Why can hanzo 1 shot?

You missed the point (again), I didnt say she isnt a sniper because an Internet Youtuber said so, I asked why do you think even in the professional play at the time when there was a sniper friendly meta, at a time where the ENTIRE team would dedicate all the resources possible in this world to play all around the snipers with an orisa shield and mercy boost why not a single duck was given for Ana, why do you think she was never used there at all, Why do you think only Hanzo and Widow were used? It was a question… not a statement

Wouldnt you think that Ana being a sniper in your dictionary would have seen a lot more use as well? more than 0 ? why do you think the community called it a sniper meta when only Widow and Hanzo were used?


And thats fine, but that doesnt mean you will have any clue when it comes to pushing balance suggestions, yours are not that good because of your bias, misinformation and inexperience when it comes to understanding the characters you want affected.

Your only valid argument is that being one shotted sucks and thats fair enough, but to say those shots are the result of random luck is another entire different thing.

And you can make assumptions about the skill level of the people that one shotted you? as if that helps YOUR argument, seems you imply all of them that pulled that off are dumb brains that only held left click, seems like an hypocrite double standard to me.

Dont make assumptions in the skill involved in those shots and I wont make assumptions on your limited capacity to understand this game. Fair enough?

Because this is extremely ignorant and biased, how do you even know if something is easy or hard if you have never even bothered to practice to do it yourself? Please. You dont care if these sniper players shine or not, you are only focusing on suggestions that only cover your azz from something you dont like without any amount of thought or appreciation on how that impacts the experience of those that actually put the hard work to make those heroes work.

I dont need to make any assumptions with you, you make it very clear that you dont care about anyone else other than yourself.

Well, maybe i dont care about what professional players think because i’m not a pro and don’t want to be? Their opinions don’t overrule the fact that Ana is a sniper in her character definition. Pros can be wrong and regularly are. My opinion is just as valid as yours or any pro.

Ana is a sniper who can heal. She wasn’t part of the team comp. That’s why she wasn’t used.

I wasn’t saying ALL one shots are the result of luck. I was saying luck CAN result in one shots. The logic is flipped. Its easily possible to make judgements about the luck of someone shooting you - you just watch the kill cam.

How do you know i don’t play hanzo or widow? Stop making assumptions.

I do care about people other than myself. That’s the issue. Being 1 shot is annoying for other people. A lot of hanzo/widow mains (you?) dont appreciate that.

Also, address my point:
“Consistent players could pull off 2 shot kills or could pick a low health target, right? So 190 headshots would let consistent players really shine”

So it’s Hanzo’s turn now ?

I didnt ask if you cared about pros or not, I dont want you to care, I want you to consider why something that they did happened, when you use your brain you dont have to care in order to understand a reasoning, I asked why do you think that in a paid environment where the results are absolutely what matter, where the idea was to center the whole strategy on snipers their direct conclusion was ONLY to use Widow and Hanzo, not Ana never Ana, not a single time, if she wasnt needed for a sniper strategy that should ducking say something to you, do you think they would risk their contracts by ignoring a potentially good character? Unlike yours Their livelihood depended on it and Ana wasnt there, only Hanzo and Widow? Can you conclude why? Its because they were the most important to them, and if those 2 were the most important to their sniper strategy , to them, to the ones with the highest desire to win in this globe, it should speaks volumes about what is considered a sniper in this game, im talking about player perception not about wheter they are right or not.

Oh What is that I hear? You still dont care?

Ok You want to define a sniper in overwatch ignoring The way professional players use snipers, you want to define a sniper ignoring every youtube video out there pointing what they are and what they do, and you still want to ignore it when a player (me) confirms you the very same thing.

What a way to open your eyes to the reality, You seem to dodge every clue around you when it suits your case, Contrary to you im using every bit of information available to construct my sniper definition, because thats the intelligent thing to do when triying to understand something.

To understand what a sniper in overwatch means I looked at the professional play, I looked at semi professional scrims , I looked at plenty of Youtube footage and finally I looked at my personal experience over 700 hours of game time to conclude that when a player in overwatch talks about a sniper they usually mean this:


An offensive oriented character that deals 200 hp damage or higher to a single target through one precise critical shot without any intervention and from a range


The difference between you and I is that when we both looked jnto the abyss of ignorance you blinked and turned around, I dove straight in looking everywhere for answers.

But You do you and only stick to the lore text descriptions as if that was remotely relevant to what happens in our games and god forbid any new info is presented in which case just go “naaa I dont care man”

Because not a single sniper player with any amount of brains and self respect that has put a serious effort and played any of those for ANY sensible amount of time would describe performing one shotting the way you do, not a single sniper player would say consistency doesnt matter and propose to simply spam until you hit it, if you had any practice on this youd have a lot more details to add to the topic but no, that isnt you, you just happened to be on the receiving end, every single time to the point of making you sick and making these posts.

Like I said you stop assuming the skill involved in one shots and Ill stop assuming you are talking out your azz.

Oh so you acknowledge some one shots were the intentional result of skill ? It seems you backtracked to me because thats not what you said here:

If its not hard why do you reckon it takes skill sometimes? Your reponses are all over the place, Back to my point you cant possibly know when anything is hard when you havent bothered to do it, if you had youd have a different opinion, youd have a better, informed opinion which is different to what you do, you dont have an informed opinion you speak straight out of ignorance and claim a right to be valid then proceed to ignore any new information when it doesnt suit yours, you only bothered to acknowledge the portion of the topic that has affected you and thats it, but surely thats good enough for someone that doesn’t care what anyone has to say, like you.

Maybe You care about other players only when their opinions align with yours, most sniper players wont appreciate that mostly because in every single time these “offended” people complain they always downplay , denigrate or straight out IGNORE how difficult is to do the things that were done to them, you are just another fine example of this.

Yeah no, that is not how intelligent discussion works, at the very least have the decency to admit that you arent a sniper player and you just dont like being one shotted regardless if the player was skilled so we can move on.


Widow also does that on a body shot too doesnt she?

Because that’s what makes him viable. If you think hanzo is still a good pick without headshot then you don’t know how his character works or pro level. Both widow and hanzo are throw picks if you’re only hitting bodyshots.

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Ah, attempted insults again :slight_smile:

Yeah, i replied to your point about pros not using ana in the “sniper” team comp - its because she doesn’t fit the team comp as a character. That doesn’t make her not a sniper.

Of course i’m acknowledging that SOME one shots are a result of skill. I’m also saying a lot aren’t. I don’t think the non-skill based ones should exist, but since there’s no way of telling which is which, i lead you back to this (which you keep ignoring):

Also, address my point:
“Consistent players could pull off 2 shot kills or could pick a low health target, right? So 190 headshots would let consistent players really shine”

A better question would be,

Why he’s also strong at close range when he’s a sniper?

But the difference here is that Hanzo can still work even if you don’t have good critical accuracy simply because his entire kit is based on high burst dmg and one shot abilities. If one doesn’t work u can use other and still get rewarded for your original purpose.

This make his skill requirement lower than widow.

Widow’s only burst dmg is her scoped mode, so if you’re not landing those headshots, you’re throwing but as Hanzo you can still get a lot of kills with either spamming his abilites or his normal arrows.

Where did I insult you? I said taking all kinds of info in order to make a conclusion is an Intelligent thing to do, its called using the brain, do you take offense in that? I wonder why.

I also said that you dont have an informed opinion because:

In order to tell which is which you need experience with the character in question, you dont have any, alas for most of those shots you simply assume there wasnt any skill involved get frustrated and proceed to complain in the forums, which is a very ignorant thing to do. Do you take offense in that? Im sorry but if you do things this way you had that coming from miles away and some one had to tell you Its not okay to judge from inexperience.

I didnt comment on it because is a terrible idea; Lets put that clear If it were true 190 shots would produce the same results you wouldn’t even bother to suggest it in the first place , you want 190 shots because its significantly different, you want 190 so you can have more chances to survive sniper players, to hide, to be shielded, to be healed and at the end of this everyone will survive more, snipers would be less effective, they wont guarantee a kill on every shot anymore and in that case there are better choices which would make snipers obsolete and useless . That doesnt make them shine, that is putting snipers in a trash can, which is why this idea wasn’t even worth replying.

One shot is necessary to deal with opressive combinations that play from safe distances, its necessary to keep that phara mercy from fliying around uncontested without any care in the world, soldier is tickling you? Fall back, heal and repeat; one shot is necessary to neutralize the healing creep with triple support combinations, one shot its the only thing stopping some even worse monstrous compositions to proliferate, one shots are the ONLY reason snipers are played, having it removed would be a good thing for you and bad thing for the game.

Im here to tell you one shots are neccessary, to tell you one shots are hard and You wont ever see it this way unless you try playing snipers yourself, try “spamming” for a headshot the whole game and see where it gets you, you’ll find your team will have a strong opinion on your performance if you dont happen to be sanctioned for throwing before that and that is the crap every sniper player has to deal with when triying to learn and become better which is why Im absolutely positive you havent experienced being a sniper at all when you say things like this:

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There’s one of the many insults. Its kinda why i’m not taking you seriously :slight_smile:

There’s no objective way for the game code to tell the difference between skill and no-skill 1 shot headshots, but please, keep assuming i dont play snipers. Removing the no-skill solo (no teamwork) 1 shots would mean removing them completely. You’ve not addressed that point at all.

190 shots wouldn’t give the same results. That’s the entire point and also how i phrased the question. Consistent players could pull off 2 shot kills or could pick a low health target, whereas non-consistent lucky players couldn’t. That’s the difference - its barely a change for someone GOOD who’s hitting the shots, especially if they’re working with their team or being damage boosted/hitting discorded targets, i.e. working with their team :slight_smile:

You can still take a pharmacy down if you work together. Soldier and mcree can fight back without 1 shots, but widow/hanzo cant? Either way, this is a hanzo thread, and i’m getting the feeling you’re a widow main.

1 shots are NOT the only reason snipers are played, especially considering the other kit Hanzo has. I can agree that with any nerfs, there would need to be be buffs elsewhere.

Make a custom game right now and reduce Hanzo’s damage so he couldn’t one shot! I guarantee he will be hot garbage.

Ana has 100dps, you would have to drop Hanzo’s damage below Ana’s to stop him from being able to 1-shot… yerrr :confused:

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I think Widow/Hanzo’s crit damage being 200 at full charge would be a fair compromise, likely bring soldier + mccree back into relevancy and reward players with more consistency in their aim with less luck involved

Actually Hanzo has overall worse stats than Widow and Widow being a hits can makes her easier by default.


if u have hanzo, widow, and ana in the hero select screen it will say to many snipers

I was speaking that generally when you use your brain you usually take all information into account, when you are biased and selective and cherry pick whatever information suits you you arent thinking, I never said there which one of them are you, but if you took offense the answer is obvious.

You kinda arent taking me seriously because I disagree with you, you kinda dont take anything that slightly deviates from your own opinion seriously, you dont take the hard practice and the skill involved in one shots seriously and as a result you dont take the game and your own suggestions about snipers seriously either, you dont care about the quality of life and what would happen to sniper players have you remove their one shot capacity , you dont care about the value in practicing your accuracy with offense snipers or practicing one shots but when one player that actually did care kills you, you find it a problem and you just want that problem solved and thats about it, ehh lets buff them somewhere else you say, yeah right, huge specific solution there.

And youre the one that cant take me seriously? Ive been dead serious all this time, you just dont like what I have to say about your nonsense, I have as much trouble taking you seriously as you do, trust me :slight_smile: .

Were not talking about game code.

You deny it? The nerve you have, Allright, What do you play then? Widow or Hanzo? What is the aim technique that you do? Is Ana the only “sniper” experience you are pulling this response from?

Oh dear god, Ana being a sniper in your book is already good enough to call yourself a sniper player isnt it? is that good enough in order to confidently claim you got this role “covered”? if thats the case I just give up on you.

You are just twisting and stretching the semantics and definitions in order to save some face with some of the observations I have made, one being you have no idea how hard is to play offense category snipers, which is true, we both know the truth and we are both just wasting our time pointing out the obvious, but yeah lets keep pretending you actually have practiced Widow and Hanzo for more than a couple hours and despite that you still find their one shots easy and think its just a matter of spamming until you get lucky and want them nerfed, I might as well be the president of the United States while were at that, lets all wear sombreros and have tacos in the border, because reasons.

Its a sniper thread, because OP asked why hanzo can 1 shot, answer is because he is a SNIPER and ONLY snipers can do that, and no I dont main any sniper, but I have practiced them for a good amount of time as well as other precision characters, long enough to know better than oneshots are not easy, long enough to not call one shots random spam, long enough to tell every single time whether or not I was killed by luck or straight good aiming and predictive skills, experience with the snipers give you that ability, you cant tell the difference between a skill shot and a lucky shot because you dont have experience, simple as that, thats very clear at this point regardless if you admit it or not.

And you know this how? you dont care to observe what professional players do with snipers, you dont care to hear what youtube streamers have to say about it, you dont care about what players that have practiced snipers tell you either, you dont play offense snipers yourself, so where do you pull that big piece of knowledge from?

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Sniper. 20 characters.

It’s broken. He should be like Ashe who can’t 1 shot people but still does a ton of damage. Being able to one shot makes it extremely cheap, dying to random Hanzo spam is the most frustrating thing in the game. It also doesn’t seem to take that much precision, everytime I see the killcam from a Hanzo they weren’t even aiming at me diretly or it was a lucky shot. Widow takes true skill and it’s justified to allow her to one shot, but not Hanzo.

I think Storm Arrow is the main problem with his kit. If they had replaced Scatter with another utility arrow, I think his rework would have been more successful.

The reason Hanzo can 1 shot headshot is because it isnt nearly as easy as you think it is. Play him, tell me. I have 50 crits as widow as most in a game, only 32 as hanzo, and he even has storm arrows. and i have 96 hours of hanzo and only 27 of widow. He is fine and people have to stop complaning about a mechanic that simply isnt leaving.