Why can Reaper hide and ult, but I can't peek and res

I don’t want to see the same threads over and over again.

Yes, nice try to cover up double standarts.

She is ressing. And tbh she is hiding quite a bit more than before to pull her res off. Cuz you know, she is so thrilled to stay still like the statue of liberty for 2 seconds that she literally plays hide and seek with the enemy while ressing.

quoting this again.
What is here design? She is a strong solo target healer right?

NVM her heal is nerfed.

So she should be the main utility support I guess. She has res and dmgB, ya know.

NVM her dmgB was “bugfixed”, her res nerfed 6 times and as we know blizz is discussing another “change” for her res

Ok what is mercy anymore. At least she has mobility, right?

Valk mobility nerfed 2 times, forumers are currently going mad about wanting mercy’s ga on 4 sec CD and that souls need to last for shorter time…


Ult that can be blocked, stunned out of, out healed,


Shift + Q with no counteplay.



Because reaper actually has to jump out, and stay alive for the duration of his ult, while barriers etc can block it, and any stun can knock him out of it.
Mercy just stays behind the wall, and ults behind it.


Well it needs to have LOS checks and the removal of invul

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Thank you … I been saying this for so long. It’s okay for DPS to play cautions when they have his or her ultimate, but the same can’t be applied to Mercy?


I think the title should have been “Why can Reaper hide and ult, but I can’t peek and rez”.

People have accused me of hiding here:

Which is funny as I had about the same down-time not actively doing something as here:

(I was going to hide there until the cart was about to close in, I had no intention of encountering the Soldier).

Or here:


what she achieves is not being killed by the enemy teams ult barrage. only the worst mercy players were hiding when they didn’t have to, and half of them only did so at the behest of their team (“Why did you die with res?!”“OMG, The mercy just died with res!”“Mercy, go hide! what are you doing?!”).


Why do I not have any likes left Bunny. ;^; I want to give you a like…

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Lets apply the same thing vice versa.
1+ high noon itself is dumb.
RIP Tire itself is dumb
HanzoZarya itself is dumb
Brigitte herself is dumb
Oneshotting itself is dumb
Bastion itself is dumb
Mercy’s current playstyle itself is dumb AND boring (lmb only, otherwise yo u throwing)
Earthshatter itself is dumb

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Im so sick of hearing this stuff. No revert. Its not gonna happen.
This girl is SUPER TOXIC btw… and she brings nothing to the conversation other than complaining that she can’t get a revert.

Just stop.


Don’t worry, I have some left, I will give him <3

Thank youuu <3 hugs


They should revert back to Mercy 1.0
remove SR buffs for bigger rez
remove invulnerability
give mercy an E ability that needs to be aimed at people to be rezzed, so you would have to aim at teammates to rez them, like a counter on E. hit 5 people with E rez 5 people.
Then Q for the rez.
That way her rez isn’t braindead and needs los to get her team up.
and keep her heal at 60hp/s

I think the reason mercy is nerfed so much is that she’s outshining the other supports. Being so good at everything with her powerful kit.

If they would revert back to her 50/HPS (which they did) and reduce her damage boost, give her back resurrection as an ultimate (only be able to resurrect 1 player, charges fast [not super-fast], instant resurrection and mercy is invulnerable during it [kinda like the very first mercy 2.0]), while give her a defensive/supportive E ability.

Maybe then she won’t outshine the other supports while still be fun to play with an impact on the game

I don’t see double standard. One hero is a flanker - or, well, a wannabe. Other is the most consistent healer in the game, with her entire kit based around “stay with your team and help them”. Like, let’s get to the core of the issue - how the **** do you even compare Reaper and Mercy? You tried - ok, I try to play by your rules.

To rez somebody you need to let that somebody die first. If Mercy is using rez she already, let’s be honest, failed, and is covering up her mistake. While Reaper is doing big play (well, trying to), Mercy is covering up for her and her team making mistake.

Design of healer is, strangely enough, to prevent death, not wave it off with “it’s ok, I can fix this”, and definitely not to farm SR at her team expense. One can argue single rez still has this problem - but that’s entirely separate discussion.


“Brings nothing to the conversation”
Right, I just make videos of me doing ASMR or something. Slightly loud ASMR.
I’ve made multiple comments on my videos on how to fix both valk and rez as ultimates. Also, toxic? Really? Looool.


Rez on E won’t work in any way, unless its like a mini ult

Or, OR, the enemy team has focus fire and killed the team mate that Mercy was healing. Tf you mean “she failed” or “let them die”. You know that team mates can be out of position or the enemy team outdamages your healing, right?

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Are you the person in the video? If so, you dont think your general attitude and words are a little harsh? I do.

Mercy isn’t in a good spot at the moment, but they already said they don’t want to do a revert, so why keep pushing for it? I don’t think a revert would be any good for anyone anyway.