Why aren't supports allowed to counter snipers?

But only a bit. Piecing together your posts here, you’re looking for a support who’s not just capable of killing Widowmakers but also beating a Widowmaker player who instantly hits headshots on the first peek. The only way to accomplish that is to make another Widowmaker who can also heal things.

Fortunately, Widowmakers who are that consistent are basically unheard of, even at the professional level. As a result, us normal folk can frequently duel her with Zenyatta, Ana, and even Mercy.

ana before they nerfed her damage and nade nerf was a skill matchup

if widow misses a headshot and you didn’t miss your 3 shots, the widowmaker would die because you used to have instant 100 self healing

None of that has changed. 70 damage still kills Widowmaker in 3 shots, and grenade still heals for 100. You can also still 2-shot + grenade to kill her, just like before.

no im pretty sure something changed with ana’s nade which made her worse at 1v1ing a widow

80 damage is still better than 70 damage, you could kill through some healers healing in 4 shots and now its 5 or 6?

Ana (no charge = faster fire rate ,damage over time makes her flinch and messes up aim ,only needs bodyshot)

Zen (volley ,enough said.)

And since we both know you’re not playing against pro widowmakers ,Mercy (spam shots at her while AD crouch spamming)

And yes ,widow does have the advantage in all of these (as she should) ,because a support that can insta-kill widow from any range would be broken.

Mercy counter snipers and burst dmg by using Rez.
Lucio counters precision aiming and low mobility.
Brigitte counters high mobility and chip dmg.
Moira counters lack of burst dmg…
Zen counters everything lmao, he’s a McCree but with orbs and self sustain instead of Flashbang. Flanker on you? Click their 4head, EZ.
Ana counters sustain…

It’s your team’s job to fight the snipers, Not you. They are supposed to he protecting their healers and supports. Brigette can fight dive because he kit is built around being disruptive and in people’s face, As a support. Each support has their own strengths. Find the one that deals with Snipes the best. Usually I just go Moira and troll them until they f*** off.

Moira is a decent pick if you keep throwing your biotic orbs at them, but Zen I think is the best if you can hit them with right click volleys from behind a shield.

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Well, the class isn’t called the healing class. It’s called the support class.

I have a gun, high mobility, a cc maneuver, and the ability to buff speed in addition to healing.

Why exactly should I throw away 4/5’s of my kit? :thinking:

I mean, if you DON’T want the extra assistance it’s okay. I can keep the heal song on all day and not shoot or kill anything if you don’t want me to. I don’t mind being carried.

Pretending the sniper isn’t there is a 100% fail, everytime.

The risk for a trade with a dps isn’t worth it. Especially if it’s in the DPS’s favor.
Supports are more valuable.

Like, you don’t even have to kill Widow to nullify her. Pressure her position with suppressive fire behind a shield. If you’re skilled enough, get into a peek war. Dammit, do something. Don’t just ignore her.

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Lucio wall climbs up to widows perch, and begins beating the crap out of her while spamming Hello!

It’s the best feeling in the game.

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Yeah and why cant they tank either?

It’s almost like every class is made up of a multitude of different heroes who can each have different individual strengths and weaknesses.

Because a Support who can counter snipers will more than likely fracture the already unstable balance that is this game and would cause even more irrelevance between roles.

Part of the reason why the Damage category has the most non-meta heroes (outside of their numbers) is that they also have the most heroes who are ineffectual at their primary designation.

Let’s be honest, for the longest time the Defense category was almost universally loathed by everyone and the Offense category wasn’t all that much better when Doomfist & Sombra were bugged to kingdom come and Reaper is well…Reaper.

Furthermore, we have seen what happens when you add Support heroes that counter Damage heroes more than they counter Supports; the time to kill becomes VERY brief as healing will remain relatively unchecked.

The big reason why Sniper-Meta is a thing is because large burst-damage/headshots are the only things that can really keep up with all of the armor and healing that’s been added to the game.

…and I say this as a Support-Main myself.

We can’t have our cake and eat it too, the Damage characters have their role for a reason and having Supports that can do their job whilst proving so much utility/healing for their team does more harm in the long run.

In fact, Damage characters being relatively useless compared to Tanks was the whole problem behind the Triple-Tank meta…

…and we all know how aftermath of that affected the Support category.

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that’s not exactly a proper example because a whole lot of people hate Brig.

Well, you can always just teleport a Brig up to a sniper perch and let her go ham on them lmao.

Yeah! That’s definitely true, but that’s more Symm being the counter than Brig, because you could teleport anyone there to do the same thing.

Zen right click forces a widow to unscope and move aside. If she doesn’t she dies.