Why aren't supports allowed to counter snipers?

First off you wouldn’t be surprised

Second off on my main where I play sym mercy Moira brig lucio I get it a lot

I’m not saying I’m not doing my part.But I can’t exactly do all the work all by myself.And if the DPS on my team are a drag then I can’t carry anything as Ana. Because it’s not my job.My job is to heal mostly and offer utility when needed and take down Pharmercy’s and scare away Widows.But it’s the DPS job to kill so we can push forward.And I’m glad when they’re doing their job well. :frowning:

Lucio counters snipers. Hanzo is a little overtuned atm, so he has trouble with Hanzo…but once he’s knocked back down a few pegs, I’m sure Lucio can go back to countering Widow and Hanzo no problem…

Winston, while not a support, could counter a Widow, but then she got her hook cooldown reduced. It’s fruitless for him to chase after her now since her cooldown is so quick and he has no chance of chasing her anymore because his jump cooldown is longer.

Well, Mercy’s basically my most reliable long range counter to widowmaker. Her gun spams bowlingballs that seems to be biased towards her head.

My time in FFA has me switching to pistol every chance i get to counter snipe widowmaker when i’m on Mercy and it carried over to the team games. Stop healing, take out pistol, shoot widowmaker, heal reinhardt while pistol reloads, shoot widowmaker, heal, shoot, heal, shoot, etc.

I swear her bullets are magnetically attracted to widowmakers head or something, aim at her upper body, and it’s often a headshot. It’s not a hard counter, but still good for making Widowmaker leave quickly.

Too bad i can’t do it with Zenyatta.

And besides most supports got self healing,unlike DPS.They have abilities to deffend themselves and to survive,except that using them requires effort.

If that could happen, why bother playing a damage hero? Why deal damage when you could deal damage and provide healing, buffs, and debuffs?


Mercy’s bullets have giant hitboxes, and Widow’s critbox is particularly large even for this game.

Support are op and no skilled u are already boosted tras* moira main , just enjoy ur boot and dont talk

Zenyatta used to be so good at out sniping snipers that he got nerfed.

I actually only fight widow with unscoped because sometimes she’ll forget that it’s a projectile and peak right into it. Scoping slows Ana down and makes her a really easy head shot. Actually my favourite thing to do is snipe sleep a widow. It’s pretty funny when it happens although you can’t even hit her when she’s asleep at that angle.

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One day we will come to this. At least we got Brigitte to counter Tracer. It shows us that the world can change.

I’m actually afraid they might nerf Mercy’s pistol somewhere down the line.

I honestly would not put it past them.

Why can’t any support counter sniper? Hello, Ana is a sniper… lol

because brig was a mistake and playing as support against her thats not moira is horrible
shes allowed to do almost everything by herself by barely relying on anyone

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Can confirm.

Her bullets appear to go either side of me from the strafe so I’ll stay scoped thinking they’ll miss, dink dink dink dink dead.
So i started unscoping to moving before the projectiles reach me. Even if I’ve started to move they find my head.

So now trying to snipe a mercy that’s A-D-A-D shooting is on my list of “nope gtfo” situations. I want none of that, goodbye lol

Zen Discord with Wall Peaking counter snipers. The discord is pretty good wall hack. Pre Fire when you peak and hide again.

Nah, 8 times out of 10, I snipe the sniper. Zen has no issue with widow. That doesn’t mean he needs a nerf, you goons.

I 1v1 widows and hanzos with the mercy pistol all the time