Why blizzard refuses to fix mystery heroes?

“its supposed to be random, and unbalanced ufun stompfest”… No, randomness doesnt mean unbalanced, randomness can be controlled with restrictions etc, but blizzard refuses to do it because it would make sense to have fun enjoyable game mode where i dont have to try at 110% like comp (besides comp matches last too long for my liking) and QP is just a joke because people refuse to even try pick somewhat almost working team comp… Mystery is most enjoyable gamemode in the game and its not even enjoyable because blizzard doesnt want to fix it… and then there is whole issue with matchmaker which they obviously dont want to fix either…


I played this one round of Mystery the other day that the enemy team was given 2 Mercys, 2 Reins, an Orisa, and a bastion. Yeah… Not fun.


Love when that happens, then they keep giving you 3 torbs and no heals


Randomness under controlled variables is no longer random.

I like current mystery heroes, sure sometimes you get stomped. Sometimes you stomp. I find more often than not I still enjoy the experience.


Randomness is the entire purpose of the mode. A “balanced” Mystery Heroes removes everything that makes it interesting to me.

You are taking the mode too seriously. The fun of it is trying to win, despite often having a team composition that is complete nonsense. There are no real stakes. It is just meant to be silly fun.

Making the silly mode less silly is just a dumb idea. I think you people aren’t finding it fun because you’re treating it with the severity of a comp match.


Completely disagree, and just because you think it wsa only about “fun” doesn’t mean others didn’t find a strength in it in other ways. People can keep on thinking that Mystery Heroes is random: but it never was. It’s designed to select heroes based on enemy teams and whose on fire, and give counters to it. Ever wonder why you get 3 zens all of a sudden? And why it seems to happen so often? It’s not as straight forward as “chance”: the game’s random rates fluxate based on how the team is doing.

It was a challenge to find situations where to make a hero work in the days pre-Orisa and pre-Dva buff, and you could learn a lot about the heroes you were playing and alternate strategies. Sure, there were silly moments, but you RARELY got into those death situations like you get into constantly now.

My problem is that the randomness does have a fall off when it starts to get unfun to fight with, where the game refuses to give you a way of dealing with the bastions/Orisa, and I for one do not find the fun of having 3 D’vas constantly in my face, because there is literally nothing I can do to counter it. I’m not learning anything or getting better with heroes that I’ve not played with that much before. I can’t: the situation is too one sided. RNG is a thing, but when the game constantly seems to devolve into that, it’s not fun to play anymore for a good majority of players there. People feel like they’ve wasted time.

I see no reason why mystery heroes can’t be split into a “no limits mystery heroes” and a “limit mystery heroes” that cycle in from time to time. To change things up or to give people options.

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It can still be random and fun, even with a hero limit. Mystery Heroes NEEDS a hero limit.


Don’t change mystery heroes - opt for a new Balanced Heroes mode instead. Randomness is fun and makes you try heroes outside your normal pool. Sure sometimes the enemy team gets really OP comps but that’s part of the fun, because it could happen to your team too, or maybe you’re both trash and it’s a for fun mode anyway so whatever

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This sounds like headcanon fan-wankery. Unless there’s a confirmation from a Blizz dev on this, I’m going to dismiss it as such.

My problem is that the randomness does have a fall off when it starts to get unfun to fight with, where the game refuses to give you a way of dealing with the bastions/Orisa, and I for one do not find the fun of having 3 D’vas constantly in my face, because there is literally nothing I can do to counter it.

Then why play the mode? I just don’t see the appeal in playing mystery heroes and then getting upset that the heroes you play aren’t meticulously organized and balanced. I don’t want balance. I come to this mode for a lack of balance. I want pure RNG. There are other modes to test my skills, learn new characters, or get balanced team compositions.


Wouldn’t be fun for me. It would just be a slightly altered QP experience.

They’ve also never said it’s random either. People assumed random because it LOOKED random.

As to your second question: because it’s a way for players to play heroes without pressure of performance, and learn at a more even pace. If I go to Quick Play and want to learn Doomfist because I suck at it, I actively drag my team down while I do it, even if I’m a 800 rank Zenyatta who kicks butt. Mystery Heroes was a way for me to do that without letting the team down.

Here’s my question: why can’t it be both and switch them out? One week put limits on, next week no.

It’s mystery hero, things happen.

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No one cares about winning in QP. No one cares about dragging their team down. Most teams consist of 4 or 5 DPS teams. And being able to CHOOSE your character is a much better way to learn heroes. There is no pressure, and you don’t get a random selection of characters to choose from.

There’s no reason to play Mystery Heroes over QP if this is your reasoning.

Here’s my question: why can’t it be both and switch them out? One week put limits on, next week no.

They could do that, I just don’t see the point. The mode to be is defined by RNG, and serves no purpose outside of that.

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You’re being dismissive. No one cares about dragging their team down? I just literally said I did. Just because you don’t and have different values doesn’t mean it’s invalid.

People have different personalities and differences. I may be a healer main for example, but I don’t want to hear the complain fest that I get when I go to QP and play Widow or Sombra. Mystery Heroes was my solution to that.

People talk about “rarely” or “never” getting healers on their team in mystery hero. Lets think about this:

15 DPS Heroes (sym included in this number)
6 Tank Heroes
6 Support Heroes

Now lets think about the odds of you getting a healer in an RNG based mode. They are VERY low. It’s just the nature of the mode.

He admits it’s a very close argument, and so that’s my question: why not have both? Have one that focuses on the pure RNG, and one that doesn’t, and switch them around?

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You misunderstand me. I’m saying that people in quickplay don’t care if you’re dragging them down. It’s a problem entirely in your head. I acknowledge that you think you’re ruining their game, but no one cares about winning in QP. You’re worrying over nothing. I don’t want to accuse you of lying, but the idea that you are experiencing “complainfests” in QP seem very dubious to me. I rarely even encounter people with mics turned on at this point. Everyone interesting in talking is playing comp.

Hell, people care more about losing in Mystery Heroes, because at least you get lootboxes for it. In QP there is no incentive for winning outside of the xp gain.

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I agree that there should be a mode where a “soft” team comp is enforced on either side. I wouldn’t get rid of the truly random mode as some people enjoy that.

Also, I don’t think it’s a “fix” that Blizzard owes us or anything. It isn’t broken as it’s 6 random heroes…working as designed.

It would be a nice option to have the soft comp however.

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Way I read it is that they’ve thought about doing that, but it’s probably not high on their to-do list.

I think the misunderstanding here comes from winning/losing versus having fun. No one generally yells about winning/losing, you’re right. But you darn well sure that you get yelled at for “being a scrub” or get attacked for playing Widow for example, even when I’m learning the hero. To me, getting yelled at in voice chat or chat isn’t fun, and I want to avoid that. I can turn voice chat off of course, but it’s a game about communication.

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