Why can hanzo 1 shot?

Why can Hanzo 1 shot ?

125 x 2 = 250

Quick math.

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Nah, i’m not taking you seriously because of the insults and trying to put me down :slight_smile:

Stop trying to attack me and address my points.

I completely take the difficulty in being a good sniper seriously, i watch OWL, youtubers and I’ve spent a lot of time practising myself. I’ve been playing FPS games pretty much since they’ve existed, (since 1992) so i know how hard it is to get good. That doesn’t mean i have to agree with solo 1 shot kills. So, please, stop trying to say “you’re not good so you hate snipers” when you know absolutely nothing about how or what i play.

Stop trying to attack me and address my points.

The only way a game can tell the difference between 2 things (skill and not skill) is through game code. So, the only way to fix no-skill lucky 1 shots is to fix ALL 1 shots. The skill involved with 1 shots is irrelevant when that skill doesn’t need to be used to get the 1 shot.

Stop trying to attack me and address my points.

Summary of my widow aim technique - place the crosshair where they’re gonna be and wait for them to get there. I do tend to flick more than i should, but eh, whatever works. I do tend to have my mouse sense a bit higher than “normal”, always have. If you’re struggling, i recommend you download Aim Hero on steam or try an ana-bot headshots only custom game. There are some good Your Overwatch and Overwatch Central videos on the topic, go have a look. Still, this is completely irrelevant to the topic.

Stop trying to attack me and address my points.

The answer “why can hanzo 1 shot” is NOT “snipers can 1 shot”, because you made that up - Hanzo doesnt have a sniper rifle, but Ana does. Ashe is a sniper too, she has high damage and zooms in.

Stop trying to attack me and address my points.

I don’t care what youtubers and pros think about game balance because the game isnt just played by youtubers and pros. Those guys only care about their own view of the game - they’re interesting to watch, but us non-pros do not have that same view of the game - we’re barely even playing the same game. The professional game designers who work on Overwatch decide what happens to the game, not youtubers.

Now, please, go back and address my point:
“190 shots wouldn’t give the same results. That’s the entire point and also how i phrased the question. Consistent players could pull off 2 shot kills or could pick a low health target, whereas non-consistent lucky players couldn’t. That’s the difference - its barely a change for someone GOOD who’s hitting the shots, especially if they’re working with their team or being damage boosted/hitting discorded targets, i.e. working with their team :slight_smile:

Allright, In case you didnt get it the reason this discussion became about you its because your arguments are full of inaccurate statements and not only that, full of contradictions as well, this became about you because theres no way to adress the nonsense youre throwing out there without talking about the source, YOU , and the only possible way to make sense out of those statements is considering that possibly you are talking about things you simply ignore (things you think you know, but you dont) lets make a recap thus far:

After all that you want me to believe that you actually play snipers yourself and came up with the idea that nerfing their headshot damage by a heavy handed 50% in order for the max damage to be 190 hp would be a golden opportunity to make the sniper players shine, if thats what you think would happen you are being overly optimistic to put it that way and youd be effectively self destructing the characters that you claim to play with.

And it doesnt stop there, Then you claim to have god knows how many years of first person shooter experience and somehow you find the concept of oneshots difficult to swallow as if that was an overwatch only thing when snipers have been one shotting people endlessly in the history of video games and not only that, you also want me to believe you learn from overwatch league content and learn from what their players do, you want me to believe you learn from youtuber guides and that you care about other player’s opinions and that you are capable of objective discussion and capable of making an informed opinion on how snipers are supposed to function when you also say things like these:

LOL Yeah no, Im sorry but I dont believe you (yes yes I know you don’t care about that either) if you actually had all those years of experience you wouldnt toss them down the drain pulling statements like those in this thread and you wouldnt be slapping a whooping 70 hours into characters like Mercy and Reinhardt and Winston, who are the antithesis of a shooter, I dont know how many first person shooters you played where you dont actually shoot, but hey maybe you did play shooters and suddenly decided in this game that shooting is not for you for some reason.

The things you say dont match in anything that you do and your opinions on the snipers dont reflect the reality of the game accurately, Im disappointed in that you dont even seem to be able to get your stuff straight and come out clean on what your limitations are and how they are heavily influencing your opinions right now but hey keep rocking that Widow and Hanzo training by continuing to rack up hours on Mercy?

The fun thing is that snipers are characters that give a lot of hell to the characters you dominantly play. Shocking.

What is that I hear? BBut stop attacking me you say? Well the problem is I need to consider all the information available thus far in order to make a conclusion about this rodeo show you are displaying and when I take everything into account theres only one big conclusion, when it comes to judging and making sniper suggestions you are simply talking out of your azz. Big time and some one had to point that out to you and tell you why.

I believe I already done that, and I also believe you will continue to pretend you play sniper characters and pretend to know what you are talking about, But hey if they actually ever nerf snipers I bet you will have a wonderful time damage boosting crippled widows as Mercy, maybe shield allies that the enemy sniper failed to kill as rein?

In any case, one shots wont go anywhere, they are crucial part of the first person shooters and maybe youd know this by now if you played more characters that actually shoot for a change DrDanger.


Nah, i’m being pretty accurate. You need to stop attacking me and address my points :slight_smile:

I stand behind all my statements that say “snipers dont need to 1 shot” and “lucky 1 shots are unfair”. 190 headshot’s would stop lucky shots and would encourage snipers to play with their teams, instead of going off solo. You’ve yet to counter that point.

1 shots feel bad in most multiplayer games. They need to be well signalled, so they don’t feel unfair. Overwatch suffers from bad signalling for hanzo/widow 1 shots (signalling means “ways a game tells you when a thing is going to happen”).

And yes, I’ve been playing first person shooters since they’ve existed - possibly longer than you’ve been alive? :slight_smile: Overwatch is a very unique game that doesn’t need to line up with the mistakes of the past. Your points about Mercy, Rein and Winston being the antithesis of shooters actually proves that Overwatch breaks the mould. Thanks :slight_smile:

Damage boosting a widow sounds great for teamwork. Picking off hurt enemies sounds great for teamwork. Having to play around shields sounds great for teamwork :slight_smile:

Sure, consider all the information, but disregard the stuff that you don’t like because it doesn’t fit with what you want it to :slight_smile: Keep attacking the guy making the points, not the points themselves :slight_smile: I know it hurts to think that someone could be right when they have an opinion you don’t like. Attack them, because their opinions hurt you :frowning:

Cognitive dissonance is hard.

Wow nice smiley face emoji spam. Very normal! Very cool!

In any case the reasons snipers one shot has to do with them justifying their opportunity cost versus picking another DPS. Why play a character that slows down when charging a shot in a game where mobility is super important or a character without guaranteed value from their ult in a game where pressing Q is super important? You wouldn’t unless they had an edge over alternatives.

For Hanzo in particular a 190 headshot max would destroy the character. Because of the way the character works, a projectile DPS with an all or nothing damage model, a character with 1 health is just as “tanky” as a character with 125 health. Hanzo can shoot a lesser charge shots for more arrows but said arrows are significantly slower and thus impact his reliability. So the only way Hanzo has the same chance of hitting the target again is to charge up a full fast arrow. This in turn means there is effectively no difference in hitting a guy for 190 in the head plus a follow up shot and then hitting in the body, versus hitting them in the body for 125 and hitting the follow up shot in terms of time to kill. It is however a huge difference in terms of effort since the head is a smaller target. It would never be worth the effort to aim for the head and instead just go for bodyshots. If you were just going for bodyshots for 125 why play Hanzo when you can play a hitscan character than can headshot OR a projectile character like Pharah or Junk who hit for 120 on bodyshot plus have aoe explosions on near hits PLUS extra utility and controllable teamfight with rocket flight and riptire respectively.

Simply put you wouldn’t.


It could work like bow on MHW, there is a critical distance for both long and short distance, so unless you are on the sweet spot your arrows aren’t that effective.

Man thats old stuff…Old memes.

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Hanzo is fine. This game has too strong of healing and armor/barriers. We need a char that can actually get kills

No, he’s a SPAMMER, not a sniper.

Hanzo literally has no downsides, it’s about time he got one.

I use smilies when i want to, usually when the other guy starts trying to insult me personally :slight_smile:

You forget that if the Hanzo hits a headshot on a squishy that has taken a little damage, that target is just as dead. Sure, go for the body shots if they’re easier, you’ll still only have to get 2. It might even make sense to up the damage of his body shots to compensate for lower damage headshots.

You want 1 shots? Work with your team, focus a lightly damaged target, pick the discorded target or ask for a damage boost.

Cause most of his damage is an attempt to predict what the enemy will do.

His damage is not guaranteed at most ranges because the enemy can simply change direction and his arrow will miss

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Hes panicking xD
(20 characters)

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One of Hanzo’s core weaknesses in his kit that he has less reliable control over the tempo of his damage. Following up on a squishy that has just taken damage? Hanzo often can’t follow up on his own damage that he just dealt. Anyone that has played Hanzo from babby’s first bowman to Seagull and Wraxu has had moments where they ding a guy leaving him at one bar only for their aim to go potato and miss every arrow and storm arrow as they waddle away to safety. Something that is far less likely to happen with any of the rapid fire hitscan attacks from Widow’s smg mode, to soldier’s pulse rifle, sombra’s uzi, or even a cheeky fan the hammer that can hose down an area to clip a 1 hp target.

We already know what “work with your team” gets you from past events with Roadhog’s “balancing.” When Roadhog got the initial patch that removed his ability to kill targets he just hooked he went straight into the trash. People who supported this change claimed that you could just work with your team and focus fire the guy who got hooked. Roadhog hook IS a powerful CC tool after all. Despite this, it wasn’t worth it to play Roadhog.

And you think that Hanzo can be “balanced” by “working with the team” without even the benefit of something that pulls and stuns a focused target by summoning up special forces coordination with a bunch of randos in pub games combined with guaranteed follow up headshots, but ONLY on targets that took SOME damage cuz if say a character did 75 damage to a 200 hp guy it would be a waste to hit them for 190 and ALSO be a waste if they were only hit for 9 damage since that would leave them with 1 hp which means you have to hit them again anyway. Also I’m sure every support or flex player would love to play Mercy to cater to their Hanzo picker. :grinning: As we learned from the Moth meta everyone loves to play Mercy and no one got upset about it. :smiley: Being perma leashed to the Hanzo with a blue beam hoping he gets headshot value won’t aggravate anyone. :grin: I’m sure Hanzo’s will also agree to every target their Zen discords :joy: Everyone appreciates losing personal agency in exchange for being codependent on teammates and nobody ever got upset about that in Overwatch the least toxic game ever made. :rofl:

I use smileys when I’m being super sincere!

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And this is how an informed opinion looks like, FatCat is using actual real experience to explain how Hanzo one shots work and why removing them would massively affect his sniper role in this game, He can offer details because he actually understands the character, these are the type of things that you would know yourself if you actually had any meaningful experience as well.

Maybe snipers wont get nerfed, but hey lets keep those smileys up :slight_smile:, Funny times all around :slight_smile:

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I don’t know what fps you have been playing but all fps makes sniper rifle a one hit kill if you headshot. The only exception to this are semi-automatic sniper rifle, which is what Ashe shotgun mechanics resemble.

Ana sniper rifle cannot one shot kill due to its restrictions of not being able to headshot. If she can headshot, she will be able to one shot kill as well.


So, you’re saying that Hanzos that cant follow up on their damage need to be more consistent, work with their team or learn how to pick targets that will die? And those consistent players will do better?

Roadhog is in a decent spot now after he got buffed to compensate. See what i’m saying? It worked out.

190 damage headshots would also leave a squishy target at 10 health. It’s a huge chunk of damage. You’re saying a huge chunk of damage isn’t worth it?

As for loss of personal agency - welcome to Overwatch :slight_smile:

Yet you manage to try and insult me, while also trying to back up points that I’ve already countered when you asked them :slight_smile:

There would be no point to hanzo if his headshot didnt do 250 damage.

Headshot on that squishy who peak a boo’d? Yeah he ducked back behind wall or shield and got healed to full again. Lol hanzo would be worse than doomfist


Agreed it’s patent BS.