.


Reaper’s ult:

  • Requires LoS
  • Is DPS, not burst so it can be outhealed
  • Is easily canceled
  • Makes him extremely vulnerable
  • Kills his mobility

Mass Rez:

  • Didn’t need LoS
  • Made Mercy invulnerable
  • Was instantaneous

Not going to comment on Mass rez being a problem because I don’t think it was and hide and rez was never much of a strategy unless you got lucky and avoided a graviton but don’t imply there’s any sort of double standard when you’d have to be pretty dumb to believe that.


What is it, like the fourth thread?
Because Reaper has counters and Mass Ress didnt?
Yeah, look it up and cut off the BS.

PS: Mercy mains were the ones asking for invul because “Res is a death sentence”.


Who cares about hide and rez. Mass rez in of itself was dumb. That is why I am glad it is gone. Hide and rez was never the reason I wanted it removed.